Chapter 35 Plasma Spark Device!

7:10 in the morning.

After handing over with Team 8 of Squad 2, Zhou Yuan left the defense wall with his team members.

"Eight hours is not enough for me to fight!"

On the way back to the dormitory, Zhou Yuan still felt a bit unsatisfied.

Most people would be exhausted and vomit after shooting for eight hours straight, but he was only a little mentally tired.

If possible, he wanted to keep shooting for a few more hours.

Unfortunately, the defense regulations were too strict.

During the inspection by the captain and squad leader at night, he asked this question and expressed his willingness to spend more time on the defense wall.

However, the captain and squad leader disagreed, saying that according to the defense regulations, unless there are special circumstances, it is not allowed to climb the defense wall outside of the assigned time.

This is related to military merits and responsibilities, so it must be clear-cut.

Since the leaders said so, Zhou Yuan had to give up the idea of "overtime".

Host: Zhou Yuan

Identity: Federal Private First Class, 18-year-old male enhanced individual

Attributes: Strength 3.2, Speed 2.7, Jumping 2.7, Agility 2.7, Endurance 3.2, Defense 3.2, Self-healing 3.2, Skill 1.7, Brain Function 5.7

Skills: Rapid Memory, Rapid Learning, Telepathy

Equipment: Heavy Atomic Flying Wing Suit, ZF-1 Rifle, Infinite Ammo SAW...

Title: Exercise Expert - Increases all attributes by 0.2

Soul Points: 2293

But when he saw the panel, Zhou Yuan felt much better.

He earned 1036 soul points in the last four hours, with 50 points coming from daily tasks.

Although it was not as much as the first four hours, it still met his expectations of earning 2000 soul points per day.

His skill increased by 0.1, which should be the proficiency of the sniper rifle.


"That was so exciting! I killed at least a hundred bugs!"

"Damn, the recoil of the sniper rifle is too strong, my shoulder almost broke. I can only stand guard obediently tomorrow."

"I wish I had encountered a swarm of bugs, then I could have used the four-barreled KPV on the watchtower. That big guy can even blow up tanks."

After returning to the dormitory, the members of Team 8 gathered together to play cards and brag.

They were boasting about how powerful and mighty they were, and how many bugs they had killed last night.

"Brothers, what you did doesn't count for much."

Hearing his teammates boasting, James couldn't sit still.

James crossed his arms and proudly said, "Last night, I saw it with my own eyes. Boss killed at least a thousand stinky bugs before 3 o'clock."

"If I'm not mistaken, the final kill count of Boss must be more than a thousand!"

"A thousand?"

Upon hearing James' words, everyone turned their gaze to Zhou Yuan, who was sitting aside smoking.

"James, I don't like being flashy."

Frowning, Zhou Yuan sighed helplessly and said, "If I didn't miscount, it should be two thousand and ninety-three."

Well done, James!

You've become a mature little brother. Keep it up next time!

"Two thousand and ninety-three?!"

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, their eyes wide open. They never expected this answer.

But although they didn't expect it, they could still understand it.

In the team, there were six people who came out of the same recruit camp as Zhou Yuan.

As long as they inquired a bit, they would know that Zhou Yuan was not only proficient in combat skills but also had excellent marksmanship.

If Zhou Yuan's marksmanship was half as good as his combat skills, then this achievement wouldn't be so unbelievable.

Compared to killing two thousand bugs in eight hours, it was obviously more impressive to take down forty-seven veteran soldiers alone.

"Alright, keep your voices down."

"This is not a big deal, don't disturb our sleeping comrades."

"Go to bed early, rest well, and I will guide you one by one tonight to share my shooting experience with you," Zhou Yuan said expressionlessly, waving his hand to display his mature and aloof demeanor. He was a cold-blooded killer who followed the cool and elegant path, and he couldn't show any trace of intoxicated praise on his face. 

As for tonight... he would indeed provide guidance to his team members, such as going through the five watchtowers and killing all the bugs that could be killed. Of course, this wasn't about stealing kills. He was a team-oriented soldier who just wanted to alleviate some pressure for his teammates and make their guard duty easier. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and he understood this very well.


"Captain, you're truly a monster!"

Seeing Zhou Yuan's calm and composed demeanor, the team members felt a strong sense of security and showered him with compliments. It was definitely fortunate to encounter a powerful captain on the front line.

"Alright, go have fun."

Zhou Yuan shrugged, flicked the remaining cigarette onto the table, and then lay down on his bed. As he scrolled through his work tablet, his ears twitched slightly. He heard the team members still discussing his combat record, and some veteran soldiers even joined in to inquire. Zhou Yuan's lips curled up slightly. Storing fame, brewing glory. This was a line he had heard in a movie, and it worked just as well in reality. Regardless of the circle he was in, accumulating fame was always the first step.

He was currently a squad leader, equipped with the rank of Corporal. As long as he didn't make any major mistakes, he would gradually be promoted to Sergeant. But that was in the future, and it couldn't change the fact that he was still a Private at the moment. He hoped that this "gradual" process could be faster! In a matter of days, his combat record on the defense wall would spread completely, and by then... Fort high-level officers, Third Platoon leaders, and First Combat Group leaders. I hope you won't underestimate me! As a hexagonal warrior like me, Captain Zhou, I am definitely a talent worthy of the Federation's vigorous cultivation!

"Not good!"

"This kind of mindset... seems like something only a villain would have!"

Zhou Yuan shook his head, dispelling the thoughts in his mind, and shifted his attention to the gift box. Last night, when this function was unlocked, the system gave him three gift boxes: one second level and two third levels.

"System, open all the gift boxes!"

[Opened second-level Soul Gift Box, obtained Mini Plasma Spark Device *1]

[Opened third-level Soul Gift Box, obtained High-Explosive Grenade *1]

[Opened third-level Soul Gift Box, obtained F3 Lightweight Grenade Launcher *1]


Seeing the results, Zhou Yuan was greatly surprised. The latter two items were nothing special, one was a high-powered grenade and the other was a grenade launcher loaded with incendiary grenades. But this first item... he remembered it very clearly. Plasma sparks like these were from the Land of Light, and the Land of Light... that was the hometown of Ultraman!

The star system where the Land of Light was located was about to perish, so the scientists on the Land of Light wanted to create an artificial sun. After successfully creating the artificial sun, it was named the Plasma Spark Tower. However, before it could be activated, the Baltanians tampered with it, accidentally turning the Plasma Spark Tower into an Evolutionary Tower. After being illuminated by the Plasma Spark Tower, all residents of the Land of Light evolved into Ultramen, while other creatures evolved into monsters.

"Damn, I was overthinking!"

After reading the item description, Zhou Yuan chuckled helplessly. This thing was similar to Iron Man's Arc Reactor, a fist-sized super energy source. His childhood memories were too rich, and he had almost thought he was going to evolve into Ultraman just now.