Chapter 40: Explosive Harvest!


The first wave of insects quickly approached the defense wall, but they were all stopped by the electric grid. The exoskeletons of the soldier insects could withstand temperatures over 500 degrees Celsius, but the electric current in the grid far exceeded that. With just a brief contact, the front row of the insect swarm was burnt to ashes.

At this moment, the sound of sonic booms rang out from above. Looking up, the fortress deployed its airborne forces. However, their target was not the soldier insects; they spread out around the fortress, likely preparing for an impending locust swarm.

"Zhou, get ready!"

"When the insect tide directly assaults the fortress, the electric grid will be shut off, and we'll have to rely on the automated walls and manned defenses!"

Mark placed his hands on the control lever of the quad-mounted KPV heavy machine gun while reminding Zhou Yuan.

The electric grid was composed of a row of alloy columns that could be raised or lowered. Each column, as thick as a human thigh, could generate high-voltage electrical currents between them. While it worked against small insect swarms, once faced with a tide of insects, the grid would collapse within a minute, so they would then resort to retreating underground.

Compared to the electric grid, the real defensive strength of the fortress lay in the automated artillery walls, automated machine gun turrets, patrol walls, and watchtowers.


Zhou Yuan responded and used his headset to remind the team members, "Everyone, listen up! Get rid of those damn sniper rifles and switch to high-impact firearms like machine guns and grenade launchers."

"Understood, Commander!"

Hearing the team members' response, Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, activated the quad-mounted KPV heavy machine gun, and was just about to press the firing switch.

In the short span of time, the vanguard of the insect swarm had already been burnt to charcoal by the electric grid. At this moment, the swarm arrived at a position less than a kilometer away from the grid.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

[The electric grid will be shut off in ten seconds. Battle personnel, be prepared for combat and follow the orders of your superiors.]

At the same time, the fortress's loudspeaker sounded along with the attacks from the automated cannon turrets. The automated turrets were equipped with medium-sized rocket launchers filled with antiquated TNT, so their power was not particularly great. However, when the automated turrets fired, they released dozens or even hundreds of rockets in a single barrage, creating a dense meteor-like shower, emphasizing the overwhelming firepower.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A volley of rockets immediately inflicted heavy damage on the insect swarm. Flames and shockwaves went rampant, accompanied by the shattered limbs of insects, sweeping across the surroundings, creating a visually stunning scene.

However, the insect swarm was still an insect swarm. Its defining characteristic was that there were countless insects, so many that all one could see was insects.

The areas cleared by the rocket barrage were quickly replenished by the insects from the rear. Fearless, they paid no attention to the chain reactions of the explosions that hadn't yet dissipated, charging straight towards the defense line.

"Open fire at will!"

At this moment, Zhou Yuan and Mark acted in unison. After giving the order, they simultaneously pressed the firing switches on the machine gun turrets.

Two quad-mounted KPV heavy machine guns opened fire, creating a spectacular scene. Eight muzzles launched "energy rounds" that penetrated the insect swarm like lasers.

The KPV heavy machine gun rounds weren't tracer rounds, but the intense kinetic energy caused the casings to glow red, giving the bullets a reddish-yellow radiance, resembling energy rounds.

"Awesome!" As soon as he opened fire, Zhou Yuan's eyes lit up with excitement. Using the quad KPV heavy machine gun to kill the bugs was like using a sledgehammer to crack an egg. Wherever the barrel pointed, all the bugs exploded, and even the area ten meters behind them turned into scattered fragments.

[Killed a soldier bug, gained 1 soul point.]

[Killed a soldier bug, gained 1 soul point.]

[Killed a soldier bug, gained...]

Zhou Yuan glanced at the notification panel and realized that his harvest far exceeded his expectations. He had just started firing, and not even five seconds had passed, yet the panel was already flooded with notifications, suggesting that a five-kill spree in one second wouldn't be an exaggeration.

If this efficiency continued...

From now until 11:10, which was nearly 300 minutes away, he could accumulate nearly ninety thousand soul points!

Of course, this calculation assumed that the actual harvest would be close to that amount.

Firstly, the scale of the insect tide might not be as large as anticipated.

Secondly, when the insect tide became crowded, the automated turrets would unleash a wave of firepower, snatching away the best opportunities for accumulating soul points.

Lastly, the quad KPV heavy machine gun couldn't be used continuously, as its barrel would melt within a few minutes.


"When there's a chance to accumulate points, we have to go all out!"

After considering the situation, Zhou Yuan focused on operating the machine gun turret, targeting the densest areas of the insect tide.

It had to be said that firearms were still very effective for killing insects, even though they were old-fashioned. Especially the KPV, a heavy machine gun with bullets thicker than a middle finger. When fired, it tore through one bug and could penetrate several others before creating a crater on the ground.

Two minutes later, Zhou Yuan turned off the quad KPV heavy machine gun and switched to a grenade launcher. The barrel of the KPV had turned red and needed a rest. Fortunately, there were plenty of firearms on the watchtower, which had been specially replenished by the arsenal staff. He wasn't worried about not having suitable weapons.

He had been planning how to accumulate soul points during today's insect tide since the thirteenth hour. When the quad KPV was usable, he used it; when it wasn't, he used grenade launchers and other firearms to ensure a steady influx of soul points.

... ...

Host: Zhou Yuan

Identity: Federal Private, 18-year-old male Enhanced Human

Attributes: Strength 3.2, Speed 2.7, Jump 2.7, Agility 2.7, Endurance 3.2, Defense 3.2, Self-Healing 3.2, Skill 1.7, Brain Function 5.7

Skills: Rapid Memory, Rapid Learning, Telepathy

Equipment: Heavy Atomic Wingsuit, ZF-1 Rifle, Infinite Ammo SAW...

Title: Exercise Expert - Increases all attributes by 0.2

Soul Points:

One hour later, Zhou Yuan checked the panel again and saw that his soul points had skyrocketed. Before six o'clock, he had accumulated less than 4,500 soul points. In other words, in just one hour during the assault of the insect tide, he had obtained a minimum of that many soul points. Absolute wealth!

"Mark, try this, it's the top-notch product from my hometown!"

In a great mood, Zhou Yuan took out two restorative cigars and handed one to Mark, the captain of Group 8, Squad 2.

They could take a short break now. The automated turrets had just finished firing a salvo, causing a gap in the insect tide a few kilometers away from the fortress. The next wave of bugs was still far off.


Gasping for breath, Mark accepted the cigar and lit it with a lighter. He sat on the floor, exhausted. Although the quad KPV heavy machine gun was fixed on the turret, he could still feel the substantial recoil in his hands, which consumed a lot of energy. Coupled with the constant explosions and gunshots ringing in his ears, his mental state had also been greatly worn down.

His body wasn't as tough as Zhou Yuan's, and after an hour, he was already very tired.