Chapter 44: Gene Evolution Liquid

[Gene Evolution Liquid: Injecting it can awaken dormant life factors in the body, activate biological treasure troves, and surpass the limits of one's own life.]

The introduction was short, only one sentence, but it made Zhou Yuan's eyes widen in astonishment.

This thing was easy to understand; it could be considered an upgraded version of the "Super Soldier Serum." If the Super Soldier Serum enhanced all bodily functions of the user and pushed their potential to the limit, then this Gene Evolution Liquid could allow the human body to transcend its limits and become a higher level of life in the truest sense. It could be said that it was even stronger than an enhanced individual.

What a good thing, what a treasure!

Zhou Yuan licked his lips, feeling an intense excitement in his heart.

The price of the Gene Evolution Liquid was 800,000 Soul Points. Although it was expensive, it was within his means. He just needed to save up for a few months.

For him, the appearance of the Gene Evolution Liquid pointed him in the right direction, transforming his aimless wandering into an anticipated journey.

Oh yeah!

After carefully reading the description of the Gene Evolution Liquid several times to confirm that he hadn't misread anything, Zhou Yuan closed his eyes satisfied and fell asleep.

Get enough sleep early, exterminate bugs at night!

... ...

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yuan woke up from his deep sleep.

He had slept for more than eight hours, and it was a very sound sleep. After waking up, he felt as if his soul had been elevated.

The first thing he did after opening his eyes was to turn on his work tablet.

"Oh, I thought too much!"

After swiping it a couple of times, Zhou Yuan put down the tablet and chuckled helplessly.

He had crossed the defense line around 11:10, and even back in the dormitory at that time, he could clearly hear the sound of gunfire from outside.

He had thought that the insect tide might last until the evening. It turned out that he had overthought it; the insect tide had ended much earlier, around 14:00.

The next time he would see the insect tide would be on the 25th.

"There's no physical training today."

"I still have three hours. Let's go give gifts first."

Zhou Yuan leaned against the head of the bed, squinted for a while, then opened his suitcase and took out a stack of yellow paper. He had brought it back from the dining hall in the morning, just enough to wrap the cigars.

Soon, four paper-wrapped packages were made.

The largest package contained twenty recovery cigars, and the slightly smaller ones each contained ten.

These were for the leader of the platoon and the three team leaders.

He was part of a team, and he wasn't very familiar with the team leaders of the second and third teams, so technically, he didn't need to give them gifts. But at this time, the platoon leader and team leaders didn't need to be on the defense wall.

By now, the four commanders of the third platoon were probably either in the work hall or the recreation area.

After going there, he couldn't just give gifts to two of them.

As for the small team leaders in the same group, it was enough to give them a few as a gesture. He still had over fifty left.

... ...

Ready to go, Zhou Yuan left the dormitory with three yellow paper-wrapped packages.

First, he went to the work hall and asked around before learning that the four commanders of the third platoon were in the recreation area. So, he changed direction.

The fortress had many recreational areas, which could generally be divided into exclusive and public areas, with various designations corresponding to different units, officers, and soldiers.

He was heading to the exclusive recreational area for the officers of the third platoon.

Originally, as a private, his authority wasn't enough. But as a small team leader, he only needed to register to gain access.

Soon, Zhou Yuan found his targets.

Sergeant Campbell, the captain of the platoon, First Squad leader Turner, Second Squad leader Arthur, and Third Squad leader Carter were playing cards together.


"Hey! Look who's here, my all-around warrior!" Turner waved excitedly, giving a smug look to Arthur and Carter.


Of course, he had a reason to be smug. All three squads had recently received a group of new recruits, fresh out of boot camp. And Turner happened to get an all-around talented recruit. Both Arthur and Carter were envious, wishing they had the same luck.


As leaders, who wouldn't want their soldiers to be highly capable?


"Hello, officers!" With a smile, Zhou Yuan greeted them and handed over the gifts he had prepared.


"Dear officers, these are cigars made from rare Chinese herbs. They have the effect of rejuvenating both the mind and body. My cousin just sent me a batch."


"Is it the one I smoked that day?" As soon as Zhou Yuan finished speaking, Turner opened his own gift, took out one, and lit it up.


The platoon captain and the leaders of the second and third squads might not know, but Zhou Yuan was well aware that he wasn't bragging. The day Zhou Yuan joined the squad, he had a lot of fights with the veterans in the dormitory. During that time, when the veterans were training him, one of them took his cigar. He swore he had never smoked such a good cigar before.


This thing couldn't even be considered a cigar; it was more like a soul-replenishing elixir.


"Is it really that good?" Seeing Turner's reaction, Campbell, Arthur, and Carter were all very curious and each lit one themselves.


In the next moment, all three of them were shocked. They closed their eyes and took two more deep puffs, thoroughly enjoying it.


"How is it?" Zhou Yuan was very satisfied with their reaction and asked with a smile.


"It's the best of the best. It's like a woman with perfect measurements of 95/65/100, making you unwilling to let go," Carter savored the rejuvenating cigar slowly, saying something indecent in a serious manner.




Zhou Yuan was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.


Carter's words meant that the rejuvenating cigar was the 'Kim Kardashian' of cigars.


After hearing Carter's comment, he suddenly felt that the rejuvenating cigar wasn't such a great product after all.


"Kid, why does the boss have two?" At this moment, the leader of the second squad put on a fierce look and stared at Zhou Yuan.


Zhou Yuan shrugged and said with a smile, "I guess it's because even the squad leaders have to call him boss. If his portion was the same as yours or even less..."


"I guarantee that tonight, I'll be assigned to clean the toilets just because I don't use my left hand to shoot."


"Hahaha!" After Zhou Yuan said that, Campbell and the three squad leaders burst into laughter.


"Kid, I have something to tell you." After chatting for a while, Campbell took a puff of the cigar and said, "Having experienced the insect swarm and attrition, you're already half a mature squad leader."


"When you go back later, go to the office and get your new shoulder patch. You're now a corporal."


"As for the selection of new team members, Turner will take care of it."


"Yes, sir!" Zhou Yuan stood at attention and saluted, not feeling surprised at all.


The three squad leaders were also the same, all encouraging him and not thinking that Zhou Yuan's promotion was too fast.


Since Zhou Yuan became a squad leader, it was destined for him to quickly rise from private to second lieutenant. This was just the beginning.