Chapter 52: I'm a Badass!

An hour later, Zhou Yuan and Buck left the armory. Zhou was carrying two military-grade crates, each in the shape of a skull, and looked extremely satisfied with his new weaponry. He had chosen two sets of armor, one standard and one space-grade, both adorned in black and red with a skull motif. He also selected a set of firearms, including an old machine gun, a saw-s8+s500+kukri-r, a big pineapple grenade, a big revolver, and a hook-shaped Nepalese knife. In addition, he acquired a Barrett rifle and various small tactical devices such as a mini-communicator, scanner, and tactical goggles.

"You look great in that outfit," Buck said, admiring Zhou's new appearance. The skull-themed armor made him look like a walking bloodthirsty demon.

"Of course," Zhou replied confidently, his voice muffled by the skull helmet he wore. "The Red Skull and Massacre will be the pride of the Hunter Corps in the future."

Buck nodded, impressed with Zhou's confidence. However, he was concerned about the weight of the weaponry Zhou was carrying. "Your equipment is pretty heavy," he said cautiously.

Zhou shrugged. "It's not a problem for me. I have the strength to carry it all."

Buck was skeptical. "You're still young. Carrying heavy equipment into battle is a different story from running a marathon with a weighted backpack. You should consider carrying fewer rounds of ammunition, especially since you're a demolition expert."

Zhou was offended. He was no ordinary person; he had been injected with super-soldier serum and had earned the title of Explosive Powerhouse. He wasn't going to settle for less firepower.

"That weight is nothing to me," Zhou asserted. "I have the strength to carry it all. Besides, my body can handle it."

Buck sighed and nodded. Zhou was right, and he had the right to make his own decisions. After all, Zhou was no ordinary person.

Ten minutes later, Zhou and Buck returned to their barracks, where veteran soldiers were gathered around a few new recruits. The fresh faces looked nervous and out of place. As soon as Zhou and Buck entered, everyone's attention shifted to them.


"Damn, I feel like I need to upgrade my gear!" 

The veteran soldiers' eyes fell on Zhou Yuan, or rather, his armor. 

The black and red skeleton armor was both mysterious and terrifying, exuding a deadly aura. 

"Guys, let me reintroduce him." 

"This guy is Butcher, the machine gunner of the first team!" 

Buck laughed heartily and patted Zhou Yuan's chest beneath the skull helmet. 

"Hello, tough guys." 

Zhou Yuan smiled under the skull helmet and saluted the veteran soldiers who were already familiar with his face. 

"Butcher, although it sounds a bit impolite to say so, your code name is really more catchy than your real name." 

Seeing Zhou Yuan's salute, the veteran soldiers also showed him respect and returned the greeting. 

"Okay, everyone go back to your own posts." 

"Today we have welcomed seven new members, Butcher will join my direct team, and there are six new members to be assigned." 

Buck waved his hand to signal everyone to disperse, then picked up a file paper from the bed. 

"Jet, your assault soldier has arrived." 

"Hacker, your sniper is here." 

"Superstar, you need a medic and he can also be a demolitions expert..." 

As Buck pointed to each person, he shouted out the code name of the team leader, indicating that the team leader should take the new member away. 


While Buck was arranging the new members, Zhou Yuan had taken off his armor and put on his training suit, holding a work tablet in his hand with a strange expression on his face. 

There were 101 people in the Hunter Squad. 

The first team consisted of 11 people, and the other teams were all composed of 10 people, with Buck, the team captain, being the extra person in the first team. 

He was assigned to the first team by Buck. 

The members of the first team were: Captain Hunter - Commander - Scout 

Lieutenant Wild Boar - Assault Soldier - Guide 

Lieutenant Great White Shark - Assault Soldier - Guide 

Lieutenant Gasoline - Assault Soldier - Engineer 

Lieutenant Sirloin - Medic - Engineer 

Sergeant Puff - Medic - Communications Specialist 

Sergeant Falcon - Sniper - Communications Specialist 

Sergeant Soft Egg - Sniper - Scout 

Sergeant Storm - Machine Gunner - Demolitions Expert 

Sergeant Scrapyard - Machine Gunner - Demolitions Expert 

Lieutenant Butcher - Machine Gunner - Demolitions Expert 

The positions were normal, with each person having a primary position and a secondary position. 

One person had two positions, but it did not mean that everyone only knew two positions. It was just that only two positions could be registered on the data, and they could be temporarily replaced in special circumstances. 

Then, the code names of these teammates... 

He felt like he had joined a team of war rookies and was the only one who was relatively reliable. 

This was not the way to open the roster of special operations personnel! 

After reading the team roster, Zhou Yuan turned to the mission list. 

Yes, the Hunter Squad had a mission list, just like a school's curriculum. 

When there were no special tasks, the Hunter Squad had to go out every three days to search for and destroy nests in the insect plague zone. 

If they couldn't find the nest, they had to look for a formed insect swarm and notify the fortress to send out the mechanical team to exterminate the swarm.