Chapter 57: Evacuation, Wallet Gets Fatter!

"Shit, we didn't dig deep enough for this bug nest. My ears are ringing from the blast."

"At least we had some success today. Hopefully, the afternoon goes just as smoothly."

"Boss, I think it's time for us to leave. We blew up their home, and they look really angry now."

After successfully demolishing a bug nest, the team breathed a sigh of relief. But they didn't have time to celebrate because the bugs had already set their sights on them.

With one area completely decimated by a tactical nuclear bomb, there were still three intact areas, including the bugs within them.

The commotion caused by the nuclear blast could be heard from miles away, let alone nearby.

Now, the bugs were gathering together and moving towards their location.

Buck nodded and waved his hand, saying, "Evacuate immediately, find a landing point. The transport plane will arrive in two minutes!"


The team of eleven started moving again, running while searching for a landing point. Finding a suitable spot was not an easy task.

There were explosion craters everywhere, with even the smallest ones being the size of a basketball court. It wasn't so easy to find a flat open space.

Two minutes passed, and they hadn't found a good location yet. Instead, they ran into several bug swarms.

Fortunately, the team had enough ammunition, so nothing went wrong.

In the end, it was the transport plane pilot who found a landing zone, allowing the team to successfully evacuate.

As they boarded the plane, they looked down through the protective windows.

The area they had just passed through was now completely occupied by the bug army, with the number looking close to ten thousand.

If the transport plane had arrived any later or if they couldn't find a suitable landing spot, they would have had to resort to using tactical nuclear bombs.

"Steve, the air force has got some work to do!" Buck glanced at it briefly and then rushed into the cockpit, instructing the pilot to notify the fortress.

This was the chain reaction that occurred after a bug nest was destroyed. The bugs that weren't killed or crushed in the nest would dig their way to the surface within a short time, attracting nearby bugs with the commotion.

Therefore, a bug swarm would form quickly, requiring the air force to bomb them.

After the pilot finished contacting the fortress, Buck returned to the cabin and clapped his hands, saying, "Guys, you did an excellent job just now. I'll treat you all when we get back."

It was only 1 pm, so it was still relatively early. However, they had used up almost all their weapons and ammunition, except for the tactical nuclear bombs, so they had to return to the fortress ahead of schedule.


"Boss, I want to drink some high-quality red wine!"

"I just want beer, with no limit on the quantity!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone cheered and applauded Buck.

Zhou Yuan was a bit surprised and raised his hand, asking, "Captain, can we drink alcohol?"

"If I say you can, then you can."

Bark smirked, "Kid, this is the Special Operations Force. We can do things that others can't, and of course, we can enjoy things that others can't."

"But of course, no getting drunk. If you get drunk, you won't touch alcohol for half a year."

"By the way, you did well today. Keep it up!"


Zhou Yuan nodded, feeling a bit relieved.

He didn't have much desire for alcohol. He hadn't even finished one-tenth of the good wine he bought before joining the army.

But Captain Bark was lenient, at least life wouldn't be so boring from now on.

... ...

After a short wait, they arrived at the fortress.

The fortress opened a secret passage, so the transport plane landed directly on the thirteenth underground level.

After discussing, they decided to take a shower and meet in the dining hall in half an hour.

"It should be about time..."

Protagonist: Zhou Yuan

Identity: Federal Second Lieutenant, 18-year-old male Enhancer

Attributes: Strength 4, Speed 3.5, Jump 3.5, Agility 2.5, Endurance 3, Defense 3, Self-healing 4, Skill 1.6, Brain Function 5.5

Abilities: Rapid Memory, Quick Learning, Telepathy

Equipment: Mini Plasma Spark Device, Heavy Atomic Flight Wings, Infinite Ammo Saw...

Title: Berserker - Increases Strength by 1, Speed by 1, Jump by 1, and Self-healing by 1

Soul Points:

While taking a shower, Zhou Yuan opened his personal panel to check his gains.


Seeing the balance of soul points, Zhou Yuan smiled with satisfaction.

Actually, he had checked the balance once while on the transport plane.

But at that time, the balance was still increasing because the collapse reaction in the explosion zone was still ongoing, with bugs dying continuously.

At that time, when he checked, the soul points had just exceeded 170,000. And in these ten minutes or so, he gained another 6,000 soul points.

Until now, the balance of soul points was still increasing.

But the speed had slowed down a lot, it took about ten seconds to gain a point.

Perhaps, after the collapse reaction in the explosion zone completely ended, the soul points could increase to around 177,000.

He remembered it very clearly; his soul points were just over 130,000 before departure.

In other words, in just one morning, he had earned 46,000 soul points, and it might even reach 47,000 in the end.

This efficiency was almost on par with fighting off bug tides on the defense wall.

On the defense wall, one could only fight three waves of bug tides in a month.

But going out to find bug nests, they could go ten times a month!

As long as out of these ten times, they could find bug nests five times, then they could earn over 200,000 in a month, matching the monthly gains on the defense wall.

Moreover, today's situation was just an accident.

They used up their ammunition too quickly; otherwise, they could continue searching for bug nests instead of just one explosion per operation.

Overall, he was very satisfied.

Satisfied with his current life, satisfied that the speed of acquiring soul points hadn't decreased, everything was great.

"Genetic Evolution Fluid!"

"Just wait, brother will be able to kiss you soon."

After closing the personal panel, Zhou Yuan opened the store and looked at it with enthusiasm.

He was really curious about how powerful he would become after injecting the Super Soldier Serum as someone who had already injected the serum.

After injecting the Genetic Evolution Fluid, he should become incredibly strong, beyond what an ordinary person can imagine.

Breaking through the limits of his own life, those few words seemed simple, but carried huge implications.

For him, as a human, breaking through the limits of life meant breaking through his own limits, evolving from a human to a superhuman.

It's not as simple as 1+1=2; it could even be 1+1=5 or 10.

If we have to give an example, it would be like a stone evolving into a grenade, incomparable.


After the evolution, his fatal points on his body would no longer be fatal.

And his brain function would definitely be greatly enhanced, upgrading his telepathic abilities, and maybe even awakening new superpowers.

Like the middle-aged Carl in the original plotline.

Telekinesis, interstellar communication, bug control, psychic explosions, all these brain-related superpowers, he yearned for them.