Chapter 60: The Fall of Pluto!


"Did the bugs really take over Pluto?"

Arriving at the boarding area, Zhou Yuan realized that his suspicions had come true.

Something big had happened on Pluto.

The boarding area was packed with people, not just the Hunter Corps, but also the Planetary Corps, Hurricane Corps, and other elite special forces.

With so many special forces mobilized together, it was definitely a big deal.

"Go, go, go, board immediately!"

"This mission will be carried out in small teams. The specific task content will be sent to you by the pilots. Board immediately!"

Buck's demeanor changed from his usual calmness to being extremely serious, almost shouting out orders.

Ten teams quickly dispersed and boarded the transport planes at the fastest speed possible.

After all the teams boarded the transport planes, Buck boarded the transport plane belonging to Team One.

"Get ready immediately. We will board the starship in five minutes, arrive in outer space outside Pluto in sixteen minutes, and land on Pluto in twenty minutes!"

"I will now send you the task content. After getting ready, everyone must read it carefully!"

"Oh my god!"

When Zhou Yuan saw the task content, his eyes almost popped out.

Pluto had been flattened by the bugs! Due to the harsh environment, the distance from the sun, and the small size of the planet, the Federation did not turn Pluto into a colonized planet. 

Currently, Pluto was just an outpost used to observe the Bug Mother Star. There were thirty-eight lookout stations, fifteen mines, three research institutes, and over thirty thousand people living there, including a group of elite scientists from the Federation.

And just ten minutes ago, Pluto was attacked.

For some reason, the bugs had revolted and gathered into a huge swarm, similar to a migration of a tribe.

Wherever the bugs went, nothing grew. Places where humans lived were the first to be attacked.

The scientists at the Pluto research institute initially estimated that this swarm of bugs had a minimum of ten million members.

After they sent out a distress signal, the Federation lost contact with them. The entire Pluto couldn't be reached.

A planet with human influence was forcibly attacked by the Bug race.

This was a super big event!

If we don't count the casualties, just in terms of strategic significance, losing Pluto is much more serious than the destruction of Buenos Aires.

That's why the high-level officials of the Federation were furious.

They immediately issued combat orders and sent out three star fleets.

The entire Pluto, except for the lookout stations, mines, research institutes, and their surrounding areas, would be bombed.

The mission of the special operations forces was to go to the areas that weren't bombed and carry out rescue missions.

The difficulty and danger of this mission were very high because the bugs in the bombing zone would not sit idly by.

They would run towards the safe zones. When the special forces carried out rescue missions, they might run into the swarm of bugs that were avoiding the bombing.

"A swarm of bugs..."

"Tactical nuclear bombs, we must bring as many tactical nuclear bombs as possible!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan wore his full armor and added another set of tactical nuclear bombs to his back.

Survival was the most important thing!

A few minutes later, the transport aircraft detached from the starship and arrived in outer space near Pluto.

"Oh my God!"

"Is the starfleet planning to turn Pluto into a second moon?"

"Damn, do we have to carry out the mission in this situation?"

The cabin was filled with exclamations of shock.

Through the protective window, they could see the situation on the surface of Pluto. The planet, which was originally composed of rocks and ice, had now become a small sun! Even from a distance, they could see continuous explosions on the surface, and visible atmospheric shockwaves were sweeping across the globe.

These were strategic nuclear bombs, and the Federation meant serious business this time!

"Check your equipment, we'll be landing in five minutes."

"We are heading to Pluto Research Center Number One, where two first-class scientists who have received the Federation Hero Medal are located."

"Our mission is to bring them back, and if they have already sacrificed themselves, then we bring back all the instruments and devices that can store data."

"This mission is extremely difficult, and we may be overwhelmed by the swarm as soon as we land."

"So... I suggest you leave a video message for your loved ones or friends."

Buck reminded everyone seriously.

At the same time, the transport aircraft had entered the extremely thin atmosphere of Pluto and was rapidly descending towards the surface.

The impact of the strategic nuclear bombs was enormous. Although the pilot had steered clear of the blast zone, the descent was still affected by the shockwaves caused by the explosions. The transport aircraft shook violently, and the cabin lights flickered as if the aircraft would crash at any moment.

At that moment, even Zhou Yuan felt a little panicked. Suddenly, the genetic evolution liquid didn't seem so appealing anymore. If they were to encounter a crash, it would be more suitable to rely on mechs to survive. With 800,000 soul points, he could already buy a very good mech.

"Good luck, guys."

"I'm right above you, and I'll be there to pick you up when it's time to retreat."

Zhou Yuan had been lost in his thoughts for who knows how long when he finally heard the pilot's broadcast, and he was finally able to let go of the tension he had been holding. General Zhou couldn't die before achieving victory!

"Go, go, go!"

"We're less than a kilometer away from Research Center Number One. Activate the space armament pressure generator and run there at the fastest speed!"

"Storm, Slaughter, Recycling Station, clear the way, hurry!"

Buck opened the cabin door and shouted, urging everyone on, while ordering the machine gunners to take the lead.

"There are bugs outside, not many in number!"

Zhou Yuan was the first to rush out of the transport aircraft and began checking the surroundings. There were some soldier bugs scattered around, totaling about ten. They were charging towards the transport aircraft, but Big Pineapple took care of them with a sweep of its fire.

Then, Zhou Yuan took the lead and started running. The terrain here resembled a small canyon, with steep slopes on both sides and the entrance to the canyon straight ahead. Research Center Number One was inside.

The short one-kilometer journey took less than half a minute to complete. If it weren't for the bugs blocking their path, they could have run even faster.

"Sir, the situation doesn't look good."

"The surface entrance of the research center has been breached, and the scanner has detected no signs of life."

Zhou Yuan stopped and looked at Buck.

Research Center Number One was built underground, with only a steel fortification that resembled an oversized tent on the surface. The fortification was in bad shape, already collapsed halfway, with only red lights and sparks flickering.

There were many bodies around, both human and bugs.

He used the scanner to check and found that besides their eleven people, there were no other living beings here.