Chapter 70: I must do it!

"Let it go?"

Zhou Yuan sneered, completely ignoring the suggestion.

He could let the brainworm go, but whether the laser bird would spare it was uncertain. It all depended on whether the brainworm's exoskeleton could withstand micro laser cannons and rifles, and whether its psychic burst could affect Transformers. As long as no one found out, it wouldn't be a problem!

"Boss, are you saying we can't attack?"

"Xie Te, did the people in the Strategic Department lose their minds?"

"Captain, what if it attacks us? Are we just supposed to stand there and take it?"

Not only did Zhou Yuan not listen, but even his teammates found it hard to accept. With a large group of soldier insects around the brainworm, avoiding a fight was impossible. If they hesitated to open fire when they met, how would they fight?

"Shut up!"

Buck scolded coldly. "This is an order. We're soldiers, and soldiers only need to follow orders."

The cabin fell silent.

Buck was right. They were soldiers, and not just any soldiers, but soldiers in a special operations unit. They did risky jobs.

Looking at his downcast teammates, Buck sighed and said, "I know it's hard for you to accept, and it's hard for me too, but an order is an order."

"That worm doesn't seem very combat-capable. We just need to take out its entourage and be careful not to kill it."

"If the situation turns bad, we can retreat at any time. We just need to report the worm's position."


Finally, the team breathed a sigh of relief. They weren't afraid, just frustrated by the restrictive order, which would hinder their full potential during the operation.

"Get ready; we're heading to Mining Area 7, and we're almost there."

After arriving at Mining Area 7, Buck ordered each squad to spread out in a straight line and search back towards Mining Area 4.

"Xie Te!"

As they passed a small hill, Zhou Yuan stumbled and cursed as he tripped over a rock pit.

"Trouble, what's going on?"

Zhou Yuan was the machine gunner positioned in the center of the team, and many people noticed his odd behavior.

"The pressure generator has a problem; I almost jumped up."

"No obvious malfunction; just need to restart it. Don't worry about me."

Zhou Yuan fiddled with his spacesuit and waved to everyone.

"OK, let's change positions."

"If it can't be done, then speak up and switch to a new plan on the transport plane."

"No problem, I'm already rebooting."

As they spoke, the steak took over Zhou Yuan's position, while Zhou Yuan fell to the back.

The team couldn't stop because of Zhou Yuan alone, but they did slow down slightly.

"I've got it!"

After a short while, Zhou Yuan stood up from the ground and quickly caught up with the team.

After the team had walked for a while, there was movement in the pit where Zhou Yuan had fallen earlier. Two red lights lit up on the ground, accompanied by faint cracking sounds.

"Sir, Laser Bird at your service."

At the same time, a familiar voice rang in Zhou Yuan's earpiece.

... ...

Half an hour later, the team went from searching to running, increasing their speed to the maximum.

Just three minutes ago, Barak received new intelligence.

A team had discovered a nest three kilometers east of Area 4 Mine, where they were under attack by a small-scale insect swarm and were calling for reinforcements.

Originally, reinforcements weren't needed, after all, each special operations force consisted of a hundred soldiers.

Even if they were understaffed, their firepower was enough to take out a small-scale insect swarm.

The key was that the wave of insects was crazy, blocking them as soon as they met, and showing no signs of retreating, as if they would never let them get close to the nest.

Ordinary nests didn't need insects to defend them so desperately.

Therefore, they speculated.

The new insect must be hiding inside the nest, so they immediately spread the information.

The strategic department attached great importance to this intelligence and, with the idea of not letting anyone slip through their fingers, mobilized all the units close to the nest.

At their current speed, they would arrive at the combat zone within five minutes.

"There's a wormhole!"

A few hundred meters ahead, the team's guide, Wild Boar, called for a stop.

He pointed to the two o'clock direction, where at the foot of a hill, there was a four-sided nearly circular wormhole, with dozens of soldier insects standing guard outside.

"I think we've reached the end."

Barak looked through his binoculars and ordered, "Get ready, charge straight into the nest!"

The underground area of the nest was very large, with generally only one per region.

So the nest this wormhole led to should be the one discovered by the team calling for reinforcements, just with a different entrance.


With Barak's command, the 87-person team charged forward together.

The firepower of 87 people was very strong, and as soon as they opened fire, they killed most of the soldier insects patrolling outside the wormhole.

"The brain bug is here!"

During the approach, Zhou Yuan noticed a problem.

All the soldier insects that were lucky enough not to be killed had all run into the wormhole without looking back, as if they had planned it in advance. They were probably going to inform the brain bug!

"Eighth team, stay behind and watch this wormhole!"

"Ninth and tenth teams, spread out and search for other wormholes nearby!"

"The rest of the squads, follow me inside!"

After reaching the mouth of the wormhole, Barak quickly gave the order, then led six squads into the wormhole.


There were many insects in this nest, and they hadn't even finished walking through one wormhole before they encountered a large group of soldier insects.

"Machine gunners, take care of them!"

Barak leaned against the mountain wall, gesturing for everyone to give the machine gunners a clear line of sight...

The diameter of the wormhole was around five meters, not enough space for the soldier insects to use their numerical advantage. Two or three machine guns were enough to wipe out this group of soldier insects.

"Guys, we better hurry."

"More soldier insects are coming, and we need to occupy the hive point before they block the way with their bodies."

Zhou Yuan charged ahead at the front, holding a pineapple in one hand and a scanner in the other.

The hive point referred to a cave that connected a large number of wormholes, serving as a strategic area within the nest.

As long as they could occupy the hive point, they would be able to block the insect's movement routes in this area.