Chapter 78: Another Great Battle!


"Captain Zhou, charge!"

As Zhou Yuan walked out of the conference room, he put on his skull helmet again. Without it, he was afraid of showing a silly smile and losing his cool. 

Angus had made it clear earlier. The fortress's top brass was preparing to promote him to become the captain of a special operations unit. And what he needed to do was to maintain excellent performance for two consecutive months after becoming the squad leader of Team Three. As long as he didn't make any mistakes and showed some leadership ability, he would become the commander of the Slaughter Unit in two months.

"Kid, you'll soon catch up with me," said Buck, who approached Zhou Yuan with emotion. When he first met Zhou Yuan, the latter was just an ordinary private, and now he had already reached the rank of lieutenant. What's even more astonishing was that it only took Zhou Yuan two months to go from a private to a lieutenant. Buck had a feeling that Zhou Yuan's potential went far beyond being a lieutenant and that he would surely become a general in the future.

"I still have a long way to go," Zhou Yuan replied modestly.

"Perhaps in a few days, we'll have to call you Major Buck," Zhou Yuan said with a thumbs-up, jokingly.

To be precise, this mission was a great achievement for Team One. They had saved a federal-level scientist with the authority of a general. Buck, as the commander of the rescue operation, deserved credit.

"Perhaps," Buck shrugged without refuting. He was indeed going to be promoted to major, but not so soon. He had to wait a few more days, at least until all the team members were back in action.

"By the way, Angus should have discussed the squad leader position with you," Buck reminded Zhou Yuan as they reached the elevator to the thirteenth basement level.

"No problem," Zhou Yuan made an okay gesture and bid Buck farewell. He continued riding the elevator to the upper floors.


Zhou Yuan was now fully armed, just like in the combat videos. As soon as the "Red Skull" appeared on the ground, it immediately caused a sensation. People nearby either gathered to watch or came up to greet him.

"Feeling good?" Zhou Yuan felt great, but he didn't say a word. He remained cold and robotic, walking straight towards the communication soldiers' living area.

It felt a bit forced and unnatural for him to walk around the fortress fully armed like this. But Angus wanted him to maintain the image of an armed soldier, to be the real-life embodiment of the "Red Skull" from the videos, a role model for infantrymen. Zhou Yuan had no choice but to comply. After all, he possessed all the tactical qualities required to become a unit commander.

Ah well, here we go!

"Like they say, if I don't go to hell, who will? In order to spare my comrades from too much scrutiny and to ensure their stability, I am willing to bear all this. Let public opinion and attention be focused on me! ... Fifteen minutes later.

Carrying the weight of much attention, Zhou Yuan arrived at the communication soldiers' living quarters and found Daisy and Judy's dormitory.


"Darling, I've seen your video, watched it several times!"

"Me too, you're truly amazing!"

"I'm certain you're the bravest man in the world!"

As soon as Zhou Yuan knocked on the door, Daisy and Judy rushed out, embracing him from both sides, talking excitedly.

Daisy and Judy both had a strong admiration for strength and admired powerful individuals.

They had witnessed Zhou Yuan taking down five people single-handedly, and just the other day, they watched his video of brutally slaying tank beetles. In their hearts, Zhou Yuan had become a war god.

Most importantly, while Zhou Yuan was powerful, he also had a handsome face.

Which woman wouldn't like such a man?

"Darling, come inside quickly. You've just been through a big battle, you should relax."

"We have a few friends who want to meet you, so I called them over just now."

Without waiting for Zhou Yuan to speak, Daisy and Judy brought him into the dormitory, holding onto him tightly as if they were afraid he would run away.


"It's really him!"

At the same time, cheers erupted in the dormitory.

In addition to Daisy and Judy, there were four fair-skinned and beautiful girls with blonde hair and blue eyes in the dormitory.

When they saw Zhou Yuan dressed in military gear, they didn't find it strange at all, but rather felt that this visit was well worth it.

Because this was a bona fide slaughter, the object of admiration for many female soldiers!

And to be able to have an in-depth conversation with the slaughterer?

If word got out, it would make their colleagues jealous.


Zhou Yuan raised an eyebrow and mentally gave Daisy and Judy a thumbs up.

Daisy and Judy knew his taste, and the new friends they introduced to him were all outstanding. In school, they could all be considered campus beauties.

It seemed like he would have a very enjoyable three-day vacation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan took off his skull helmet, looked at Daisy and Judy, and jokingly said, "The way you guys have found for me to relax is to go through another big battle?"

In front of long-time friends, he didn't want to pretend, so he went straight to the point.

The people who could appear in this dormitory at this time were all here for the purpose of communication, so there was no need for unnecessary small talk.

At times like this, he couldn't act like Murong Fu, he had to be like Yun Zhonghe.

"I knew you'd like it."

"Sisters, our party can begin."

Daisy knew that Zhou Yuan was very satisfied with the new friends she had found for him, so she tiptoed and kissed him on the face before waving to the four new friends.

Her new friends were also very excited, especially after Zhou Yuan took off his skull helmet and revealed his true face.

Upon hearing Daisy's words, they all started moving.

The next moment.

In Zhou Yuan's surprised gaze, these girls brought out two boxes of red wine from under the table, as well as various snacks.

"Communication soldiers don't shy away from alcohol?" Zhou Yuan asked Daisy.

"This is a special occasion. We informed our superiors that today we wanted to celebrate you and obtained a day off and entertainment privileges."

"Judy and I have made many new friends these past few days, and a few more couldn't come because they're on duty for the day shift."

Daisy explained with a smile.

She and Judy helped Zhou Yuan take off his armor and then pulled him to sit at the table.

As soon as Zhou Yuan sat down, girls immediately crowded around him, offering him wine and snacks, and he didn't even have to lift a finger.

But to prevent the girls from getting too drunk and falling, he considerately held two of them in his arms.

And so, the party began."