Chapter 81: Landing on Heidola!

Five minutes later, the transport plane arrived. After loading the Hunter Force's Third Squad, the transport plane didn't return to the fortress, but continued to ascend into the outer space of Mars.

"Wow, quite a spectacle!" Zhou Yuan stood by the protective window, gazing at the scene outside. Everywhere in sight were starships, with at least thirty of them visible. Occasionally, a ship would disappear from the void or appear out of nowhere.

He could understand the Federation's top-level thinking. If he were in their position, he would also attach great importance to the Starship Bugs. From a strategic perspective, the combination of the Brain Bug and the Queen Bug wasn't as important as the Starship Bugs. As long as the Starship Bugs didn't die out, the Zerg wouldn't be wiped out, and they would continue to expand their territory unchecked in the universe.

After the transport plane was received by the starships, Zhou Yuan took his seat and made a few clicks on the combat console before saying, "I've sent you the mission details. Make sure you understand the target and the mission requirements."

"You're lucky to join just in time for a big mission, but I hope you don't screw it up. This mission is crucial."

"No need to change your weapons. There are many natural radioactive minerals on Heidola, so try not to expose yourselves to the air for too long."

Upon hearing Zhou Yuan's words, everyone turned to look at the combat console.

"Thank you!"

"Is the Mech Unit's data really accurate?"

"God! This is a biological starship!"

The next moment, the cabin was filled with exclamations as everyone stared in disbelief at the combat console. A thousand meters long and three hundred meters high? This creature looked like a colossal monster made up of four skyscrapers! And it even had wings, along with what seemed to be propulsion-like blue light jets on its sides, making it look like something out of a sci-fi giant beast.

At this point, Zhou Yuan suddenly felt a bit worried. The Federation's high command wanted to deal with that Starship Bug as soon as possible, so this mission was conducted in a small team format to cover more search areas. But small team operations were very dangerous. Heidola was a bug planet, teeming with bugs everywhere, much more dangerous than Mars. The mission was tougher, the danger higher, and his team consisted of nine rookies, which was not good news at all. One misstep could lead to casualties!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan abandoned the AWM and instead equipped himself with a rifle and a grenade launcher. Of course, he couldn't skimp on the ammo, stacking small ammo boxes on top of a large grenade box as if he were carrying a demolition kit. He had an infinite ammo large pineapple, so he didn't need to carry too much ammo himself. These ammunitions were mainly for the team, and when using the infinite ammo large pineapple, he could still come up with a reasonable explanation. Don't ask, just say he brought plenty of ammo.

He would be promoted in two months, and his performance in these two months was crucial. He absolutely couldn't afford to have significant casualties in the team....

Thirty minutes later, the fleet from the GJ1 galaxy arrived. The fleet stopped in the outer space of Heidora and joined forces with other fleets to form a planetary encirclement. At the same time, they released transport ships.

"The brain bug should yield about 100,000 soul points."

"The starship bug should not be that hard to come by, as it's a species even rarer than the brain bug."

Host: Zhou Yuan

Rank: Federation Lieutenant, 18-year-old male enhanced human

Attributes: Strength 3, Speed 5.5, Jump 2.5, Agility 2.5, Endurance 3, Defense 3, Self-healing 3, Skill 1.6, Mental Function 5.5

Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Communication, Telekinesis, Rapid Learning...

Equipment: Jumping Frog, Heavy Atomic Wingsuit, Laser Bird, Purgatory Grenade...

Title: Bug Exterminator - Increases kill rewards by 20%, Speed by 3

Soul Points:

During the wait for the transport ship to land, Zhou Yuan put on the "Bug Exterminator" title and looked forward to the upcoming action.

He was only 300,000 soul points away from being able to buy a vial of genetic evolution fluid. Ten minutes ago, he received new intelligence.

When the starship bug attempted to escape Heidora, it was hit by a pulse cannon from a starship, which directly took out one of its wings. Then it fled into the sea, and its whereabouts were unknown.

The ocean area of Heidora was very large, covering over seven billion square kilometers, almost twice the size of the Earth's oceans. Even the most advanced sonar would struggle to locate it.

So, finding the starship bug wasn't going to be simple.

He hoped this next step would go smoothly. As long as they took down the starship bug, the genetic evolution fluid would be within reach.

"Everyone, we'll be landing in one minute."

"I'll take you to the beach, where there are fewer bugs and even fewer cover for them. You'd better be careful."

After a brief moment, the pilot informed everyone through the intercom.

Zhou Yuan immediately stood up and ordered, "Check your weapons, get ready, and stay close to me. Don't fall behind!"

"Yes, sir!"

... ...

Soon after, the transport ship landed smoothly.

Zhou Yuan, holding a large pineapple machine gun, rushed off the ship as soon as the ramp dropped.

The transport ship came from the sea, making little noise and not alerting too many bugs. However, a group of bugs had already gathered on the beach.

There were probably a couple of hundred, not too many nor too few.

"I'll leave this to you to warm up."

Zhou Yuan relaxed slightly, holstered his gun, and raised his hand to signal the team to open fire at will. He then opened the combat device to check the surrounding terrain.

Although Heidora was vast, there weren't many places where the starship bug could hide.

Apart from the ocean, there were only a few landforms with large natural cover such as large valleys, canyons, volcano craters, and mountain ranges.

The ocean was too vast to search.

So, his choices were limited to the latter landforms.

"Captain, I've spotted a bug hole at two o'clock!"

Before Zhou Yuan could finish surveying the surrounding terrain, the scout within the team, Venom, shouted.

"A bug hole?"

Zhou Yuan was taken aback and picked up his binoculars to look in the direction Venom had pointed. There was a continuous cliff by the sea, with a bug hole open at a height of two meters from the ground, about five hundred meters away from the team.

"I must be losing my mind!"

Zhou Yuan shook his head slightly, suddenly remembering something.

Heidora was a bug-infested planet, with bug holes all over the surface, each connecting to bug nests.

If he wanted soul points, why not just bomb the bug nests?

Ten tactical nuclear bombs, blowing up ten bug nests, would yield at least three hundred thousand soul points.

Why go through the trouble of finding a starship bug that might not even be found?

"Listen up, everyone!"

Zhou Yuan raised his hand to signal the team to gather around and said, "The starship unit encountered a starship bug earlier and wounded it."

"The intelligence from the starship unit shows that the starship bug does not have autonomous attack capabilities."

"So, if the starship bug wants to hide and recuperate, it's likely to be in an area with a large number of combat bugs, where the combat bugs will protect it."

"No place has more combat bugs than the bug nests. If we want to find the starship bug, we can try starting from the bug nests."

"Now, move closer to the bug nests!"