Chapter 86: Take down the Starship Worm!

"Captain, look over there!" 

As they advanced onto the beach, Toxin hurriedly approached Zhou Yuan.

"The Starship Worm!"

Following Toxin's direction, Zhou Yuan saw some movement on the coastline.

In the dark haze, a faint blue glow began to flicker and move towards the right.

"Generator, give me the last nuclear bomb!" 

Zhou Yuan furrowed his brows and beckoned to the generator.

The fact that the Starship Worm wasn't dead didn't surprise him.

But what he didn't expect was that the Starship Worm still possessed mobility after enduring so much damage. Its defense was truly exceptional.

"Captain, this is too risky!" 

The shockwave handed the tactical nuclear bomb and launcher to Zhou Yuan while issuing a reminder.

He guessed what Zhou Yuan intended to do, but there was still a large group of worms, including soldier worms and tank-like armored worms, between them and the Starship Worm.

"I don't know what 'risky' means; all I know is that this is my mission."

"Listen up, everyone! The team will be led by ropes from now on!"

Zhou Yuan's resolute words and his willingness to sacrifice himself moved all the team members, boosting their morale significantly.

"Captain, I've got your back!"

"I'll take care of the flanks; I have more than enough ammunition to last."

"I believe in you."

Zhou Yuan nodded, not saying much, and rushed towards the coastline with the tactical nuclear bomb launcher.

After running for a while, Zhou Yuan increased his speed, leaving the sight of his teammates behind, and ordered through the earpiece:

"There are no worms around me; you don't need to follow."

"Ropes, keep an eye on them. I don't want anyone left behind here; that's an order!"

Leaving the team was indeed dangerous, as the further he went, the more worms there would be. But with the Starship Worm's soul core and military merits, it was worth risking it.

Fortune favors the brave, after all!

Moreover, he still had the Leapfrog technique to rely on. If all else failed, he could escape.

He was certain that he wasn't the only one with this idea; there were probably other teams heading towards the Starship Worm by now.

After a short sprint, Zhou Yuan arrived at the middle of the beach.

The temperature here was high, with worm corpses turning into bonfires everywhere. Thick smoke obscured most of his vision.

The sounds of worms' cries echoed in his ears, but Zhou Yuan remained unfazed.

He was much faster than the soldier worms, and even the tank-like armored worms couldn't touch his shadow. Only the locust worms were faster than him.

However, the locust swarm was engaged in a fierce battle with the aerial forces and couldn't provide support here.

As long as he didn't get surrounded by the swarm, there was nothing to fear.

"So, you're still alive!"

"But you won't escape now!"

As he moved forward, Zhou Yuan took out a scanner for a quick scan.

The Starship Worm had a large body, appearing like a volcano in the scanner. It was still alive and kicking, though its movement speed was slower, resembling that of a snail.

"Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle!"

Before he could even set off the tactical nuclear bomb, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared. These soldiers were emerging from within the starship worm, indicating that there must be "hatches" on the starship worm's body, which just couldn't be seen by the scanner. 

"Who's afraid of whom, son?" Zhou Yuan coldly smiled, reloading his infinite ammo grenade launcher and revolver.

It wasn't that he didn't want to take a detour, but the soldier worms surrounded him like a net, so if he wanted to get to the starship worm, he had to deal with the soldier worm group first.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

When the worm swarm approached, Zhou Yuan fired both guns at once. With infinite ammo, he didn't need to waste time reloading; he simply pulled the trigger and unleashed a powerful hail of bullets. In just one encounter, the front row of the soldier worm swarm was destroyed.

However, he didn't stay in one place to fight. The number of soldier worms was too great, and they could surround him from four directions. So after creating a gap in the worm swarm, he chose to break through and rushed to the right, where the starship worm was located.

The soldier worm swarm chased after him, but they couldn't keep up with Zhou Yuan, and could only watch him get further and further away.

"Oh my god!"

"Gross, you're really disgusting, big guy!"

When he reached the coastline, Zhou Yuan shuddered and felt uneasy. He saw the starship worm. The starship worm had gone from cool and awesome to hideous. Both pairs of wings were gone, half of its armor had fallen off, and many of the energy vents on its abdomen had gone out. Now it looked like a charred cicada pupa.

However, even after suffering such heavy damage, the starship worm still had mobility. On its belly, there were tentacles with a faint blue glow that supported it as it moved towards the sea. It had already climbed into the shallow sea area, and if it wasn't killed soon, it would soon dive into the ocean again.

"You're unlucky if you run into me!"

Muttering to himself, Zhou Yuan put away his machine gun and pistol, and replaced them with a tactical nuclear bomb launcher. He ran at the fastest speed to the shallow sea area, stopping only when the seawater reached his waist, and set the tactical nuclear bomb to detonate in one minute. He then aimed at the wounds on the starship worm's body and launched the tactical nuclear bomb.

There were many wounds on the starship worm's body, ranging from small to large, and not all of them were caused by the flying troops. Some round holes looked like "hatches," and there was a piece of armor next to them that seemed to be a door panel opening outward.


After successfully launching the tactical nuclear bomb, Zhou Yuan turned and ran. The starship worm looked similar to a giant plasma worm, and there should be a large amount of ion energy inside its body.

Its massive size and stored ion energy must be considerable, and once triggered by a nuclear explosion, its power would be unimaginable.

"Captain, can you hear me?"

"I have launched a tactical nuclear bomb into the starship's body with a one-minute timer. Please inform other units to evacuate the area!"

During the retreat, Zhou Yuan called out to Buck over the team channel. He almost forgot that there were probably other teams observing the starship, and he didn't want them to be caught in the explosion.

"Well done!"

"I will immediately contact the other units!"

Just seconds after Zhou Yuan finished speaking, he heard Buck respond excitedly. Apparently, Buck was very pleased with his performance. Being the first to discover the anomaly in the swarm and the last to kill the starship would allow the Hunter Squad to claim credit for the two most significant military achievements.

During the retreat, Zhou Yuan didn't pay attention to any of the bugs on the way back. He ran straight back, utilizing his speed attribute of 5.5, making him as swift as the wind, covering a distance of two kilometers in less than a minute. This wasn't even his fastest speed. Fearful of being detected, he deliberately slowed down and used the bug corpses as cover, taking the route with the thickest smoke.

"I'm here!"

"Retreat immediately!"

As soon as Zhou Yuan saw his teammates, he urged them to retreat.


The team was ecstatic, following Zhou Yuan's lead as they fled. They had all heard it – Zhou Yuan had found the starship and delivered a tactical nuclear bomb to it. Regardless of how formidable the starship was, if the bomb detonated inside its body, it was undoubtedly doomed.


Not long after the team started their retreat, a deafening explosion resonated. The explosion was muffled, but the sound was surprisingly loud, reminiscent of a massive stone plunging into water nearby.