
Stare looked up to see Ava glaring at him, her expression just as cold and condescending as her tone was.

For a moment, silence enveloped the classroom, as if every student awaited his reaction.

Stare himself was uncertain of how to respond.

If he were to stand up and offer her the seat, he could avoid prematurely engaging with these Elite individuals, particularly in a situation that appeared so hostile. However, by doing so, he would miss the opportunity to immediately spot Y-204 upon entering the classroom.

On the other hand, he could choose to remain in his seat, risking animosity from the girl and potentially her elite companions, which could pose future challenges. Yet, if Y-204 entered the classroom, he would be able to identify them, and there was a greater likelihood of reciprocal recognition, a crucial element of his plan.

Stare, who had been silently looking at Ava all this time, lost in his thoughts, finally awkwardly cleared his throat.

"I'm afraid... I can't do that," he said.

The expressions on most of the students' faces instantly twisted upon hearing Stare's response, including Ava's, although hers only lasted for a few seconds before returning to her usual cold and condescending expression.

"Hmm, it wasn't as bad as I thought," Stare mused.

He had anticipated being thrust into a one-versus-almost-the-whole-class scenario, given Ava's likely popularity among the Academy's students. He also expected her to retaliate, but to his surprise, she remained oddly silent. Perhaps she genuinely wasn't bothered by something as minor as a seat arrangement.

As Stare entertained these thoughts, he was suddenly jolted by Ava's calm voice uttering four simple words without any hint of strain:

"Paraclete Activate Termination Protocol."

At first, Stare couldn't comprehend why she would say that, or why the hand with her watch was slightly raised, or why she mentioned the Academy's AI, Paraclete, alongside "Activate" and "Termination Protocol." However, it quickly became clear when he felt numerous red spots appear on his body. When he turned to see where they had originated, he was shocked to find himself surrounded by tiny hovering black balls, each emitting red beams.

A chill ran down his spine as he wondered when she had managed to surround him with these devices, and how he hadn't noticed right away... Perhaps he had underestimated these Elites a bit.

Why would the Academy even integrate an extermination option into their AI and then entrust it to children—worse yet, children who hadn't been teenagers for very long? What were these old folks up to?

"But wait... she wouldn't actually kill me on my first day at the Academy, right in front of everyone... would she?" Stare pondered, his discomfort increasing as the red dots multiplied on his body.

He turned to Ava to see if she'd call off her attack considering she had made her point intimidating him, but rather than call off her attack he heard her say the word "charge" next.

His eyes shone in horror as he noticed the intensity of the beams increasing.

'Just what kind of monster was this kid'

Despite the escalating situation, it appeared that no one had any intention of intervening on Stare's behalf at the moment. A few individuals nervously shifted in their seats, seemingly considering stepping in but likely apprehensive of incurring Ava's wrath.

Among these hesitant onlookers was Joel, his face betraying a nervous expression as he anxiously shifted his gaze back and forth between Ava and Stare.

Bobby, who remained standing, wore a worried expression, his body even starting to tremble.

Finally, Joel made the decision to intervene. Rising from his seat, he briefly drew the attention of the entire class, including Stare and Ava.

As he approached Ava, his movements seemed stiff, and whispers questioning his motives and sanity could be heard. Nevertheless, he chose to ignore them and forge ahead.

He wasn't about to idly stand by and witness his dorm mate, and likely friend, being killed in cold blood by some ice queen over a mere seating arrangement.

"Um... Miss Ava, if you wouldn't mind, please bear with my friend here. You see, the thing is, he sometimes struggles with mental challenges and may act impulsively," Joel explained tentatively.

Seeing Joel approach Ava seemed to embolden Bobby, who nodded in agreement with his words.

Although Stare felt a twinge of offense at being referred to as mentally challenged in front of a classroom full of strangers he was meeting for the first time, he understood that they were both attempting to assist him. As a result, he simply remained silent.

"...You could take my seat if you want. It's also in the front row, and my friend here would apologize to you right now... isn't that right, friend?"

Stare noticed Joel's gaze on him as he spoke those last words and realized it was his cue to apologize to Ava. Although Ava hadn't explicitly mentioned whether she would accept an apology or not, her continued silence, coupled with her gaze fixed on Stare, seemed to provide all the confirmation needed.

As for Stare, he didn't mind offering an apology, even though he wasn't at fault and was the one whose life was being threatened. Nevertheless, he was willing to apologize; he wasn't so immature as to throw a tantrum over saying "sorry." His priority was diffusing the escalating conflict without resorting to unconventional methods that could jeopardize his plans.

However, just as he was about to speak, the classroom door swung open once more, diverting Stare's attention.

His gaze fell upon the student who had entered, and his expression immediately shifted, a small smile appearing on his face.

He recognized that aura instantly.

It was a white-haired kid, with pale skin, dull emerald eyes, and a peculiar air of melancholy and defiance.

"To think you'd show up at this moment...
