The alarm, signaling the beginning of another day at the Academy, jolted unassuming students from their beds and slumber. However, Stare was not among them. Surprisingly, he had woken up much earlier than usual today and felt considerably more clear-headed than yesterday.

He had also taken this opportunity to contemplate a plan concerning Raziel and his next steps with the path. Although he hadn't yet devised a solution, he intended to do so by the end of today's activities.

With his newfound clarity, he also recalled an important detail from his fight with Y-204—one that would undoubtedly have a significant impact on the new plan he would formulate.

Just a few seconds before he lost consciousness, he recalled the familiar tingling sensation he had experienced when he first used his fief. According to Guy's explanation, he wasn't naturally supposed to fully utilize the fief until he was well-trained. This was why he couldn't freely use it before.

His fight yesterday, however, sparked a different idea. It was only the first day at the Academy, and they had been taught very little about the usage of fiefs. Yet, somehow, during the fight, although he hadn't fully teleported, he managed to recreate a similar feeling from before.

He couldn't determine if luck was finally on his side, if this was somehow orchestrated by the Oracle for its path, or if he had actually fully awakened the fief.

However, he planned to gather more information from Luna in fief class later today, hoping that whatever answer she provides will be in his favor.

At this point, the possibility of him achieving anything regarding the path and Raziel seemed much harder. The only saving grace he could think of in this situation was somehow managing to fully awaken his fief. At least then, he could close or reduce the power gap between him and Y-204, improving his odds of beating him if the need arises, which he highly suspected would happen, plus there was also its overall usefulness in his plan against the Oracle.

After briefly silently saying a prayer to Lady Luck, Stare shifted his gaze to his dorm mates.

Surprisingly, Bobby was already up and diligently preparing for the day's lecture. Unlike what Stare had expected after yesterday's events, Bobby wasn't sluggish. Instead, he displayed the same eagerness he had before they left for class yesterday.

It was as if he either didn't recall what had occurred the day before or simply chose to ignore it altogether.

This reminded him of his past cycles, where he consistently pursued his dreams against all odds, believing that hard work and determination were the ultimate solutions to all problems. Funny, now that Stare thought on it, he found himself in a similar situation in this cycle, albeit with a different motive.

Joel soon followed Bobby, most likely unable to sleep through the incessant sound of the alarm.

In no time, all three of them had freshened up and changed into new sets of the Academy uniforms, ready to head to the Academy's Cafe for breakfast.

The trio quickly arrived at the cafeteria, and to be honest, Stare had anticipated a lot of drama from other students or even be approached by a staff, considering what had happened yesterday.

To his surprise, apart from receiving some glares and stares, none of the drama he had expected actually unfolded.

Thus far, he hadn't been approached by any officials regarding the fight, proving that the Academy rules probably barely applied to Raziel due to his status. Additionally, he hadn't faced any confrontation from any of the students either.

He had to admit, having so many eyes on him at the same time felt very uncomfortable and threatened his plans of keeping a low profile. Moreover, the glares seemed to express shock, as if the crowd of students couldn't believe that Stare had either returned in one piece or returned at all.

Anyway, amidst the stares, Stare and his dorm mates chose a table where they were promptly served breakfast by the hall's drones.

However, the Stare's situation seemed to grow more off-putting after the Elites made their grand entrance later on. Although he avoided direct eye contact with them, Stare caught glimpses of their unmistakable focus on his table, particularly on him.

To make matters worse, the two Elites who seemed most fixated on him were the ones he wanted to avoid the most: Ares and Riley.

"Shit," Stare muttered inwardly, feeling annoyed.

Bobby and Joel also noticed this new development, their eyes worriedly fixed on Stare.

However, he replied with a calm yet off-putting smile.

All he could do now was try his best to remain unassuming until he could come up with something better. Perhaps the Academy would experience other very interesting events, causing them to eventually forget he even existed.

The time allotted for them to stay in the cafeteria had soon passed, signaling the start of their first lecture of the day.

Just like yesterday, there was no sign of Raziel in the cafeteria. Now Stare knew better; he imagined Raziel enjoying some sort of exclusive treatment, perhaps even being served directly in his dorm.

Stare couldn't help but curse Raziel's high status for the umpteenth time.

In the classroom for their first course of the day, Hero Theoretical Knowledge, students had already filled the seats. Unlike the previous day, their lecturer was already present, presumably waiting for them.

Stare had intended to sit in a less conspicuous row alongside Joel and Bobby but was immediately halted by the lecturer, Professor Kali, who instructed him to take the same seat he had used the previous day—beside Ava. Despite the Elite's evident frustration, she only briefly glared at him.

Raziel had also made his grand entrance just a few seconds before the lecture was about to start, prompting the gazes of everyone else in the class to fix their eyes on him.

However, he didn't return any of the curious gazes or even slightly bother with them including that of Stare as he made his way to a seat at the end row of the class, an action Stare had immediately translated as a condescending one that he felt was particularly targeted at him.

'This brat' Stare muttered inwardly, barely holding in the urge to once again launch at Raziel.

He knew better than to jeopardize his plans for something as irrational as that. After all, what were the chances he'd get off with just a light pat on the back like Raziel if he started a fight? There was also the fact that he might not even survive the fight to find out.

Until he figured out a way to narrow the power gap between him and the brat— which he hoped would happen before the day ended— he needed to avoid him at all costs. This included, or more specifically, stalling any encounters with him at all costs.

The class proceeded smoothly without any major hiccups or drama, concluding just in time for the next session: the fief training course.

This was the one Stare had been patiently awaiting, eager to finally clear his doubts about fully awakening his fief.