Gone where?

The minute Lee pulled into the processing plant, he sensed that something was off. For starters, the door that led to the basement was open, and there was commotion coming from inside the building. 

Shifting the car into park but keeping it running, Lee eased out of the driver seat and crept his way into the building. The unsettling feeling intensified the closer he got, with the noises now graduating into screams and rants.

Not worrying about stealth anymore, Lee hurried down the stairs and into the corridor that led down the hallway, finding two men raining blows on one of their captives while the others were screaming from inside.

Given the nature of Lee's job, he didn't give heed to the screaming ones. All he wanted was to get past the men and figure out the cell in which Minho was held, but with the commotion, it was hard to tell. Calling him out wouldn't help at this point.