It's All Your Fault

"Hanseok told me to-to tell you that the DEA has a mole," Minho stuttered, wetting his lips nervously. "a traitor in your… in your group."

Jae Hyun and Lee looked at each other disbelievingly, then back at Minho. The news baffled them, because for starters, if Minho had told them early enough, they would have saved themselves a whole deal of trouble, yet he chose to stay silent until push came to shove. Also, they had rules, ones that warned against snitching and that would have the victim facing tough consequences that they never thought any of them would break.

For a few seconds, Jae Hyun was lost in thoughts. He had worked with his lackeys long enough that he didn't see who'd dare put their business in such jeopardy. Never once had he thought that any of them would stoop so low and become a police informant. They were trained to never give any information to anyone. Much less the police. It was a grave offense.