25. The Last Act of a Drama.

Rebecca had been waiting for the perfect moment to chime in, yet an opportunity eluded her. The conversation remained stagnant, refusing to progress. The silence became an oppressive weight, bearing down on the village crowd and Jon alike. A pallor gripped every face, transforming them into portraits of unease.

"I never raised my children to exhibit such rudeness toward the very hands that repeatedly rescue us," a woman broke the silence, her voice a chilling blade that cut through the stillness. The speaker was Maria, the village chieftess, her customary smile more perilous than ever. Her words hung in the air, piercing every soul present.

Though the buttons of her gown, borrowed from Eliza, were long undone, revealing a daring cleavage, the ensemble only accentuated her mature allure. The gown exuded audacity, and combined with her chilling demeanor, Maria emanated an aura of nobility. Yet, save for Mordret, none dared to openly admire her, for everyone, including Rebecca and Jon, was struck dumb by her sudden appearance.

'Mother?! But she was at the camp. How can she be here?' Rebecca's fear outweighed Jon's astonishment.

"Jon, are you incapable of responding?" Maria's speech was not over. Her unwavering gaze was fixed on both Jon and Rebecca. Her sandaled footsteps reverberated through the hall as she advanced toward Jon, who involuntarily took a step back, overcome by trepidation.

'Even the village's mightiest warrior fears his mother. Haha, the irony!' Zephyr struggled to suppress his amusement.

For reasons unknown, Mordret found enjoyment in observing the reactions of both Rebecca and Jon to their mother's arrival. Although Maria refrained from laying a hand on them, both knelt without hesitation.

"It's good to see that you've brought your support along, Rebecca," Maria said with a hint of scorn, pointing a finger at Mordret.

"You can see that man, can't you?" Maria continued, her gaze sweeping across the crowd. "You and your followers were curious about what my Lord has done to earn my trust, weren't you?" Maria held the entire audience in her stare. "Let me answer that inquiry today." With a deep breath, Maria began.


After pacing back and forth several times, Mordret positioned himself before a congregation of at least a hundred individuals, all armed and assembled outside his mansion. They knelt before him, disbelief writ large upon their faces. Maria's pronouncement had rendered them mute, speechless.

She recounted a narrative that even Zephyr was unaware of. Amidst the onlookers, Eliza alone remained motionless, profoundly affected by Maria's words. The fury that had previously consumed her had dissipated, replaced by an expression of intense grief.

"The first onslaught of beasts... Many of you may not even remember it. After all, the illusion of this peace may have clouded your minds." Maria's clenched fists evidenced her restraint. "This village... It was razed to the ground. It was twisted beyond recognition. Only a mere few hundred managed to endure the poison you can't fathom!" With each word, Maria's eyes blazed with fury.

"Warriors to shield us from the beasts, to protect our bones from shattering, to safeguard our flesh from their gnashing jaws—none existed. We were abandoned." Maria's laughter was tinged with bitterness. "The viscount you all sing songs of... He hadn't dispatched reinforcements that year..." Maria rubbed her arms as goosebumps prickled her skin. "My husband... He received a missive. 'The frequent beast attacks down south have delayed our aid, rendering us unable to assist you.'

"What do you reckon we did upon receiving such a response to our pleas? Gathered a crowd and laid siege to the Viscount's estate? The individual residing two days' journey from here? Rebecca, the brilliant mind of the Crestfall family, enlighten me! When even the deities have forsaken you, who will stand by your side?" Maria's eyes welled up with tears.

"My husband fought... and fought... and fought... Who had the luxury to complain about mere survival? Hope was lost; we were simply waiting for the end. You, Rebecca, were just hardly capable of comprehending the world around you. And Jon? Have you forgotten the promise you gave to your father that day?" Maria fought back her tears.

"The onslaught of the beast raid hit us like a tidal wave. This isolated village had never before witnessed such a relentless assault by beasts in a single day. Our warriors fell, not just one or two, but twenty brave souls. An entire unit." Maria's words settled heavily in everyone's consciousness.

"By midnight, we were left with over a hundred casualties in the village. We had no one to rely on except ourselves. The others around us lay dead. Corpses were strewn across this land." Maria inhaled a frigid breath before continuing.

"Your father was a formidable warrior, Jon. But he was neither a deity nor a monster. Confronted by a horde of beasts, he couldn't withstand their onslaught. Eventually, he succumbed, leaving me with a handful of villagers to escape with." Maria's tears flowed unchecked.

"Can you fathom who rescued us that day?" All eyes turned to Mordret. "A boy, a mere fifteen years old. My Lord, Mordret Valorborn." Maria's words stirred emotions in each heart present.

"Had it not been for him, none of you—none of us—would be here to witness the peace you so gleefully embrace. No one could escape the feeling of indebtedness.

"Keep holding onto the illusion that the Viscounts who abandoned us then, and continue to do so, will eventually come to our aid. It's a whimsical notion that even I find amusing, whoever conceived it." Maria's laughter dripped with sarcasm.

"Not only did he save my village, but he also saved three others. Many lives were lost, but we managed to repel the beast raid and bring tranquility to this land. Show some gratitude, you ungrateful lot... show some gratitude." Maria regained her composure as she moved past the assembly and knelt before Mordret.

"As the Chieftess of this village, I wholeheartedly apologize, my Lord. I-I-" Maria wanted to say more and express her remorse, but Mordret intervened.

"It's not your fault, Chieftess. All humans are cut from the same cloth. And you've done a great deal for me as well. Stepping up to manage the villages in my absence, you've executed your responsibilities with perfection." Mordret's voice resonated. "Although I am disappointed in many individuals here," his gaze shifted between Rebecca and Jon, the latter visibly trembling. "I don't hold any grudges. After all, the impending beast raid isn't far off. Preparations are in order." Mordret moved closer to Maria, extending his hand to help her rise. He bestowed a smile upon her and bid her to return home.

'Why do I sense a great performance here?' Zephyr mused, his gaze flitting to Maria's tear-filled eyes, yet refraining from vocalizing his thoughts.

Leading Eliza away, Mordret entered the mansion and shut the doors behind them. Much needed attention was required for a multitude of matters: the missing response from the Viscount, Karen's abrupt disappearance, Maria's actions, Rebecca's intentions, Jon's demeanor, Eliza's downcast mood, and—

'When did I manage to complete this quest?'


[Quest #2: Calm the Storm!]


[Quest Description: A storm is incoming in two parts! The Player must brace himself to face it with bravery as the new Lord of these lands! The old Lord's legacy lies ahead!]


[Quest Part II: Words and Spears.] [Reward: Reputation (+100)] [Failure: Baron III → Baron IV]


[Quest Completed!]

[Reward: Reputation (+100)]




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