66: Prologue (Volume 2): Beast Hunters

The streets of the market in Greyrat County were as bustling as always. Thousands of people and merchants travelled to the biggest market in the Noctis Kingdom from all over the world. Hundreds of stores occupied each block, ranging from utility shops to the highest graded hotels, all under the control of the Greyrat family.

However, despite his economic influence, Edward Greyrat was only a viscount due to the Ranking System. Without it, he would have become a duke under the king. It was unfortunate, but he still wielded the power of wealth with pride.

His market, a veritable mine of gold coins, was flooded with more people than usual today. Even amid such a rush, discipline prevailed within the fortified market gates. Merchants, always concerned for their own safety, were protected by a massive wall Viscount Greyrat built around his market. This impenetrable wall was reminiscent of the legendary castle of Troy.