70. Your Father

Yun Lui got up to leave. He's heard enough. Muchen followed suit. He doesn't want his brother to feel alone in this.

The rest of the Chi family also left, to leave the others deal with their problems.

The absurdity of all this is that Xu Wu was very happy. Yes, he felt regret about what he has put the may through but deep inside he was jubilating.

Papa Chi and his family were in their living room. They were all quiet. Chi Yuan and his wife sat on one side and opposite them were Muchen and Yun Lui. Their parents sat on the chair adjoining the two others.

"Lui, how are you feeling? Do you want to talk about it now?", Mama asked.

"I don't know what to say."

"Then you don't have to say anything right now.", Papa Chi said.

"Dad, so what are we to do now?", Chi Yuan asked.

"This is entirely Lui and his parents issue. We'll only support them in whatever decisions they make. But Lulu, let us know if you're unhappy with anything, okay?"