86. Supper Time.

Xu Wu had thought that dining with the Chis will be awkward due to their families' history but it wasn't at all. He realised he and Yuan had a lot more in common than he thought.

After supper, they all moved to the terrace at the back of the house. He chatted with them for a while and then later sought permission to leave, after he was allowed to tuck his sons in bed.

Lui went to escort him but he didn't allow him to step out of their gate. The two spoke for sometime before he left after wishing each other goodnight.

Xiuying who had his attention on the two all through the night, was waiting for him to leave. He couldn't even enjoy the sumptuous food served for dinner today.

As soon as Lui turned from the gate to go by the side of the house in order to join the rest at the back, Xiuying grabbed him and dragged him to kitchen side of the house.