88. Withheld

If was quite late when Xu Wu returned home last night, so his parents didn't get to talk to him except to wish him goodnight and leave for bed.

Today the all three of them were having their breakfast. Xu Wu's parents could see that he was in a good mood. Seeing how he came home late in the evening, they could tell that he enjoyed his time there.

"Son, how are they? Yun Lui and our grandsons?", his father asked.

He told them that they're all doing well and now everything seems okay between him and Lui too.

He even told them about Lui's spices business which surprised his parents. They were very glad to hear that.

"Dad, I was if you could go with me to the village to go and make the enquiries. I want to use this one month leave that uncle has given me to solve the issues concerning Lui and our sons."

"That's good to hear. So when do you want us to go?"

"Will tomorrow, Monday be okay with you?"