113. We are Pregnant!

The incessant knocking on their door forced Xu An who was feeling quite lazy to come out if his room today, to go and check for whoever was at the door.

Seeing the annoying bee that has been buzzing in his ears with what he had suggested just made his mood worse.

"What do you want?", he asked Aiguo and stepped out of their room onto their porch.

"I came to check on how you're doing today.", Aiguo answered stretching his hand to touch Xu An's forehead for his temperature but he dodged and slapped his hand away.

"I am fine. Now that you've checked on me and know that I am doing well, can you be on your way now?",

"How mean. You won't even invite me inside?",

"And why would I do that?",

"Aren't we friends at least?"

"Says who? At best, we are only acquaintances.", Xu An stated quite nonchalantly.