163. Yah!!!

"I'm super glad to know that you miss me, Lui. But I don't like it that you walked in the streets at this time of the night."

"I...I...wanted to...see you...now before I change my mind." Lui buried his face in Xiuying's shoulder as he felt so embarrassed. He finds it very cringey to say words of affirmation directly.

Xiuying thinks that this side of him is 'so cute!' He knows and believes in his heart a one hundred percent that Lui loves him.

Even when he broke things off with him two years ago, Xiuying still believed that he still loved him and that he had only come to that decision because of the circumstances in.

"Lui. Look at me." Xiuying said as he tried to get the may from hiding his face.

Lui slowly raised his head but still averted his eyes from looking at him. His face kept looking down on his own hands which were now on Xiuying's thighs.