Chapter 9: Man on the Moon

THE SUN SHINED THROUGH THE WHITE CURTAINS inside of Jemma's tiny childhood bedroom. Her blue eyes opened up slowly and squinted against the light as she groaned. The injuries that she had sustained from the night before were almost nearly gone. She still had some yellowing on her stomach from the kick she received and her head had stopped spinning so much, but overall, she was feeling better. Jemma hadn't felt this sore in quite a long time, and it brought about a sort of nostalgia to her. It reminded her of the missions she went on with her family, the way Vanya helped patch her up after them, and the lectures she got from Dad about what she did wrong on those missions. Ah, memories.

She sat up from her bed stiffly and tried to get off of it with as much care as she could. Jemma didn't want to aggravate her wounds any more than she needed to. The blonde grabbed her phone to take a glance at it and saw that it was around nine in the morning, which is earlier than she thought she would wake up. It was a good thing that she didn't really have a job, or she surely would have been fired with the number of times she woke up after noon. Perks of doing odd jobs every once in a while around the city. Of course, that also meant she was a bit strapped for cash sometimes since her income was so sporadic, but it usually works out. Plus it helped that she shared an apartment with Vanya, which takes some of the pressure off of her to rent or buy her own place. Though that didn't mean she felt bad about being a burden to Vanya, she knew she was a large burden to her sister. Jemma never thought she'd be a freeloader, but her she is. 

She hobbled her way out of her bedroom and carefully made her way down the many flights of stairs to head to the kitchen. Though just as she stepped off the last step and into the foyer, Jemma felt like there was something off. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked around to see if something was wrong. Though it wasn't like there was anything wrong in the room, it was still a mess from last night. The whole house was still trashed after that mess of a fight. There was still a tense feeling in the air for Jemma. Something was missing... What was it? It was on the top of her tongue bite she couldn't quite get it. 

The blonde brushed it off for the time being and made her way to the kitchen to make herself some food. "Klaus!" She called out knowing that he would hear her. "I'm making breakfast!" She wasn't sure if her family had eaten already or not, but Klaus was always down to eat her food no matter what.

Jemma made it into the kitchen and started to look around for something to cook up. She idly searched the fridge and cupboards and decided on cooking up some sausages and french toast. So as she fried up the sausages, she waited for the bombardment of her druggie brother to bust into the room. Though while the sausages sizzled in the pan and she started to soak the bread in eggs, there was no shout from Klaus as he jumped into the room. She glanced over her shoulder to take a look at the stairs with confused eyes. Where's Klaus? She thought to herself and flipped over the toast in the pan, he'd usually be down here by now. Actually, I haven't even seen him since before the fight last night...

Before Jemma could dwell on the possibility of her missing best friend, a heavy set of boots came lumbering down the stairs. As she flipped over the slices of toast in the pan, she found that it was Diego who had come down the stairs.

"Diego," Jemma greeted him with a bright smile, well as bright as she could get without aggravating the healing bruise on her cheek. They definitely needed to cheer up a bit after last night, which she knew was her job. Considering she was the bubbly sibling and always tried to make her family happy, she always saw it as her responsibility, even if she wasn't happy herself. She could see the way that his eyes seemed to be drooped in the corners and were holding far too much sadness, Jemma could tell that something was wrong. And it wasn't just the bruising from the fight that he might have gotten. She put down her cooking utensils and turned to face him fully. "Are you okay?"

He huffed, almost sadly, and lumbered past her. Though before he could actually leave he paused and thought for a moment before slowly turning to his sister. He slowly approached her and brushed a strand of her blond hair from her face, right over a nasty bruise. "I should be asking you that."

Jemma just continued to smile and pushed his hand away, trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. "I heal fast, remember, don't worry about me."

"Still must sting like a bitch though, right?" Diego continued to fret slightly for his sister's well being. Jemma was always the one who got babied on the team. Vanya was the one without powers and who had to be protected the most, in the sibling's view. However, because of her extremely small stature, her naivety, and her innocence, Jemma was the superpowered one on the team who was treated like a baby. Though Diego didn't want to admit outright that he was caring for Jemma like this, since he liked to keep up this front of being uncaring and a lone-wolf. So he kept it as undetectable as he could, even if he was terrible at it.

She chuckled and turned off the stove so she didn't burn the food, "Just reminds me of when we were kids."

Diego clicked his tongue and crossed his arms over his chest in vexation, "Yeah, because those were fun times."

"Some times," Jemma sighed while plating her now cooked food and placed it on the table. "You gotta admit."

Her brother shook his head. "Maybe..." Yeah, there may have been a small number of times where things were fun as if their lives weren't so complicated and they were just regular children. Though that didn't overshadow the fact that they were raised by a billionaire who treated them like weapons. 

A thought then struck Jemma as she grabbed a piece of french toast and started to munch on it. She huffed, "You know, I'm a bit upset with you."

Diego furrowed his eyebrows, "why?"

"For what you said to Vanya," she answered as if it were obvious.

He shook his head, "all I said was true."

She huffed and sat down at the table with her arms crossed while pursing her lips, "You could have been nicer about it-"

"There's no need to be nice, Jem." He cut her off hotly, "She could have died." Their powerless sister should have stayed out of the way, and he sticks by that. He cares for his siblings, whether he would admit that or not, but he did. She was the one who was most at risk. She didn't have powers to fall back on or any training. So if she was caught by those psychos, she could have been killed.

"Vanya isn't a helpless woman, okay?" Jemma explained while turning away from him slightly, "She knows how to help herself in certain situations, you're not giving her enough credit."

"She still couldn't fight against those guys."

Jemma nodded her head, unable to deny that he was right. Vanya couldn't fight against them, not for a long time. However, Jemma knew that Vanya could hold her own if she put her mind to it. "Maybe not, but she did what she could. Don't put her down for that."

"Whatever," Diego huffed out as his shoulders tensed up. Though the moment he looked down at Jemma who was looking up at him with wide blue eyes, his expression softened. He uncrossed his arms and brushed her hair once again before turning around and starting to head out, "Stay safe, okay, Jem."

"You don't want food..." She trailed off before smiling, "Oh, You too, Diego!" She said brightly while brushing off the ill feelings that had built up in her as he turned to walk out, "love you!" All she earned in return was a grunt in reply as he stomped out of the kitchen. So Jemma sat down at the table and started to eat the breakfast that she made for herself. Once again, Jemma felt alone in the large house as she had no idea where any of her other siblings were. 


Once her breakfast was done, Jemma cleaned up the kitchen and headed back upstairs. She wasn't sure what she was going to do for the day. Jemma had no idea where her other siblings were, besides Diego. Still, she wasn't sure where he had even gone. Perhaps she should head to the apartment and see if she can find Vanya to check on her. That would be a good idea.

So she started to head upstairs to her childhood bedroom. She needed to grab a few of her things, which may or may not include a bottle of vodka, but that didn't matter. Jemma started to waddle up the stairs from the kitchen and into the foyer. Just as she was going to head up the main stairs, she was halted by the call of her name, "Ms. Jemma."

She turned around to find it was Pogo who had called out for her. "Oh, hey Pogo!" She smiled widely, not seeing the melancholy aura around the walking chimp. "I was just about to get my stuff and head out. Definitely wouldn't want to leave without sayin' bye to you or mom!"

"Ah, yes," Pogo swallowed, which now drew Jemma's full attention as she could hear the sadness seeping into his tone. "Jemma, I'm afraid something has happened to Grace."

Jemma's smile slipped off of her face, knowing that this wasn't anything good. There wasn't much that she could think could happen to her android mother, the only thing was the vote that they tried to have the other day. "What happened? Did the others come up with a decision about turning her off, without me?!"

Pogo shook his head sadly, "I'm afraid that you all do not have to make that decision, the intruders from last night turned her off themselves."

It took a moment for his statement to process in her mind. She stood frozen a few steps above him but Pogo could see how she deflated at the news. As was to be expected, no one would react well to hearing that the one who had raised them all their life was gone. Even if Grace was just a robot, it didn't matter, she was still their mother, whether she was human or not. 

"T-They..." She swallowed thickly and tried to keep her emotions from seeping into her voice, "Mom's gone? They turned her off?"

Pogo nodded his head and sighed, "I'm sorry, Jemma." He wished that he could comfort her further, however, he had a feeling he knew what she was going to do now. She was going to go straight to her only coping mechanism. Drinking. He certainly didn't like the fact that Jemma had turned into an alcoholic, but he couldn't do much about it.

"Yeah, yeah." She breathed out heavily and turned to head up the stairs, "I'll just... I'll be in my room, all right. I'll need a minute to think about this." Pogo watched with sad eyes as the blonde woman shuffled up the stairs with a depressed aura radiating off of her. 

Jemma trudged her way up the remaining stairs, through the hallways, and finally made it to her bedroom. She closed the door softly and leaned against it. Though eventually, the tears started to fall from her blue eyes as she slid down onto the floor. She started to quietly sob into her knees. How could this have possibly happened? Her mom? Grace? Is gone? Why was life so shitty?!

Jemma allowed herself a moment to cry for a bit as the reality finally came crashing down on her at full force. How could her life be this fucked up? Not only was her family attacked the other night, but her mother figure was basically killed at the same time. Why couldn't she have a normal childhood? 

So in order to cope with this, she was definitely going to drown herself. The blonde stood up and hastily stumbled over to her desk to grab the bottle of amber liquid that was sitting on her desk and popped open the bottle. She didn't know what else to do, so sue her if this may be the wrong thing to do at a time like this. It was all she's ever known, all she was used to dealing with death ever since she was a teenager. She didn't keep track of the time or how much she was drinking, but she just allowed herself to wallow in her sorrow for the time being. Maybe she'd figure some more proactive ways to mourn later. Though that's a big maybe.


Later in the day, after Jemma had run through her small supply of alcohol, she found herself venturing downstairs to grab some more. She had given up on her idea of heading back to her shared apartment and decided to just stay at the academy. At least then she would make sure that her drunk ass wouldn't get into too much trouble. So she stumbled down the stairs and grabbed a new bottle before heading back to her room. She stomped back up the stairs towards where her bedroom was but paused at the sound of an argument.

"No, I mean... turn you into a monster." Jemma could hear Diego speak as she ascended the stairs. Her eyebrows furrowed as she wondered what and who he was talking about. Though if she had to guess it was probably Luther. Then there was a crash that sounded like something had been punched. Jemma jumped at it slightly before hurrying over to the sound and see that it was Luther who had just punched the wardrobe in Five's room. She had to wonder why they were in Five's room, but decided not to speak and just listen to her brother's argue with each other, like usual. "Can't hide it anymore, champ."

"He had a difficult decision to make, and he made it," Luther answered back just as harshly.

"Grow up, Luther. We're not thirteen anymore."

"That's what leaders do, by the way."

Diego continued to go on and taunt his brother, which may not be the best idea, but all they ever do is tick each other off. "He sent you on that mission all alone. Almost got you killed."

"Yeah, well at least he was there." Luther grunted, "Where were you? You and everyone else in this family? You walked out."

The pair of brothers had yet to notice that Jemma was standing at the top of the stairs right outside the bedroom door. Though that could be due to the fact that they were too distracted by their heated argument. Jemma was unsure if she should step in the middle of this. As much as she wanted them to not argue with each other, it wasn't like they would actually listen to her. Luther never took her opinion seriously, and Diego, even if he was nicer to her, would still take any opportunity to go at Luther no matter what. So he would just ignore her. In the end, she certainly didn't want to just be caught in the middle of this all. Plus, she was quite drunk as it is, adding her into the mix may not be the best thing.

Even if she was a bit drunk though, she still had slightly clear thoughts. Despite how he treated her, Jemma could understand why Luther wouldn't want to leave the academy. All they've ever know is the academy, they didn't have normal lives, so she could see how he wouldn't want to leave behind everything that they knew. Though she had to agree that since he did, his life has become worse. Had he left, he may have not become half-ape, maybe he would have a normal life like everyone else. Still, he probably would be just as affected by their childhood trauma just like her and the others. Not only that, but he didn't know how to function in the real world. While the others have left on their own and ventured into the real world, they all knew how to do simple things in society. Yet Luther was still like a sheltered child, kept on the moon and isolated from everyone.

"And thank Christ that I did," Diego exclaimed as he broke Jemma out of her thoughts, "so I would have ended up just like you. Let me ask you a question. When you watch one of these nature shows..."

Jemma could now hear that Pogo was also in the room with them as he yelled at them, "Diego, please."

Though Diego continued on, "...does it turn you on?"

"So what?" Luther grounded out, "Is he just an animal to you, too now, Diego, huh?"


"Enough!" Pogo shouted out, absolutely fed up with this petty argument between the brothers. "This house was attacked. We barely got out with our lives. And Grace... she wasn't so lucky. Your brother is missing, and this is how you rise to the occasion? Take your nonsense elsewhere. Now."

The pair had the decency to look sheepish about their actions. "Sorry, Pogo."

"Yeah, sorry, Pogo."

The two shuffled out of the room like scolded children. Jemma made sure to hide herself away from her brothers, just so she could eavesdrop on their conversation.

Luther grunted, "I'm going to find Five."

"So am I," Diego gruffly agreed as Luther turned to him with a glare.

"Do you even have a clue where he might be?"

The knife-thrower shook his head with a sneer, "No, but I'll find him eventually."

Jemma then leaned over to them from her hiding spot with wide, eager eyes. She tried to make herself seem as sober as possible, but it was a bit hard to hide since she was rolling on the balls of her feet in anticipation. Even if her electric eyes were dull and muddled due to the alcohol, she was still bright-eyed at the idea of getting out of the academy. She needed a distraction from everything, like now. "Can I help?"

The pair jumped at her appearance, before turning to find the shorter woman staring up at them expectantly. They should have suspected that she would hear them and their shouting. Well, it wasn't like they were keeping track of where the rest of their siblings were but they should have thought that Jemma would be one to stay at the academy.

"No, Jemma," both Luther and Diego said simultaneously, something that they seemed to agree on for the first time since they were reunited. Though for different reasons. 

Jemma pouted with her bottom lip puffed out, "Why not?"

"You're obviously drunk!" Luther exclaimed as he gestured to her in a scowl. Out of all of his siblings, she had to be the one behind at the academy to overhear their plans. He wouldn't have minded if it was Allison or even Vanya, but Jemma and Klaus were the last two that he would want to be involved in this. Klaus couldn't take anything seriously because of the fact that he was always high. Jemma, despite the fact that she tried to make it seem like she could, always cracks under pressure. At any bad thing she always tried to drown her problems away with a drink, he thought. It was pathetic in his opinion.

"Fast metabolism, Luther!" She explained snarkily and made sure to hide the bottle of whiskey behind her back. "I'll be all better in about forty minutes or so! Maybe less if I drink a ton of water."

The large man shook his head and glared down at her, not going to budge in the slightest bit, "You're not coming."

"And I say that I am," She strongly said with a small giggle as she bounced on the heels of her feet ready to bolt. "Can't stop what you can't catch!" It was true. Even if they said that she couldn't go, it's not like they could restrain her since she could just superspeed out of anything they tried to hold her in. Plus they'd have to catch her first, which she would never allow.

Diego groaned and walked around Jemma to start heading downstairs, "Let's just go, she won't stop bothering us until she comes with." To be honest, he wasn't completely against the idea of letting her come with them. She would most likely stop him and Luther from bickering with each other so much, which would speed up their search for Five. Not only that, but she could possibly be a good tool to search for their missing brother, considering she could use her speed to search an entire city block in a few seconds. So why not let her come with?

Jemma smiled brightly and threw herself to hug her brother around his middle, "Ah, I knew I liked you better for a reason, Diego!"


So Luther didn't have a choice about whether Jemma came or not. She is a speedster, after all, he couldn't stop her if he tried. He may have brute strength and be the "leader" of their team, but he had no say over what Jemma did, not anymore. That fact certainly infuriated Luther quite a bit since he was so used to having control over his siblings, specifically over Jemma since she was always so submissive and a people pleaser. Times have changed it seems.

Though like she said, she soon started to sober up slowly but surely, especially after chugging quite a bit of water as they started their search. At this point, she was probably only a bit tipsy and about fifteen minutes off of being completely sober. All she really did was stumble every few steps as she followed after her brothers down the sidewalk. They were currently headed to the van that Luther had last seen Five the other day. She recognized the Meritech building across the street, which gave her a sick feeling. The last time she was in there, Five had told her and Klaus that the apocalypse was coming. It felt like that was a long time ago, but really it was only a few days ago.

"This is it," Luther said as he and Diego "He's still here. This is Five's van. I'm One. Damn it."

Jemma shook her head at them and walked over to the driver's side door. She raised her hand and vibrated it at a fast speed. Due to Jemma's near mastery of her power, Jemma could vibrate her molecules so fast that they would phase through anything she wanted. It came in handy in many different situations. Though for now, she just pushed her hand through the window of the car and unlocked it. She happily yelped before moving to open up the unlocked door and sat in the driver's seat. Jemma found that there were a plethora of papers covered in equations on them that she would never be able to comprehend littering them in Five's handwriting.

His obsession with the Meritech was pretty obvious, considering he literally set up a van to stake it out. Though he had told her that the apocalypse was coming, so for all she knew this prosthetics office had a bigger part to play than she first perceived.

"I know where to find Five," Diego stated holding up a copy of Vanya's book that had the same equations written in it as on the papers all over the van.

Jemma tilted her head as she stared at the book, already catching onto what Diego was saying. "The library?"

Luther looked at her, shocked that she had caught onto that so quickly before shuffling himself out of the van. It was a lucky guess, he thought. There was no way her drunk ass knew what Diego was saying after only a few seconds, even before him. No way.

So the trio then headed to the library in search of their missing brother. All the way, Jemma had to physically be a buffer between Diego and Luther since they kept glaring at each other the entire way. Honestly, the thick tension between the two was starting to suffocate her and she had half the mind to just abandon them to escape the awkwardness. There was definitely a reason why she avoided being left alone with these two, though she didn't get much of a say. Seeing as she could only blame herself for getting into this situation she shouldn't complain about it. Still didn't mean that she couldn't sulk about it for a bit. Thankfully for Jemma, they finally finished their walk to the Argyle Public Library and entered it. 

"Let's split up," Luther said once they entered the building.

Diego rolled his eyes, "Wow, good thinking."

Jemma sighed out as she walked past the two bickering men to start her own search, "Not now, guys, please."

So the three searched around the library floor by floor. Each one they went up, they didn't find any sign of Five being there. They scoped out the rows and rows of bookshelves, peaked into the study rooms, and checked every secret corner they could find. Though they couldn't find their moody brother anywhere. After getting to the top of the building, the trio met up with each other with the same unsatisfied expressions on their faces.

Luther turned to his two siblings, "Anything?"

"No," Diego grunted as Jemma shook her head. Luther sighed in frustration, they were getting nowhere with this. The ape-man turned to walk off and continue searching but Diego spoke up again, "You wanna know why I left?"

Luther turned to him with furrowed eyebrows at the sudden question, "What? What are you talking about?"

"Why I left the Academy," Diego clarified. 

Luther shrugged his large shoulders, "Yeah, 'cause you couldn't handle me being Number One."

"No," Diego shook his head, "Because that's what you do when you're seventeen. You move out, become your own person, grow up."

Luther scoffed, "Oh, yeah. You're a real grown-up."

"Like you can talk," Jemma coughed while leaning against the railing with her arms crossed. She didn't even look in his direction, already knowing that Luther was now glaring at her for even speaking. Honestly, why did he hate her so much?

Diego drew their attention back to himself, "At least I make my own decisions. You've never had to hold down a job. Pay bills. You ever even been with a girl?" Jemma giggled under her breath at that question, as much as it was disgusting to talk about her siblings' sex lives, she knew for a fact that Luther didn't have one, at all.

"I..." Luther cleared his throat, "I don't know what you're talking about--"

Diego chuckled and continued on, "Look, you wanna blame me, blame us for leaving... that's okay. But maybe you're asking yourself the wrong question. Maybe it's not about why we left. Maybe it's about why you stayed."

Jemma glanced between the two, already seeing that there was going to be a bit of an argument between them. At least they hadn't started to yell at each other. Luther stalked up to Diego and Jemma, "I stayed because the world needed me."

"You stayed because you couldn't let go of the way things used to be," Diego answered, knowing why he actually stayed. Everyone could tell why Luther stayed, even Jemma in her drunkest state. "The Academy. Dad. With Allison. Dad's dead. Mom too, now. We're orphans again, dude." A melancholy atmosphere slowly wafted over the trio at the reminder of what happened to their mom. Jemma started to hug herself for comfort, knowing that she wasn't going to get any from her brothers. As much as she loved her family(Luther may or may not be apart of this) but she knew that none of them were good at giving comfort. She was the empathetic one of the group, she was always there to provide as much comfort as she could to her siblings after a mission or training. Even when they were little, she didn't want anyone to be hurting or anything. So she took it upon herself to be that person who would comfort them when their mom couldn't. As an adult, it became a bit harder to do that since she rarely saw them. Though throughout that time, she didn't really have anyone to comfort her. As an adult, alcohol was her comforter. Getting drunk was her safe space. How tragic. "And things are never gonna go back to the way they used to... be."

Diego trailed off, now spying something a few feet away from them and started to walk over towards it. Luther rolled his eyes, "Do you ever stop talking?" Without saying anything else, Diego started to walk over to what he had seen, "Wow, that was easy."

Jemma spoke up and pointed while following after Diego, "I think he was distracted by that."

They all rounded the corner to find just the boy they were looking for. Five was huddled up in a corner, equations written on the walls around him as he snuggled up with a bottle of booze and the torso of a one-armed mannequin. Luther raised a questioning brow, "Is he, um...?"

"Drunk as a skunk," Diego had chuckled slightly under his breath at the sight of Five.

Jemma shook her head and slowly knelt down to get a closer look at her obviously drunk brother, "Oh, Five."

"Jem?" The young-looking boy asked confused, his voice breaking ever so slightly as he stared up at her with glassy eyes. There was a far off look in his expression as if he was remembering something, something that was more or less almost causing him to become emotional. "You're okay."

Jemma couldn't tell if his eyes were misty because of the alcohol or the fact that she could see tears starting to build up in his eyes. Either way, she brushed it off, knowing that if she even mentioned it, he would shut her out. "Of course I'm okay, Five." She smiled kindly towards him, which unknowingly broke his heart even further, "I thought I was the drinker of the family. Trying to steal my spot, huh?" Even if she tried to lighten up the situation Five still stared at her as if she were a ghost. Though Jemma just brushed it off as his drunkenness, since she knew that even she could do weird stuff while under the influence. She started to try and help the young-looking boy up, "Come on, we've gotta go."


"Well, we can't go back to the house," Luther stated as the siblings all now walked down a dark alleyway after getting Five. Him being the strongest out of them was tasked with carrying the inebriated Five. Jemma trailed after them holding the mannequin that Five had with him. She eyed it in confusion but brought it along with them since Five was insistent that they bring her with them. "It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment."

Diego nodded his head in agreement, "My place is closer. No one will look for him there."

"I'd offer my apartment... but it's not really mine." Jemma chuckled nervously as her brothers took a glance at her. She shrunk slightly under their stares, "I was just saying."

Five then burped which caused Luther to glare down at him in his arms, "If you vomit on me..."

"You know what's funny? Aah!" Five chuckled, "I'm going through puberty. Huh. Twice. And I... I drank that whole bottle, didn't I? That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof, it's gone." Jemma grew anxious at the reminder of what Five had said to her and Klaus a while ago. Luther and Diego brushed it off as drunk rambling and didn't notice the expression that was on Jemma's face. "What are you guys talkin' about?"

Luther huffed, "Two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night."

"They came looking for you." Diego eleborated, "So I need you to focus. What do they want?"

Five grumbled under his breath, "Hazel and Cha-Cha."

"Who?" Diego glanced at Five over his shoulder.

Luther grunted, "You know, I hate code names."

Five continued on his explanation of the two assassins, "Ah, the best of the best. Except for me, of course."

"Best of what?" Jemma had a sinking feeling she knew what he was best at. If going by what she had seen of him for the past few days, she would have a pretty good guess about what it was he does. She didn't want to really believe that he was a killer. Even growing up at the academy, they weren't necessarily trained to kill, only to main and injure. There were a few times where people had died at their hands, but it was only once or twice. A bunch of kids couldn't just straight up kill people, even then they had morals. Though Five said he's been gone for decades now, those morals most certainly could have been skewed and twisted.

Though Five didn't answer his question, he just started to ramble again, "You know, Delores always said she hated when I drink. She said it made me surly--"

Growing fed up, Diego turned around sharply to face Five, "Hey!"

"Hm? Yeah?"

"I need you to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want? We just wanna protect you."

"Protect me. I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed? No. I'm the Four frickin' Horsemen. The apocalypse is coming." He then turned over Luther's shoulder and started to throw up. Jemma grimaced. She grimaced at the sight of Five being sick and also thinking about what they would do now about the apocalypse.


After the awkward and somewhat quiet walk to Diego's gym, the four of them finally made it inside. Luther deposited the now unconscious Five onto the small bed in the corner of the room. Jemma gently placed down the mannequin, who she was told is named Delores, on a chair. Apparently, Five had grown attached to the inanimate object while out in the apocalypse. It may sound strange in the beginning, but she understood it, considering there must have been no one else in the future for him to talk with. Diego walked over to look down at Five with the rest of them, "Funny. If I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep." 

"Well, don't worry." Luther grunted, "He'll sober up eventually. Be back to his normal, unpleasant self."

Jemma tilted her head, "He's not that bad, honestly." At the looks that she was getting from her brothers, she sighed heavily, "Okay maybe he is."

"Yeah, I can't wait that long." Diego commented, "I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies."

Luther sighed, "All that stuff he was saying before... What do you think he meant by that?"

Diego shushed him with a finger as he heard something coming from outside. He brandished one of his knives and motioned for Jemma to also be quiet, which she was, as he tip-toed towards the door. He then yanked the door open with his knife held in his hand, ready to be thrown.

"You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I'm pressin' charges." Al, the owner of the gym, said as he came into the room.

Diego rolled his eyes, "What do you want, Al?"

"I ain't your secretary," Al told him with a stern finger pointed at him.


"Some lady called for you, said she needs your help."

Diego's eyebrows furrowed, "What lady?"

"I dunno." Al shrugged his shoulders, "Some, uh, detective. I think she said her name was, uh, blotch or somethin'."

"Patch?" Diego smiled, "She needs my help."

"She needs you to meet her at that motel," the older man handed Diego a piece of paper with the information on it, "a dump on Calhoun."


"About half an hour ago," He gruffly said and turned to leave, "Uh, said she found your brother."

Al left the baffled siblings who shared a look with each other. They then turned their attention to their now found brother with the same confusion, "Well, that didn't make sense."

The three of them shared a look as the same thought crossed their minds, "Klaus."

"Go," Luther told Diego who had already started to head out of the room, "I'll wait here with..." The door shut loudly as Diego was already starting to run out of the gym. "...Him."

"I'm staying too," Jemma stared at Luther with a small sneer while sitting herself down on the bed besides Five. She gazed down at her young-looking brother before brushing a hand over his black hair gently. She clicked her tongue, "don't act like I'm not here."

Luther glowered at her before sitting down in a chair not too far away, "Shouldn't you be getting drunk somewhere?"

Jemma snorted at the lame attempt of a jab. If he wanted to hurt her feelings, he should try to be original. Mentioning her alcoholism isn't going to affect her all that much. She shook her head, "Shouldn't you be sulking about Allison somewhere?" That shut him up. Though she wasn't being that original either. However, she could tell it hit him a bit harder than his jab hit her. Oh, how Luther could get so soft at just the mention of his dear Allison. Jemma turned away from Luther to look back down at Five and his peaceful expression. She liked seeing Five like this, without any worry, annoyance, or anger on his youthful face. At the moment, he looked like a kid again, just like the last time she saw him. For a moment, her mind was taken off of the apocalypse as she thought back to the better times. When they were all kids and together, fighting crime and having fun. Of course, she didn't think about the neglect their father gave them, but just the good times. She could only hope that Diego found Klaus and made sure he was safe. Though nothing ever goes right with their family, so who now.