A Legend and the Dragon Ancestor

Among the dragon race, considered one of the mightiest in the world, there exists a legendary belief embraced by all dragons—the existence of a city floating in the skies known as Eryuentium.

In the ancient records of the dragon race, this city is revered as the birthplace of all dragons, earning it the illustrious title of "the holy land of the dragons."

The yearning to visit this city has always been present in the hearts of all dragons worldwide, but sadly, it remains an unattainable dream for each and every one of them.

Eryuentium, the holy land of dragons, vanished without a trace 7,000 years ago, leaving no clue of its whereabouts.

Despite their relentless search efforts, the dragons found no trace of the city, leading them to speculate that it might simply be a myth or a tale passed down through generations.

