Basic Elementary School

In an inconspicuous corner of the school's canteen, a young boy ate his meal quietly. He scooped up soup from his bowl, his left arm fiddling with a pen or pencil.

Upon closer inspection, the young boy was twirling a butter knife that appeared and disappeared from his left hand from time to time.

The other children looked at him but didn't dare to bother him. Instead, they walked away, leaving the boy alone.

They feared what might happen if they bothered him, not blind fear, but a fear fueled with respect, like that of an important figure.

As he finished the last of his meal, he gathered his things, tray in hand, ready to leave. Standing up, his path was blocked by some unfamiliar kids.

They weren't the usual crowd at the school, surrounding the boy from all sides and blocking any way he could slip out.

A tall, chubby kid threw glances at the boy, and the rest, bending to his will, did the same. It was evident that he was the leader.

Facing the boy again with pure contempt and disdain plastered on his face, the young boy, who had never met them before, assumed they were either transferees from another school or new kids who didn't know the rules here.

Unaware of the mess they had gotten themselves into, the fact that they dared to disturb the young boy made the other children stop dead in their tracks.

Everyone put aside whatever they were doing and gathered around the group of new kids.

With faces filled with excitement and eagerness, they waited for the show to start, pushing each other to get a better view.

The ring of new kids surrounding the lone boy watched the crowd gather around them.

Some kids became excited, while others lowered their heads or tried to cover up their faces. None of them were used to getting this type of attention.

The leader, Marcus, stood eye to eye with the lone child, towering over the boy like an ogre. 

He let out a hearty laugh, extending his hand toward the boy in a practiced manner, robotic even. "Give me your money kid, all of it!"

Hearing his attempt to bully the young boy sent the whole crowd laughing. As if they had heard the funniest joke ever.

Confused by the crowd's sudden laughter, he misinterpreted the disdain and mockery of the crowd into respect and admiration and felt happy inside. 

'Woah! I thought it would take me longer to gain a foothold here, but who knew? I'm already becoming popular on the first day of school!' Marcus snickered in his heart.

"Blame your bad luck for becoming the boss's prey, idiot! If you don't give him your money now, I'm afraid he'll lose patience and order us to beat you up. Scared? Pay up then!"

Marcus's lackeys did their best to intimidate the young boy one after another but it was obvious to the crowd that this group of kids were relatively new to the school's hierarchy.

The chubby kid acted tough as sweat rolled down his forehead. His breathing was ragged and his hands trembled.

The same goes for his lackeys, they were all sweating profusely as they tried to maintain their tough fronts in front of the young boy.

"Are you going to take his lunch money or not?"

"Yeah! Lunch break is about to end!"

"Hurry up! I want to see you guys rise up in this school!"

The crowd saw this and began to boo them with mocking smiles.

In the end, the chubby kid gave in to social pressure. 

Marcus gritted his teeth and proceeded to shout at the young boy to give them his lunch money.

But, much to Marcus' surprise, the young boy remained unfazed as he looked at him indifferently, causing his face to burn red from embarrassment.

But before he could vent his anger on the young boy, the young boy raised his hand to stop him.

The young boy then turned his head to look at another boy across from him and said, "Cedric, go and inform the nurse to prepare 4 high-grade healing spells, and 4 beds please."

The boy named Cedric nodded before running off.

Turning back to stare at the chubby kid and his lackeys, the young boy revealed an evil grin that sent shivers down their spines.

As if feeling that something was amiss with the boy in front of him, the chubby kid unconsciously took a step back from the uneasiness as he began to sweat buckets.

'What's wrong with me today? He's clearly alone yet my gut tells me that I should run away immediately. Why am I feeling this uneasy when I clearly have the advantage here?'

Just as the chubby kid was contemplating whether he should leave with his lackeys or not, the motionless young boy made his move.

'Create, iron staff!' Light shone before everyone's eyes before a long iron staff appeared in the young boy's hand.

He grasped the iron staff in his hands before beginning his assault on Marcus and his lackeys.

In one breath, the young boy squatted down and swept the legs of the ignorant children with his iron staff. 

They smashed on the floor in confusion. In the next second he went around and gave all of them what they deserved.

One by one, he bonked them on the head. Gripping his staff even harder, the young boy moved forward.

He released a rain of attacks, not letting them catch their breaths. 

"Piak!" A rip ripping wind entered everyone's ears as the young boy swung his iron staff with significant force, smashed against Marcus' and his lackeys' bodies.

One by one, they crashed into the wall behind them, leaving a trail of blood from where they once stood.

Marcus and his lackeys could not move a muscle due to intense pain coursing through their bodies.

Cheers soon erupted, laughter and positive vibes filling the canteen. The crowd screamed and chanted for the young boy's victory. 

The crowd had grown enormous compared to the start of the battle.

Even the janitor and lunch ladies gave the young boy a round of applause for that impressive show.

Several new kids who were watching the beat down quickly asked around about the young boy's identity.

"Woah, who was that?"

"The chubby kid's magical talent was 5 while his overall talent was 6, since the young boy was able to beat him this quickly, the young boy must have been powerful."

"Oh, him? That's the weakest person in our school, Ivan Chaos. " The others replied.