Transmigration into the Second Generation-?!!



"Darn it! Why did the novel platform I fought for with all my energy and thoughts suddenly remove the restrictions on adult genres?!"


A middle-aged man walking on the bridge late at night slammed his drink bottle. From his facial expression, he seemed extremely disappointed about something.


"Arghh!!!! I've truly staked my entire life on the novels I wrote on that platform! By removing the restrictions on adult novels on that platform, it will undoubtedly have a significant impact on novels unrelated to adult stories!!"


He was thoroughly disgusted, so fed up with what the platform had done.


"Disgusting, resorting to any means to make the platform popular, which actually only involves removing a restriction that should exist in a platform."


"Even though I understand that they don't want to lose in competition with the other platform... At least, think about the fate of loyal writers in the fantasy genre who helped make the platform famous like it is now..."


"They, who cannot write Romance genre novels at the moment, are crying in the darkness! No one is listening to their aspirations!"


"Maybe for writers who create their works just as a hobby, it won't be that big of a deal, but for writers like me who depend on their creations for a living, this is a huge problem."


The man vented his anger, expressing all his frustration while walking on the bridge unsteadily after gulping down a few bottles of alcohol he bought at a liquor store.


He had given up, resigned to everything that had happened. His novel experienced a significant decline in readership, to the point where he earned no money at all!


"Moreover, even romantic novel writers are currently having fun at the expense of fantasy novel writers who built the fame of the platform!"


"Unreasonable encounters? Cliché plots? But they all immediately sell like hotcakes after adding highly mature content to the script?"


"If I could do something about all those novels, definitely...! I would erase those cliché novels from circulation!"


"A protagonist suddenly approaching and proposing to the heroine because the protagonist fell in love at first sight? What kind of logic is that?!"


"Is a CEO protagonist of a top national company an idiot who doesn't use common sense to choose a woman and marry her? Why does the protagonist approach a random woman and immediately declare his intention to marry her? For what reason?"


He vented his disappointment by ranting and shouting very loudly.


"Ahhh!!! Darn it!! Unbelievable! Did the CEO protagonist's brain capacity drop by 98 percent when looking at the heroine?!"


"The protagonist should at least find out her name, where she's from, where she lives, or other more personal details before proposing, but why does the protagonist, who is a CEO supposed to have a 'healthy' brain, irrationally propose? Which CEO has a brain like that? Tell me!"


"What?! Do you readers want to compare a CEO in this era with the King of England who abdicated for a woman?! Of course, it's not appropriate to compare that given the progress of the times!"


Clutching his fist tightly, the man staggered and then grabbed the bridge railing to stabilize himself.


"Blurghh... Blurghhh!!"


He vomited all the hard liquor he had gulped down earlier to vent his stress.


"Hahh... Maybe I should switch genres in my writing, from the previous Fantasy genre to the cliché Romance genre that's in demand?"


The man was truly desperate; he needed money to pay for his apartment and all the debts left by his father.


After his mother passed away, his father became engrossed in gambling, bar-hopping, and accumulating debts from various people.


Unbeknownst to him, his father handed over all his debts to him so that he could escape from the clutches of those debts and then disappeared.


When he remembered all this, tears unconsciously streamed down his face.


'Why... Why has my life become like this... What did I do wrong? Is God punishing me? What did I do wrong...'


The man felt that he couldn't bear to continue this life, and he glanced down the bridge.


'Isn't this bridge the best place for suicide? Indeed, it should be, a secluded, dark, and silent place, it's the best...'


As the man was about to jump from the bridge railing, suddenly he saw a faint light coming from behind him.


"What light is this, maybe a car's headlights?"


But the intensity of the light increased very quickly-!!


Then, he turned around as fast as he could, and he saw a falling star that had reached a distance of 5 meters from him.


The dramatic sadness disappeared, replaced by an unparalleled expression of shock.




That was the last word he uttered before his consciousness vanished.






Wake up!


"Hahh... Hahh... What kind of dream was that?!"


Suddenly, a young man woke up from his sleep after having a disturbing dream.


"Who's the loser in my dream?"


"And strangely, what was that bright shining light?!"


The young man then sat cross-legged on his bed, pondering over it.




[System Installation is complete!]




[Congratulations to the Host for reincarnating in this world!]




[The Host is slowly merging both of his memories!]


Suddenly, the young man felt a piercing headache.


"Arrgghhh!!! Damn it!!"


His brain felt like it was being squeezed by an incredibly powerful fist.


"Please stop!! Someone, please stop this!!!"


He shouted in vain, and after an hour passed, the headache finally subsided.




[Memory integration successful!]


"Hahh... Hahh... Hahh..."




He immediately flopped onto the bed.


With his irregular breath, the young man finally regained his full memories.


"Finally... Finally, I know who the loser in my dream was..."


While lying on the bed, he finally remembered everything that entered his mind.


"Turns out... the loser in my dream was me in my previous life... Truly pathetic..."


[Good! Host has finally accepted his memories completely!]