Disrupted the protagonist's destiny plot!


In the morning, at 10 a.m.




Louis woke up, slowly opening his eyes.


His energy was drained after engaging in that for several hours.


"Hmm...? Where's Lily?"


When Louis checked beside him, he didn't see Lily there.


Louis stood up and stretched his body.


"Hahh... After that intense battle last night, my back feels really sore now."


While stretching, he suddenly received a notification from the System.




[Lily's fondness increased +20!]




[Plot points increased +100!]




[Protagonist's luck decreased -10!]




[Plot points increased +100!]


"Hahaha... 200 points?! Quite a lot! And what's this, protagonist's luck decreased?!" Louis laughed after receiving the notifications.




[Congratulations! Host has successfully slightly disrupted the protagonist's destiny plot!]




[Host's luck +5!]


"Hahh... Just slightly disrupted? Didn't I just take the virginity of a female hero?"


[Host, do you think there's only one female hero beside the protagonist?]


"Damn it! So, was what I did all in vain?"


[Build stones until they become a mountain.]


[Enjoy the process and stay spirited!]


"Hahh... Alright, no problem. Besides, I enjoyed doing that."


Louis then looked at the bed where they had fought before.


"Uhh... It's so dirty. How crazy were we playing last night?" He mumbled, staring at the bed.


"Dried fluids are sticky... Shouldn't I take a shower first?"


Louis decided to take a shower because there were still residues on his body.


Then he entered the bathroom, taking the pajama towel provided next to it.


After half an hour, Louis came out of the bathroom and walked towards the wardrobe.


He put on a short-sleeved shirt and cream-colored shorts.


"Well... Thankfully, I brought some casual clothes like this." He murmured while adjusting his clothes.






Damn, I just woke up, and my stomach is already protesting?


Would it be better if I ask Lily to make breakfast?


But where is she?


Maybe Lily is in the main room? I don't know, but I better check first.


Louis then walked towards the main room, and upon reaching there, he saw Lily currently in the kitchen stir-frying vegetables.


Really like a good wife...


[Isn't that nice, Host?]


Yeah... Very nice...


Louis then walked slowly towards Lily, who was currently focused on the cooking.


When he arrived behind Lily, Louis immediately hugged her gently.


However, Lily was startled by someone suddenly hugging her.




And Lily turned around to see who was hugging her.


But when Lily looked at him, her face blushed immediately with embarrassment, remembering the events of last night.


"Umm... Sir...?" Lily mumbled softly.


"Yeah... What's up?" Louis replied gently.


"Please don't disturb me while I'm cooking, okay?" she said a bit shyly.


"Alright, Lily, I'll wait at the dining table," Louis said, then kissed Lily's cheek before walking away to the dining table.


"Un." Lily responded, and a faint smile appeared on her face.


Once at the dining table, Louis took out his phone and started browsing through news on his social media feed.


Back when he installed social media apps during his youth, he used a fake account as his social media identity, ensuring that no one recognized him when making lewd comments or criticizing someone.


Our main character indeed inherited peculiar traits from his previous life.


"Hmm... The owner of the largest group in the United States is planning to expand his company to Southeast Asia?" Louis found a post about an economic matter, revealing a major company's surprising decision to expand into the world.


Hmm... But it seems like a wise decision. Although the tax costs in Southeast Asia will be higher, the region is rich in natural resources, and labor costs are relatively lower, especially if the company provides training. It would be financially beneficial for both the country and the company.


That's what I think after reading that.


However, the political and economic situations in Southeast Asia are still less stable compared to the Baltic Peninsula or East Asia, which makes many investors somewhat hesitant to invest there.


Maybe it would be better for me to study all of this before diving into the business world.


Louis left that topic and scrolled through other posts.


"Wohoo!! A pretty girl..." Louis's eyes focused on a portrait of a very attractive and sexy woman with a very intense gaze.


"Hey, Sir, here's your meal~." Lily said, carrying a tray with plenty of food for both of them.


Coincidentally, as Lily walked beside him, she noticed the post Louis was currently focused on.


'How can Young Master look at another girl so quickly?'


She herself was a woman, and of course, she felt jealousy when Louis stared at the picture of the woman with such focus.


Moreover, Louis had taken her virginity last night, so how could he be so shameless?










Lily placed all the plates and bowls she brought with a loud sound that woke Louis from his reverie.


Staring at her with a pout, Lily then walked away from Louis after placing all the dishes.


'Oh damn! I forgot!'


Unaware of his habits, Louis quickly stood up and hugged her from behind.


"Let go of me, Young Master!" Lily shouted quite loudly, with tears starting to flow slowly on her cheeks.


"I'm sorry, Lily... If what I did hurt your feelings. It's my bad habit to look at pictures of girls on social media... And I didn't realize I was with you at the moment," Louis explained very calmly and gently.


"But, isn't it too much for you to do that in front of a girl you've slept with?" Lily replied with a slightly hoarse voice.


"Yes, I know, Lily... So please forgive my stupidity, okay? I am foolish to do that in front of you," Louis coaxed while kissing her cheek.


He could make a gentle and melodious voice even though his real voice was filled with masculinity.


With such persuasion from Louis, Lily finally melted and nodded.


"Un, okay."


When Louis heard that answer, he immediately turned Lily's slender body towards him and then kissed her gently.




Lily enjoyed the light kiss coupled with Louis' fragrant smell, she became increasingly lost in it.


After a while, Louis raised his hand and touched his beautiful mountain.




She also enjoyed it, then Lily wrapped her arms around Louis' neck.