Lily going to meet her fans?

A few moments later, their breakfast, full of drama, finally came to an end.


"Thank you for the meal," Lily said, placing both palms together in a gesture of respect.


Then Lily and Louis brushed their teeth to make them clean again after eating. After that, Louis sat back in his chair to relax.


"Hahh... I'm full... Seems like I ate too much," mumbled Louis while rubbing his slightly enlarged stomach.


"I'm glad you enjoyed the dishes I cooked, Young Master, but don't eat too much, okay?" Lily said, currently cleaning the tableware with a bright smile.


"Okay, my beautiful Lily," teased Louis casually.


"Hmph! Your praises are probably with ulterior motives, right?" Lily tried to be a proud girl to appear dominant.


"You are my beautiful girl, and this is my honest praise without any other intentions," Louis said, observing Lily's very amusing behavior.

Sliding his chair, Louis stood up and walked towards Lily, who had finished washing all the utensils they had used.


As Lily turned around, suddenly her chin was held by Louis.


"Hyaa?! Young Master?" Lily was only slightly surprised by Louis's sudden arrival.


"Beautiful eyes... Captivating lips... A face that is so beautiful... And a body that is incredibly beautiful and ideal... Ohh, my Lily, how did you come by all this?" Louis began to flirt with his charming voice.


When Lily heard the deadly flirtation, she blushed a little in embarrassment.


"Your face is like a Barbie doll... You truly are a beauty that is extremely rare, Lily..." those were Louis's last words before he kissed Lily's beautiful lips.


[A girl in distress, only serving as the host's desire.]


With that deep kiss, Lily became slightly aroused, but she still resisted the urge to do it again because she still felt pain from the attack by Louis's very large organ.


The deep kiss... Again and again, it made Lily slightly intoxicated. For a girl who had never experienced this, it felt truly addictive when doing it.


Gradually, her feelings for Louis began to grow steadily, and that was what allowed Louis to earn plot points as Lily's fondness increased.


[Host, your brainwashing is successful.]


[Making an innocent girl like this, the host is indeed a true scoundrel.]


Ignoring the 'Judgmental System,' Louis continued his activities comfortably and happily.


The longer it went on, the more they enjoyed it more deeply.


And after a few minutes passed, they decided to release the kiss.


"Hey Lily, it seems you're getting better at kissing, huh?" Louis teased while tightening his embrace around Lily's beautiful waist.


"Thank you for your praise, but I can be like this because of you, Young Master," Lily replied with a light smile.


And when they wanted to do it again, suddenly Lily's phone, which was left on the table, rang.


Ring~! Ring~! Ring~!


"Who is it?" Louis asked curiously.


"I don't know. Let me check first, Young Master," she replied, and then she walked towards the table to pick up her phone.




After taking her phone, Lily activated it to check.


"Ah... I forgot something, Young Master, that today I will meet someone," Lily said as she read the message she received.


"Someone? Who is it?" Louis asked.


"Did you see someone who gave me a lot of gifts worth fifty thousand yuan while you were watching my live broadcast?" 


"Yes, I saw that," Louis nodded.


"That's the person. He gave me those gifts with the condition that he could meet me when I arrived in Beijing," Lily explained, turning off her phone.


"So, are you going to meet him?" Louis asked while tidying up his clothes.


"It's up to you, Young Master," she replied, bowing her head.


After Lily said those words, Louis immediately fell into his thoughts, supporting his chin with his hand while standing.


'What do you think, System?'


[Don't rely on the System.]


[Be independent and determine the storyline of your own life, Host.]


Shouldn't I stop her?


No, that's not the best option.


I thought about all of this deeply because there's a possibility that the person Lily will meet is a Protagonist.


It can be guessed from the cliche plot of the meeting between Lily and the Protagonist that is likely to happen next.


How do I handle this?


If only... What if I can turn this crisis into an opportunity?


And after thinking about what opportunities could be gained, he finally got a brilliant idea.


Maybe that could work?


Okay, that's it!


All of Louis's thoughts actually happened in a short time.


Then Louis raised his head and looked at Lily, then he asked, "When will the meeting take place?"


"Maybe around 3 PM, Young Master."


"Where will the meeting take place?" he asked again.


"Probably at Xin Yu Coffee Shop," Lily replied while checking her phone again.


"Isn't that a quiet but classy coffee shop nearby?"


"You're right, Young Master."


After getting confirmation from Lily, Louis decided, "Alright, Lily, I will allow you to meet him, but with one condition: I have to accompany you there."


Lily was slightly surprised by Louis's words, but she responded, "Alright, Young Master, we will go there together."


"But before that, how about we go to the shopping center? After all, we'll need new clothes for the welcoming party, and don't worry, I'll pay for everything," Louis said proudly.


"Wow...!! Thank you, Young Master!" Lily exclaimed while jumping towards Louis to hug him.


"Yes, let's go! But before that, change your clothes first, look at your chest, it's full of liquid!" Louis continued, hugging Lily.


"Hehehehe~...! Alright, Young Master!" Lily replied very happily.