Attack on Louis!



The first class passed, and the day transitioned into evening. When Louis contacted Lily to pick her up, she responded that she would go with her new friend named Wang Yi Lan to the mall to buy some study equipment together. Lily also mentioned that she had returned to the mansion two hours earlier to prepare food for Louis, so he wouldn't have to worry about being hungry even if he came home a bit late.


"Hahhh... Thank goodness she has a friend now..."


[Yes, thankfully she won't always be with you.]


"Why do I feel like your words are actually mocking me?"


[I don't know...]


Ignoring the system's remarks, Louis drove his car while enjoying the slightly cloudy cityscape.


Shortly afterward, the rain started to fall, bringing a bit of darkness that prevented the sunlight from illuminating the city.


Louis became more relaxed listening to the sound of the rain while playing his favorite music, which brought a relaxed atmosphere and gave him the energy and motivation to do many things.


"Hahhhh... This is the peaceful life I've been hoping for..."


[Well, you have a point...]


His car now began to enter a quiet forest road area; the journey was a bit extreme as his mansion was slightly uphill on the hill.


However, as he leaned his hand against the car window, he noticed two large trucks behind him through the car's side mirror.


Louis tried to ignore them, but slowly one of the trucks tried to overtake the car he was driving. Because he was still in a very relaxed position, Louis simply let the truck go ahead in front.


But when the truck was right next to him, suddenly the truck slammed the steering wheel towards him!








He managed to press the brake pedal to avoid it, but suddenly the truck behind him also began to squeeze him. As a result, because he didn't have time to step on the gas quickly, his car was hit from the side and then pushed until it hit the road barrier on the side, causing his car to be severely damaged.






Louis's head hit the steering wheel, causing his head to ache severely and he felt dizzy for a moment before he began to open his eyes again and look ahead.


Holding his heavily bleeding head, he smiled sourly when he saw hundreds of people suddenly getting off a bus that he thought was for the elderly. They wore all black clothes and suits, some of them carrying axes and pipes, some holding swords, and with serious expressions, they began to walk towards him.


"Shit, where did they bring so many people to attack me?"


Suddenly, a notification screen appeared in front of him.




[This is the 'Side Effect of Changing the Plot Destiny Line'!]


[The Side Effect of Changing the Plot Destiny Line is a sequel that continues the story if the Plot is diverted from its intended path!]


[This will happen to all plots disrupted by the Host! Everything sown will surely be harvested, as well as The Plot Breakers!]




[Emergency Quest Available!]


[Protect yourself from enemies and return safely to the Mansion!]


[Reward: 3000 Plot Points and a Gold Grade Mystery Box!]


[Failure: Paralysis and even Death!]


Seeing all of this in a glance, Louis finally understood what was happening.


"System!!!! You never said there would be a chain sequel from the plot I broke!!" Louis shouted in madness.


[Everything you do always has consequences. This is not a game, but a world with real life. They don't move according to your or the writer's desires; they have their own consciousness.]


Hearing that statement, Louis just bowed his head for a moment, and his hands trembled slightly. "So-So, does that mean I can't live peacefully and destroy plots recklessly according to my wishes?"


Silence ensued for a few moments, and then the System responded.


[Yes, you can't be reckless. Consider your steps and prepare yourself for all future sequel scenarios~!]


Raising his head again, he saw that they were now getting closer. His car was already wrecked and pinned hard from the side and back, with two front wheel rims also smashed, making it impossible for the car to move.


"Sighh... Since it's come to this... I have no other choice..." Louis instructed the system to do something for him, while he himself tried to open his door and then step out of his car with faltering steps.


"Urghhhh... It hurts, damn it..." He muttered as he tried to hold onto the side of the truck that had hit him earlier.


As they saw Louis walking towards the front of the truck with faltering steps, they grinned proudly.


"Huhhhh... Is this the coward who jailed Tang Chen? Doesn't he look like a weak sissy?" taunted the triad carrying a katana on his shoulder as he casually walked towards Louis.


Raising his head with a somewhat 'fearful' expression, Louis then asked with doubt, "Wh-Who are you?"


Upon hearing that, the triad who had previously mocked Louis confirmed, "Us? Huhhh... That's not too important. But because you offended us by imprisoning Tang Chen, you must be prepared for the consequences."


Louis, hearing that, 'was very surprised' by the words of the triad, then stepped back in fear of them. "W-What do you want? P-Please don't hurt me! I'll give you lots of money!!"


"Hehhhh... Money? I don't care about that." The triad carrying the katana then unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards Louis, walking closer until they were just two meters apart. "Now, let's think of the method you want to use to cripple you for the rest of your life."


"N-No!! I beg you!! Nooo—!!" Louis made a 'horror' face as if seeing demons when the triad said that.


Seeing the expression on this cowardly boy's face, he grinned wildly and continued his chatter with his head held high and proud, then walked closer to Louis, who was already stuck in front of the truck like a scared mouse.


"Ahhh... I'll start by crushing your fingers, and then I'll—"






Instantly, the eyes of all the triads there widened in shock as they saw the triad approaching Louis suddenly stabbed by the young man!


Louis stabbed right into the heart of the unfortunate triad. His previous expression of fear and horror now turned 180 degrees into a cold and merciless expression.


Bringing his head closer to the triad, Louis whispered, "Are you stupid or what? How could I, who have imprisoned Tang Chen, who is at a higher level than you, make such a foolish expression, you bastard?"