Lily's Pure Love



"Mooo, what's wrong, Young Master? Your head is bleeding like this," Lily complained as she cleaned the wounds on Louis' head and body on the sofa.


"Awww, take it easy, Lily." The man grunted slightly as Lily pressed the antiseptic tissue on his head a little hard. "Umm... I was driving my car earlier, and then the car's tire slipped because of the rain. As a result, I crashed into the roadside barrier and severely damaged the car," he explained with his head slightly bowed as if he was afraid of being scolded by his mother.


Upon hearing the explanation, Lily stared at Louis seriously and sharply for a few moments before she snorted and responded irritably, "Huhhhh, just because I didn't accompany you in the car, you drive recklessly and speed?"


"Errmmm... I-I'm sorry..." Louis just sighed with a hint of hesitation as he uttered the apology.


Well, actually, Louis just made up a story so that Lily wouldn't worry too much about what happened to him, and the reason for the accident was the most acceptable one if someone saw the evidence.


[That saved your life a bit....]


At this moment, they were both inside a room at a 5-star hotel in the center of Beijing, a quite expensive hotel according to Lily.


But with the facilities available, it's worth it.


[... Almost all of your wounds have been treated, what do you want to do next tonight...?]


'Hmmm... I don't know...'


After Lily stood up from the sofa and went to the table to call the waiter, Louis also stood up and sat in the chair next to the glass wall facing the urban view in front of him.


The rain was now getting heavier, and now he was a bit concerned about something.


'Hey System, what about the fate of my car...? I still have a bit of affection for it.... Huhuhuuu....'


[... I don't know, maybe it's been towed or destroyed by the triads. Forget it, you can buy it again later!]


'...but it's a rare car....' Louis slightly lowered his head tiredly.


Hahhh, it was a bit troublesome for him earlier. Fortunately, the kitchen knife Lily bought earlier that the girl wanted to use for cooking was still left on the dashboard of the car. If not, he wouldn't have a weapon to fight them.


'There are indeed weapons sold in the Shop, but they are still too expensive. I can't afford to buy them....' He was still too poor in plot points.


So he could only buy a Super Stamina Potion costing more than 800 plot points, which immediately depleted all the plot points reserves he had!


Thinking back on it, he became even more frustrated with it. Fortunately, he received appropriate compensation, which was 3000 plot points!


[Are you going to open the Mystery Box now?]


'Sigh.... Let it be stored for now, I'll open it when I feel a little better....'


As Louis was hanging his head low with weariness, Lily approached him with a serving tray of food handed over by the previous waiter.


"Young Master, are you still a little traumatized by the accident? Please forget it for now, and eat this, okay?" Lily persuaded as she placed the food right in front of the man.


Lifting his head and looking at the food, Louis smiled faintly and responded sincerely to the girl, "Thank you, Lily..."


"You're welcome, Young Master," Lily responded with a gentle smile.


Enjoying the food while listening to the soothing raindrops, he glanced at Lily who was now looking at him with a caring gaze while leaning her head on her hand.


"Hmmm...? Would you like to try this?" Louis offered, taking a spoonful of food from his plate.


Hearing the offer, the girl became slightly enthusiastic and responded, "Yes, of course~"


He then fed Lily slowly, somewhat creating a romantic atmosphere when combined with Lily's slightly blushing face.


[Host, isn't Lily so kind and graceful? She has helped you in all your affairs and seems quite sincere. I would feel somewhat sorry if you hurt her in the future...]


Listening to that, Louis just smiled thinly.


'Well, I will try not to hurt her. Because she's the first girl I've got...'


Thinking about it a bit more, Louis remembered something and decided, 'System, can you check her stats?'





[It will cost 100 plot points to check, proceed? Y/N.]



[System has successfully checked it!]

Name: Lily

Status: Female Heroine (Active)

Affect: +65 (Pure Love!)

Age: 18 years old

Golden Fingers: None

Charm: 53

Energy: 0

Luck: 19

Description: She is a great streamer. Her fate is to meet Yang Jian and create a love urban story from that and become the Main Heroine. However, one person has broken that fate!


As Louis saw that, he understood that Lily's love for him was pure.


[The Charm stats of that girl are very high, Host! It's already among the most beautiful girls you might have ever seen. By the way, because the beauty standards in each tribe, race, and continent are quite different, the System will provide Charm levels according to the preferences of the Host's background!]


'Ahhh... I see...' Well, Louis didn't care too much about it. As long as he acknowledged that Lily was beautiful and kind, then he would consider her as such.


Was it important to rank like that? It seemed to Louis like not appreciating a woman. 'But well... thank you for giving such a high rating to Lily.'


[Of course, Host!]


After eating and showering, they both slept together and enjoyed themselves at the hotel very happily.