Unfortunate Surprise



"Woahh, what happened to your head, Louis?" a student with light steps approached him with a curious and attractive expression.


Turning to the student's inquiry, Louis sighed tiredly and replied, "Sighh… I had an accident because of the rain, which made the road very slippery."


Upon hearing that, the student covered their mouth with a slightly shocked expression.


"Really? What about your car?" they asked.


"It's wrecked in the middle of the road, probably towed away by the authorities by now…" Louis continued with a helpless expression, as if he had lost everything.


"Wow, that's terrible…"




The student, who appeared to be a rather effeminate yet cheerful young man, was Kenzaki Miyamoto, a Japanese student studying here on a scholarship provided by the Japanese government in cooperation with the Chinese government in the field of education.


Rumor had it that he was chosen for his intelligence and cunning nature, which masked his ambition with cheerfulness, but in Louis' eyes, he was just a silly guy trying to get close to everyone, regardless of who they were…


But well, Louis didn't mind. After all, the guy always had a lot of information, so he could use him to gather information around campus in exchange for some extra pocket money.


"So, what are you going to do after this?" Kenzaki asked with a light chuckle.


"Hmmm… What am I going to do…?" Louis was a bit puzzled by that.


[Don't forget your earlier plan, Host!]

The System's reminder then made him realize something, but before that…


"I don't know, but since my car is wrecked and I can't use it, I'll buy another car. So, after class, let's go together to buy a car at the showroom!" Louis invited casually.


"Okay, sounds easy~!!"




Click click click




"Hahhh…? Isn't that the jerk who bothered me before?" muttered Yang Jian, who was currently sitting in a chair, looking at his computer screen.


At this moment, he was watching a streamer who suddenly started talking about the guy she liked and showed a handsome man's photo in front of the camera.


As Yang Jian saw this, his expression involuntarily darkened. He hadn't expected that even his other crush, the streamer, would fall for that jerk!




"It's not fair! How does a handsome guy always get attention even when he doesn't want it! Argghhhh—!!! How did it come to this!!" Yang Jian exclaimed in frustration.


Previously, when Louis embarrassed him, he received a penalty from the system and also paid a high price for that outfit. Now, suddenly the system started tightening the requirements for making money without him realizing it.


And now, even his crush streamer was starting to fall for that guy. How could he stay calm when this happened?


After calmly observing for a few moments, he noticed that the girl was also talking about Louis in more detail.


"Ah, did you know? He's a very talented singer! His voice captivates everyone in the auditorium! But another main reason isn't that, it's because he's incredibly handsome and very kind! Although he's also quite aloof because he refuses to talk to random girls like me, but… forget it, he's still a very nice guy!"


"Ah…. Also, you can check out his profile on his social media, he often posts about his daily life and photos. It can be said that he's quite eccentric with his graceful and fun style? Maybe that's more accurate to say! He's of Spanish and Chinese descent. So, don't be surprised if you see the height and handsomeness of the guy!"


As Yang Jian heard this, he unconsciously murmured, "Spanish…"


Oh yeah, wasn't that quite interesting?


"What was his name again… Louis de Lawrance…? Why do I feel somewhat familiar with that name?" He was a bit puzzled by it because, as far as he knew, the 'de' prefix was for nobles from Spain and France.


Instead of dwelling on it too long, he decided, "Let me check…"


He then began typing the name 'nobility de Lawrance' into the browser, and soon enough, information appeared.


"De Lawrance, noble from Spain…?" he murmured as he read the text.


Scrolling down, he then found an article that was uploaded quite a while ago, which stated, "Head of the Lawrance Family marries Famous Chinese Actress, symbolizing business friendship between Spain and China!"


As he read everything in the article, his mind felt like it was struck by a mighty thunderbolt!


"F*ck!!!! That jerk is actually a noble?!!!!" exclaimed Yang Jian, with an expression of disbelief that he would find such information.


Swallowing his disbelief, he decided to search for more information about rumors and information on the browser until he then reached a conclusion, "He's a wealthy noble with a grandfather with immense wealth in China? Damn, how can someone's life be so unfairly privileged-!!!!"


"Not only is he handsome, but even his background and skills are top-notch among ordinary people!!"


Unknowingly, he shivered in horror at having offended someone like that, and he then decided, "I have to avoid that person no matter what!"


He was determined about that.


But, unbeknownst to Yang Jian, he had been targeted by Louis as one of the important sources of valuable plot points for him.


Truly, poor Yang Jian….