A Secret Job


After 2 hours of long travel, Louis finally arrived at an old building on the South side of Shen Yang. Getting out of his car, he looked around and only found that it looked quite quiet compared to the other roads in the area.

"Is this the correct location…?" Louis felt a little confused when he looked again at the GPS on his cellphone, finding that it was indeed there.

Leaning against the side of his car, he started to open the dark website again and read the address he had previously gotten. By the way, Louis had entered the website with the intention of looking for a group of reliable spies who could avoid the government's surveillance cameras.

However, when Louis had been staying there for half an hour without success, suddenly a middle-aged man in office clothes like a normal worker came out of the rundown building.

"Are you a 'buyer'?" asked the man in a flat tone.

When Louis heard that, he just tilted his head in confusion. "Buyer…?" Only after a while, Louis finally understood what he meant.


"Ahhh, right. I am the buyer. Then, where are the items?" He slightly understood what game he had to play with the middle-aged man.

"This way please."

Then, the two of them entered the building, and when they were inside, Louis was quite surprised to find that the room was very clean even though it looked a little empty.

But yeah, forget it.

After walking for a while, Louis arrived at a room where there was a man wearing glasses sitting in a chair looking at the computer very intently.

"Here it is?" Louis asked confusedly.

"Yes, of course. The man over there will carry out the task you will give, please talk to him to give you a more specific job,' explained the middle-aged man and then he walked slowly out and closed the door completely.



Click click click

Even though there were people around him, the man didn't seem to care and just focused on staring at the screen again and making a code that Louis couldn't understand.

"Eigooo, he didn't turn around..."

Seeing this, Louis felt a little confused about talking to the man until the man opened his mouth and said, "So, what job do you want to give me?"

Hearing that response, Louis' eyes lit up a little, then he said, "I have several tasks for you. But for now, I just want you to do the work I want you to do."

"Hmm…? What job is that?" The man stopped what he was doing and moved his chair to face Louis who was standing and looking at him with a slightly flat expression.

Sitting on a chair nearby, Louis then took out a stack of papers from the bag he was carrying and gave it to the man.


"This is a list of tasks and targets that I want you to act on in the digital world," Louis explained briefly as he pushed this document in front of the man.


Taking one of the documents and reading it, the man felt a little confused. "Yang Jian? Who's he? Is he an artist or a thug? But he doesn't look like the two things I mentioned...

Shaking his head lightly, Louis responded casually, "No. He was neither of those things, but he was an ordinary college student. But…"

Louis then took one of the papers from the pile of documents and showed it to the man.

"…. Here it is, can you read it?" Louis asked with a slightly smiling expression.

Taking the paper from Louis and reading it, the man became a little surprised. "This…."

Before he could even finish his words, Louis interrupted him clearly, "That's right, he was the one who cheated on the reward system in a certain application. He seduced my girl and dared to harass her in public…"

Grasping the paper tightly, Louis then stated something in a low voice, "I want him to at least get the 'sap' or even if you can, put him in prison and I will give you the appropriate reward."

When he heard those words, he nodded understanding where the problem started.

"I see…. Then, do you have the money to pay me? The fees I set are very expensive—"

Even before the man continued his words, Louis immediately showed his account balance via a digital bank account on his cellphone. "Does my bank account look like someone who is short of money?"

The man who saw this widened his eyes in shock at the name!


Instantly, his quiet and lazy nature changed to a high level of enthusiasm and then he stood up from his seat and greeted Louis formally.

"Greetings, sir! I am a very competent man, please choose me to do your assignment, I'm sure you will like the results of my hard work!!" exclaimed the man, clenching his fists and giving a typical Chinese greeting.

Seeing the sudden change in attitude, Louis became confused about his behavior. But he quickly adjusted and explained, "This job will not be easy, but the pay will be commensurate with the hard work and results. Are you up to it?"

"Yes, I can!"


"Good! Then, let me explain in more detail regarding that…"