Everything is getting serious

Louis's forehead slightly furrowed as he heard it. 'Grandpa already knows? But isn't it just me and Lily in this mansion?'

[Of course he knows, idiot. Do you think an old fox like your grandpa wouldn't know what would happen if a man and a woman are under the same roof? It seems like he has planned this from the beginning, and you just fell for his bait obediently.]

Louis's breath slightly hitched as he heard the system's remarks, only to ponder over it and think that it made sense. 'Hmm... You're right.'

"Is it not an issue for you, Grandpa? You won't scold me for it, will you?" Louis responded with a hint of jest to his grandfather.

"Hahaha... Of course not. When I was your age, I had many women, but I stopped when I found your grandmother first, and I've been faithful to her ever since, even though she passed away earlier," Old Zhang replied with a tone full of pride evident in every word.

Quickly dismissing that, Louis then asked, "Ah, by the way, Grandpa, what's the matter? Did you just want to boast about it?"

A slight clearing of the throat and back to his original tone, Old Zhang went straight to the point, "Hey, kid, can you use Qi?"

When Louis heard that, his movement suddenly stopped, and he was genuinely surprised, not expecting it to be the first question out of his grandfather's mouth!

'Hey, System! How could the old man know about this?!!'

[I don't know either! I've never observed anyone beyond the Host's range!]

'But do I even have Qi powers...?' He began to wonder himself since he only planned to purchase it from the shop yesterday.

[It might be related to the Combat Skill you used; someone saw it and thought it was a Qi Combat Skill. Don't you remember that many people saw you fight before?]

Hearing that, Louis also came to another conclusion. 'So, does Grandpa also know about the beating I received?'

[It seems so.]

Louis fell silent for a moment, making it inevitable for his grandfather to continue his words, "I see... So, when did you learn to use it...?"

Taking a tired sigh, he couldn't evade it anymore, so he answered wearily, "Since two weeks ago...."

"T-Two weeks ago?" Old Zhang felt slightly surprised. "But why can you fight so skillfully as if you were a professional swordsman? Could it be... You are the reincarnation of the Jade Emperor?"

"T-The Jade Emperor...?" Louis's heart suddenly felt like it stopped for 3 seconds after his grandfather mentioned the word reincarnation.

[Well, that's almost correct. Unfortunately, his identity is off; he's just a foolish fantasy writer dumped by a prestigious platform company he built from scratch.]

'Shut up, you bastard.'

"Hahaha, forget it. That was just my nonsense. By the way, since I've been having trouble with my back for the past few days, can you replace me at the banquet event in Beijing? You'll represent the name of the Group I own. As a reward, I'll tell you the secret and method to enhance your Qi Power and help you train it, do you agree...?"

When Louis heard that, he felt a bit surprised, then he couldn't hold back and asked, "Whaa...? Does Grandpa also have Qi powers?"

Feeling offended by Louis's question, Old Zhang asserted, "Hey kid, you got your Qi powers by inheriting my blood. So that question is actually very stupid; of course, I can also have my own Qi powers, damn it...."

"Ahahahaha... Well..." Louis felt a bit embarrassed hearing his grandfather's words.

Slightly setting aside what his grandfather said earlier, he now asked about something else, "So, what event do I have to represent? It's not some boring old man's event, is it?"

Lowering his tone again, Old Zhang explained, "It's an event called the Dragon Heaven Banquet. Although it sounds like a grand banquet, well... the essence of the banquet is just modern Chinese nobles' parties, slightly dominated by young people sent by their families to show off. I think it suits you. Also, let them all know that Zhang Group also has an equally prestigious heir to theirs!"

Upon hearing all of that, Louis finally understood what his grandfather wanted.

"Ahhh... I see, Grandpa. So, I just have to give them a little 'greeting'?" Louis asked confidently with a smile.

"Kekeke, it's good that you understand. Yes, give them a little greeting as a junior to them all!"

Knowing his grandfather was so enthusiastic, it seemed like it would be somewhat enjoyable for him.

"What if I become too famous? The world will say I'm part of the Zhang Group? It would be very troublesome for me to become popular," Louis joked again with a light chuckle.

"Isn't that good for you? Also, it will somewhat shield you from some of the problems you're facing right now," his grandfather said, his tone slowly changing from the previous lightness to a slightly serious one.

"Do you remember the triad you faced before? They have started really targeting you since a few days ago, even though I've been trying to ward off the attacks they want to launch on you. Nevertheless, there are still a hundred or two hundred rats who might attack you in the darkness and unexpected situations. So, you have to be more careful; some of them have deep enough cultivation to kill you even in your strongest state. Forget about cultivation strength; if they bring long-barreled weapons like AK-47s or AWMs, and even RPGs, you can easily die even without them exerting much effort," the old man explained in detail to Louis.

After hearing all of that, Louis finally realized something. "Damn, that means I have to increase my strength faster than now...?"

[That's mandatory. I felt a sense of urgency in every word of your grandfather just now.]

"Is that so...?"


After discussing it further, they ended their conversation.


Leaning his stiff body on the sofa and trying to relax, he pondered over everything his grandfather said earlier.

Now, he began to understand that it seemed like the plot would expand further and...

"I can't control the plot with just my hands anymore..."

Issues like the hidden protagonist from Shangguan Qianing's storyline, the war god from the Student President's storyline, and the triad's revenge, it seemed like sooner or later, all of them would hit him hard if he didn't start preparing now.

Raising his right hand as if reaching for something, Louis then clenched his right hand tightly.


Now, he made a decision with full determination.

"Alright, I'll stop fooling around and start taking all these storylines seriously!!"