Episode 372: Solitary confinement (2)

The old man, who gave his name as 'Angajumang', seemed to be bored and continued talking to Bikir.

"It feels like it's been several years since I was locked in this solitary confinement. Let's see, every time I count 60 seconds in my head, I make a mark in my mind? It has already surpassed three million strokes... … ."

After hearing Angajumang's words, Bikir couldn't help but stick out his tongue inwardly.

Even for Bikir, who had gone through many hardships, the 100 days in solitary confinement were difficult and daunting.

'But how many years have you been trapped here? 'I can't believe it.'

These are the words of a person I have never seen and will never see again, but they are the words of a prisoner I met in solitary confinement rather than somewhere else, so I cannot just distrust them.

"How did you not starve to death after being locked up for so many years?"

"Pussssssssssssssssssssssssss black bread crumbs into the bowl every two days, right?"

"I guess the amount of water I can drink is not enough?"

"All you have to do is suck the dew in the air and drink it."

Bikir was silent for a moment. There is dew? In this hot space?

However, old man Angajumang was calmly teaching people how to survive here.

"Well, actually, you can survive without eating bread crumbs. "It causes the body's metabolism to run extremely slowly and the accumulated nutrients are gradually broken down."

"… … ."

"Pussss – Young people these days tend to try too hard to live. Excessive passion can be toxic. Rather than rushing forward too much, it's good to take a leisurely break like this sometimes and look back on life. "Live like a stone and like water."

It may seem like a petty nag from an idle old man in the back room, but I'm too concerned about the place to just ignore it.

A solitary room in the Nouvelle Vague.

Isn't this a person who claims to have been trapped for several years in a place even worse than Level Nine?

'If you haven't gone crazy from being trapped here... … He must have been a major criminal.'

Maybe I've already gone crazy, though.

Afterwards, Angajumang spoke to Bikir about various things.

"When I heard his voice, he seemed like he was still young. "Why are you trapped in a place like this?"

"Where can there be old and young in sin?"

"Pusssss – that's true. So, what were you incarcerated for? "Please answer the old man's question."

"Assassination of a political enemy."

Bikir answered briefly.

Then old man Angajumang laughed.

"I did a good job, why am I imprisoned? "Have you been rejected by your family?"

"Well, you could see it that way."

"Like that, like that. It was like a hunting dog. "It is an eternal law that if a rabbit falls on a mountain, you boil the hunting dog and eat it."

Old man Angajumang naturally added a word.

"For some reason, I think I know where you're from. Are you going to Baskerville?"

Bikir was a little stingy.

And old man Angajumang sensed Bikir's agitation like a ghost and let out his usual eerie laugh.

"Pusssssssssssssssssssssssssssss at that. There are few families that are so heartless as to send a dog that worked hard for the family to a place like this. "At best, it would be like an iron-blooded swordsman or a very poisonous hermit."

"You seem to know the Baskervilles well."

"I know. "Our family was once called the Iron Blood Swordsman."

Hearing Old Man Angajumang's words, Bikir searched his mind for a moment.

Nowadays, the Baskerville family is considered the greatest sword family, but it wasn't like that in the past.

Before the empire was unified, there were at least four more prestigious sword fighting families across the continent than the Baskervilles.

Bahamut. Jizz. THAAD. Nibelungen.

Baskerville was a somewhat inferior brand compared to these four families.

In fact, until then, they were just a family-type mercenary group that wandered around the continent without even a small territory.

anyway. There was a time when the Baskerville family was added to the four families above and they were called the 5th Iron Blood Sword Family.

Old Man Angajumang chuckled as if he missed those days.

"At that time, our family was also considered a prestigious swordsman family. However, since I gave up the sword at the time, the sword's legacy would have been lost from then on. … … Um, no. "Do you think the family itself will disappear altogether?"

"Are there no descendants?"

"Hmm~ I do have a granddaughter. But I don't know if she's dead or if she's alive. If she's alive, she's probably older than you. Almost as old as my mom... … Not until then. "Her youngest child, Mona, is about the same age as her eldest sister."

"You must have lived quite a long time?"

"then. She lived a long time. "I have spent my entire life on the battlefield."

Old man Angajumang smiled and continued speaking.

"I asked such an old man to suddenly adapt to a peaceful world. That was impossible. Fighting and war were my life."

"You are still living fiercely in a solitary confinement in the Nouvelle Vague. "It's a consistent life."

"Pusssss-is it fierce? here? you're welcome. This place is like a resort. Right now, I am taking a leisurely rest to relieve the stress I suffered before... … "I plan to go out as soon as I feel better."

Judging by their gutsiness in treating their single room in the Nouvelle Vague as a place to relax, they were no ordinary old people.

Bikir was a little curious about how long the old man next to him had been and how intense his life had been.

At that time, it seemed that old man Angajumang was also thinking the same thing.

"I think you can talk to me a bit. "Do you know how to conduct an argument?"

Argument (論劍). Just as high-level baduk players close their eyes and play only verbally, high-level swordsmen can spar verbally with their eyes closed.

This is impossible unless both parties are fully aware of each other's swordsmanship and herbivorous skills.

Bikir readily accepted old man Angajumang's request for a medical examination.

"Do you know the swordsmanship of the Baskervilles?"

"I know roughly. "Okay then, let's get started."

Old Man Angajumang opened his mouth and began to spread his food.

Bikir also developed a virtual sparring, using his strength.

Baskerville first meal. Teeth that stab deeply into the opponent's body.

Baskerville 2nd meal. Teeth that stab the opponent deeper into the body and fix it.

Baskerville 3rd meal. Teeth that bite into the other person's body and put their weight on it.

Baskerville Type 4. Teeth that cut into the opponent's body.



As a warm-up, Bikir performed Baskerville meals 1 through 4.

Surprisingly, old man Angajumang saw through the level of skill in the 4th form that Bikir had accumulated.

"Amazing! I can't believe that a young man who hasn't even completed his terms and conditions can use the 4th formula so perfectly. "It's like seeing a middle-aged person who has spent his entire life rolling around on the battlefield!"

However, after finishing speaking, he added in a humorous tone.

"… … Well, compared to this old man, I'm still a baby."

Soon, old man Angajumang began to eat herbivorously.

Bikir knew nothing about the swordsmanship used by old man Angajumang, but old man Angajumang developed his own based on Bikir's swordsmanship theory.

Even though he did not know Old Man Angajumang's swordsmanship, Bikir, who was very good at his own swordsmanship, was naturally able to see how old Angajumang was destroying his own swordsmanship.

A sight as if drawn by the eye.

Bikir's first meal was devoured by old man Angajumang's gentle sword strike.

And the second meal that followed ended up just telling me where my body was.

The 3rd and 4th types, who had not even been able to shoot out yet, were immediately eaten by old man Angajumang's attack, and soon Bikir's body was on the verge of being torn into pieces.

'… … what? 'Isn't it an ordinary snake?'

Bikir was forced to stop what he was trying to do.

Eventually, Vikir's full power is revealed.

Baskerville Type 5. Teeth that tear apart the opponent's body.

Baskerville Type 6. Teeth that crush the opponent's body.

Baskerville 7th type. Teeth that crush the opponent's body.

Baskerville Type 8. The tooth that brings all the teeth together and holds them in place.

The ultimate in swordsmanship that Baskerville can reach. The limits of the living.

It counterattacked Old Man Angajumang with tremendous force.

Black sheep.

The very ultimate skill that took the life of Amdusias in Auburn City shook the entire virtual world of Nongeumbimu.


"Pushssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss at this really amazes me. I can't believe it. "How is it possible to reach this level at this age?"

Old Man Angajumang was only surprised, but did not look scared or intimidated.

Eventually, the power of old man Angajumang clashes with that of Vikir.

There was a level of ferocity and aggression that you would never think of as a dying old man, and there was even extreme madness in their reckless counterattack.

A crazy warmonger who has spent his entire life fighting and fighting.

Even Bikir had no choice but to give in to that recklessness.

'… … 'I couldn't believe such a madman existed in this world.'

Bikir also had to experience an unfamiliar shock due to the discussion with old man Angajumang.

The result presented to the world solely for the sake of fighting, slaughter, and conflict.

He is truly a war maniac.

Every breath you take, every step you take, and every hand you extend are all filled with murderous intent and a desire for destruction.

An aura that wants to harass others. This misaligned drama. Crooked nobility.

Now I felt like I knew why this old man was isolated away from humanity and locked in solitary confinement here in the Nouvelle Vague, the deepest and harshest place among them.

[What a crazy guy. Regardless of the species, whether it is a demon or a human, this is the type that should never be involved.]It was so outrageous that Decarabia, who was once a demon, said something like this.

At that time, old man Angajumang smiled and said.

"Do you feel a little motivated by having an argument like this with you? "I feel a little younger."

"I'm glad it helped."

"It was a big help. ah! I don't know how long it's been since I felt this way. After Winston and Orca. Hmm, before that, it was time to fight against the seven counts of the Baskerville family."

"With the Seven Counts? "Do you mean people like Boston Terriers, Great Danes, and Isabella?"

"who? Those kids don't know. "Not the current Seven Counts, but the Seven Counts of previous eras."

Well, if you guess old man Angajumang's age, you would have to go back at least two generations.

Old man Angajumang asked Bikir.

"Who is the head of the Baskerville family now?"

"Hugo les Baskerville."

"Hugo… … Hugo… … Who is that? I wonder if some random guy I've never heard of is eating it. "Why didn't that old Cane Corso inherit the position of head of the family?"

"… … Do you know the Cane Corso?"

"Cancer, you know. He was a strict and picky man. "When I was young, I got into trouble a lot because I was fussy without knowing anything."

Old man Angajumang muttered in a wistful tone, as if he was reminiscing about a childhood game.

"When I think of that slash, my skin still trembles. Pussssss - Are you dead now? Well, it's only natural that so much time has passed. Maybe I was possessed by something and chased after the fantasy of the grave of the stabbing or something. "Speak like an immature fool."

"… … ."

Bikir kept his mouth shut.

It was a fact that there was no need to tell me that the place called the Tomb of the Stings existed or that the Cane Corso became a Death Knight and rose to the rank of the 9th Type.

… … And apart from that, Bikir thought he might know the identity of old man Angajumang.

Before returning, the guards of Nouvelle Vague declared that they would not participate in the war between demons and humans.

But that is a story from the early days of the Battle of Demon Destruction.

As the Battle of Demon Extermination reached the latter half, the guards of Nouvelle Vague also came to the ground and began to fight against demons, but it was not just to protect humanity.

The collapse of the Nouvelle Vague.

Because the place called New Vague itself disappeared, the guards and prisoners also had no choice but to come to the ground.

'At that time, the person who collapsed the prison called New Vague was the prison warden Orca himself.'

Why did he, who was a symbol of the Nouvelle Vague, take such action?

There were many different opinions about the story.

However, there was one theory that was quite persuasive.

It is said that this was the result of an escaped convict trying to escape to the surface and the prison warden Orca taking extreme measures to prevent it.

I can't even imagine how dangerous a person he must have been if he collapsed an entire Nouvelle Vague prison just to prevent one person from escaping.

There were differing opinions among celebrities as to who the escaped prisoner was... …

'I think it's probably this person.'

If so, Bikir knew exactly who Old Man Angajumang was and what his true name was.

And it is even more certain considering what we know about the discussion and the long history of the Baskerville family.

Bikir was confident in his guess.

And then came to a conclusion.

'… … A person who should not be involved as much as possible.'

There was a person right next to me who was even more terrible and scary than the devil.