Episode 376: Poseidon (2)

"What's going on?"

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, who had primary jurisdiction over the entire labor camp, hurriedly rushed over.

Guards wearing captain rank badges pointed deep into the pit.

"There was a mysterious explosion in the center of the Level Nine area."

"The scale is different from previous accidents. "It seems like an unusual sign."

"We are unable to conduct an investigation yet because there is a risk of further collapse due to lava and gas."

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, who received the report from his subordinates, spoke coldly.

"Send some prisoners to investigate."

"yes? Ha, but if you go down there now, there is a risk of being caught in further collapse... … ."

"So, let's send the prisoner. "If you were to exempt them from one day's labor and give them a few pieces of bread, the people who would volunteer would be strong and tough."

The guards fell silent at Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's words.

Even if they were prisoners, they thought they would sell their lives for a day's rest and a few loaves of bread.

But surprisingly, there were applicants.

"I'll go."

Bikir took a step forward.

Then Colonel Bastille also flinched.

"You? "What are you planning?"

"Nothing much. "I want to eat bread."

"… … Hmm."

Colonel Bastille thought for a moment.

However, after causing trouble just once when he was first admitted, Bikir has been a model prisoner without any accidents for the past two years.

Colonel Bastille quickly nodded.

"good night. "Can you go down through that fire and gas?"

"It would be possible if you release the BDSM restraints."

"Stop making excuses… … ."

"It's a joke. "Let's go."

Bikir stepped into the pit with a dry jock.


The fierce gas storms, flames, and lava that spewed out from inside the Earth's surface were difficult for even Vikir to handle.

In this case, the physical resistance and magic resistance stats that I had built up to the limit in the Maw Tree were of great help.

"Hey, Decarabia. "Can you deploy the shield?"

[I don't have any mana, so I can only use a little bit.]

"That is enough."

At Bikir's words, Decarabia set up a small barrier and surrounded it for a few meters.

Vikir, hiding behind a curtain of fire and gas, moved forward, shaking off lava that was up to his knees.

'… … 'I won't be able to hold out for long.'

If you continue to stay in a place like this without any mana, your legs will burn away without a trace.

Bikir paced his steps to find the cause of the explosion as quickly as possible.

Soon, a huge shadow was revealed beyond the dense sulfur gas, fluttering flames, and brilliant red aurora emitted by the lava.

"… … !"

Bikir could tell at a glance. That it was the being he had been searching for all this time.

"This is my first time seeing it with the naked eye."

But nonetheless, there is no doubt.

The heart of the Nouvelle Vague, the deepest part of Level Nine.

Are there any other 'blue lava spheres' that exist here?

Bikir quietly raised his head and admired what was in front of him.

It was an oval-shaped sphere about 5 meters in diameter, covered entirely in blue flames, and it looked like an 'egg' of something.

"found. "Poseidon."

Vikir stretched out his hand and stroked its surface.

At the bottom of the sphere, root-like things made of aura were extending beneath the ground, and these showed fierce resistance when subjected to even the slightest impact.

Quack! Grumble! Rumbling!

Because of that resistance, it seemed like explosions were occurring all around.

… puck!

Vikir stretched out his fist and tried to hit the outside of 'Poseidon'.

Then something surprising happened.


Poseidon absorbed the shock from Vikir's fist.


Then the blue flames that were fluttering around grew slightly larger.

The surrounding light also seemed to become a little brighter.

"also. "You grow by absorbing external shocks."

Vikir nodded.

Finding this Poseidon is not the end. In the future, we need to provide numerous shocks to grow.

'… … 'It's not for nothing that the saying 'join the same time' exists.'

Vikir stroked his chin.

Just like discovering Poseidon, operating it was not something that could be done alone.

'But once you've discovered it, 90% of the work has been accomplished. The rest is just a matter of time.'

Of course, Bikir had plans for the future.

… Clap! … Clap! … Clap! … Clap!

Vikir turned and went back through the lava swamp.

Eventually, everyone who saw Bikir rising above the rocky area was frightened.

"Oh, you're not dead?"

"How did you get to the inside of hell?"

"Didn't you just come back from the beginning?"

The people around him whispered, but Bikir paid no attention.

"There is a strange-looking lump of lava inside. "It seems like it's absorbing the shock."

"… … Absorb the shock?"

Colonel Bastille was impressed.

It might be better if it was something that exploded, but materials that absorb shock are not very pleasant.

This is true from the perspective of having to dig down a tunnel.

Eventually, as the gas and vapor cleared, the blue sphere that Bikir had spoken of became even more clearly visible.

Burning black flames, roots of aura that go below the ground, and an unidentified entity that causes a loud explosion at the slightest touch.

Colonel Bastille raised his large sword and attempted a slash.


The blue sphere accepted even the aura of a senior graduate without difficulty.

"It's true! "I absorbed all of Colonel Bastille's attacks!"

"uh? That lump... … "Don't you think it's a little bigger than before?"

"I feel bad that it looks like an egg."

Even the guards were whispering and shaking.

Now that the unidentified sphere is standing in the middle of the workshop, it has become difficult to work.

Even if you want to dig deeper into the surrounding area, there is no way because all shocks from work tools such as pickaxes and shovels are absorbed.

Moreover, if you accidentally touch the aura's veins, which are like small roots, a huge explosion will occur without exception, making it even more difficult.

Colonel Bastille groaned.

"If an explosion like this occurs just by touching a blood vessel like a small root… … "If that mass exploded, it would be a huge mess."

It was possible that the entire Nouvelle Vague fortress might blow away.

In the worst case, there was even a possibility that an extinct volcano that was thought to be dead could revive and begin volcanic activity again.

"This is a damn thing. Wasn't the Nouvelle Vague a completely extinct volcano?"

However, the veins of aura that have taken root around Colonel Bastille, the sulfur gas and oil vapor that is exploding in real time, and the boiling magma are not ordinary even at a glance.

Until now, I thought it was the eruption of old geothermal heat trapped in the ground, but it seems like I need to revise my thinking a bit.

"Call the geologists. A thorough investigation must be conducted again to determine whether the Nouvelle Vague is really an extinct volcano... … ."

However, Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's order was not completed.

"What nonsense?"

A large man wearing a black uniform walked out from behind.

Colonel Dordium. When he appeared, Colonel Bastille immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Dordium waved his hand and received a cursory salute, then got straight to the point.

"Try again what you said earlier. What about an extinct volcano? "Are you going to conduct a full investigation again?"

"yes! This is none other than the unidentified object discovered in Level Nine's labor yard... … ."

Dordium frowned at Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's words.

"Let me take a look."

Dordium went down to where the blue sphere was under the guidance of Lieutenant Colonel Bastille.

"If you hit it, it absorbs it. And if you touch the aura vein below, a loud explosion occurs, and the impact is also absorbed by the sphere. If you touch it too hastily, the shock accumulated in the sphere may be released all at once. If Nouvelle Vague is a dormant volcano and not an extinct volcano... … ."

"What nonsense. Nouvelle Vague is definitely an extinct volcano."

Dordium dismissed Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's words.

And then he spoke again.

"Don't prolong the construction period because of worries that aren't certain. Do you know how many years it will take to conduct a complete survey again? "At least ten years."

"B-but… … ."

"If the construction period is extended, what will be the astronomical budget incurred? "Are you going to take responsibility?"

"… … ."

When Lieutenant Colonel Bastille kept quiet, Dordium struck a chord.

"Labor will proceed as scheduled. "We must meet the construction deadline at all costs."

"… … ."

"This is all for you too. Shouldn't Level 1 be completed as soon as possible so that I can get ahead of that fucking bitch? If I become the head of the prison, shouldn't you be promoted quickly and become the head of the prison?"

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille quickly nodded at Dordium's words.

"What you said is correct, Colonel."

"okay. If an explosion happens anyway, wouldn't only the trash prisoners die? "If you're really worried, the guards tell you to stay away from that area if possible."

After finishing speaking, Dordium emitted a black light from his eyes.

"Personnel evaluation season is coming soon."

"… … ."

"Soware, that bitch is keeping old Angajumang in solitary confinement. "A girl who doesn't do much always gets close to a perfect score in HR just for that alone."

"… … ."

"What about me on the other hand? "He takes the lead in suppressing prisoner riots, goes out to procure food, and always carries out his duties as the prison warden's closest aide."

"… … ."

"Is it really fair if the quarterly personnel scores between me and that Suware girl are similar? "Why should I be a candidate for the next prison director along with that bitch?"

It was Colonel Bastille's first time seeing Dordium talk so much.

With the sound of teeth grinding, Dordium finished speaking.

"So, the Level 1 construction I am in charge of must be completed within the deadline, no matter what happens. That's the only way to get ahead of Suware. When I become the next prison warden, you will be the next warden. "You know what I mean, right?"

"I just support it."

Dordium nodded as if satisfied with Lieutenant Colonel Bastille's polite answer and disappeared down the hallway.

And Colonel Bastille, who was left alone behind, sighed as if he was worried.

'For some reason, it feels ominous. Once that thing explodes, it's not just a matter of the Nouvelle Vague flying away. Maybe it will even affect the climate on earth... … .'

Colonel Bastille was alone in his thoughts for a long time.

But he soon shook his head.

'okay. It's probably a useless worry. 'My weakness is that I worry too much.'

Colonel Bastille decided to resume normal labor starting tomorrow.

There was no time to argue about this or that as they were involved in the political fight between Dordium and Soiret, who were considered to be the next prison wardens among the five wardens.

… … and.

'It's good news for me in many ways.'

Bikir, who was standing behind the stone pillar and eavesdropping on their conversation, just quietly melts into the darkness.

With the bag of bread I received as a reward in my hand.