Episode 381: The Hound of Nouvelle Vague (5)

That night, the prisoner on the 8th floor rioted and the whole day was noisy.

Numerous guards were injured and taken to the medical unit, and some of the guards were injured and lost in the rugged terrain of the labor camp, necessitating search efforts.

A large number of uninjured guards were hospitalized in the medical unit, claiming that they had itchy and fever symptoms after inhaling the mist of blood.

Therefore, night work was also put on alert.

The guards continued to be on watch duty, skipping today's evening and early morning roll calls.

This is because there are too many vacancies.

"Why did an accident like this happen while the guards were changing their working positions?"

"I think Colonel Dordium made a mistake in judgment. "Construction should not be pushed forward so forcefully."

"Isn't this all because of that blue lava mass discovered in the Level Ten area?"

"By the way, is Nouvelle Vague really an extinct volcano? What if it turns out to be an active volcano?"

"Whatever, the whole Nouvelle Vague is blown up. But is that possible?"

The two guards yawned and took turns changing shifts.

Neither of them were originally guards in charge of this area, but there was a vacancy on their shift schedule, so they had no choice but to take on temporary duty.

… … And Bikir took advantage of the gap that arose at that time.

Bikir dipped the green vodmaka he had stolen from the guards into a puddle of seawater on the floor of the chamber.

The dark ink spreads into the water and turns the entire puddle green.

Bikir dipped the prison uniform he was wearing there.

Clap-clap- Clap-clap-

After dyeing it several times, the prison uniform became completely green.

Although the distinctive black stripes of the prison uniform were faintly visible, it was difficult to distinguish them under the dim lighting of the Nouvelle Vague.

Bikir looked through the bars, saw that the guards were busy talking about something else, and tightened his hands.


The BDSM handcuffs broke very easily.

Vikir nodded as he felt mana returning to his body.

'But what is the restraint made of so that it breaks so easily?'

The exact material that makes up BDSM is unknown.

However, it seemed clear that Vikir was influenced by the title 'Blood Beast Daylily Lumberjack' earned from the Maw Tree.

Eventually, Bikir completely destroyed the BDSM restraints attached to his body, broke the iron bars, and came out.

And then I slowly started walking down the hallway.

Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk-

At that time, one of the guards on duty in front of him saw Bikir and his eyes widened.

"… … uh? "Why is the doctor here?"

He seemed to have mistaken Bikir for a medical professional after seeing the green top and bottom he was wearing.

After all, it is impossible to think that a person wearing green clothes and walking around outside at this time without handcuffs or chains is a prisoner.

Bikir answered calmly.

"I am the doctor in charge of quarantine in the Level 9 area. This time, a level 8 'plague leper' was spreading blood and saliva everywhere, so we were doing a final check."

"Oh yeah?"

Although the guard gave him a slightly suspicious look, he seemed unable to imagine that the other person was a prisoner.

"When I looked at the work log from the last time, I saw that there was no entry/exit record… … ."

"Is that so? It's been a while since I came here. I lost track of time as I was carrying out quarantine so meticulously. Did all the other team members leave first?"

"Haha - you have a sense of calling. When I looked at the work log in front, I saw that there was quarantine work going on. It is recorded that everyone left at that time... … "I've been so busy these days that I think I've missed one person."

The guard smiled, surprisingly satisfied with Bikir's words.

He seems relieved to hear that the area where he works and stays has been meticulously disinfected.

"Okay, go ahead. "Please take care not to spread the plague to us."

"Would it be possible?"

Bikir bowed to the guard and passed through the hallway.

'… … good. 'I passed step 1 with ease.'

Poseidon discovered at the point of explosion, Colonel Dordium's guards reassigned, and Shikkeot's rampage.

It was an exquisite combination of these three results.

Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk-

Walking down the hallways of Nouvelle Vague this late at night, I felt new.

The feeling of endless freedom and liberation seemed to make my height and limbs a few centimeters longer.

But that was only for a moment, and Bikir quietly headed to a corner of the hallway.

That's where the supplies room is.

It was a military warehouse where the uniforms, epaulettes, boots, and weapons used by the guards were stored.

'The prisoners' supplies are managed like a knife, but the guards' supplies are surprisingly poor.'

Items such as sardines, bread, and work tools provided to prisoners are subject to extremely detailed inventory and quantity checks.

However, surprisingly, the supplies provided to the guards were neglected quite poorly.

The military personnel on guard duty in front of the warehouse was sitting with a listless expression, reading a novel whose pages were worn out after having been read hundreds of times.

"'A worn-out newbie'… … I must have read this 200 times already. Hey, it's not fun. "I want to see the side story quickly."

At that time, there was someone who caught the attention of the military logistics staff.

Messy hair and burn marks covering his face.

It was Bikir, wearing a guard's uniform that was torn in places and stained with blood.

[What a toxic person. He got burn marks on his face. Well, since the Basilisk has super regenerative ability, it can recover at any time.]

A sound came from Dekaravia's chest, writhing without knowing where to put it.

Vikir pretended to feel uncomfortable and struck Decaravia's chest with his fist to silence him.

Then he pressed the brim of his hat deeply and opened his mouth.

"Hello, Mr. Gyewon. "I came here to see if I could get a spare uniform."

"Ugh-what is it? Are you torn by the riots today too? "A lot of people came today with torn uniforms."

"yes. I have just returned from being shipwrecked at the bottom of a crevasse in a canyon. I tried to repair the uniform, but it seemed like there was no way I could sew it... … ."

"Yeah, at that point, it might be better to just get a new set. wait. "I'll find one right away."

The logistics officer closed the book he was reading and went into the warehouse to rummage through things.

Eventually, he came out with all the accessories, including a guard uniform that fit Bikir's body perfectly, military boots, epaulettes, rank insignia, and badges.

"What name should I write on Obarok?"

When the military inspector asked, Bikir answered right away.

"This is Ensign 'Garm Nord'."

* * *

/ ◆

A rank insignia with a name tag and a diamond.

Bikir wore rank insignia on his chest and shoulders.

Since I had been watching the guards closely, I was able to imitate their actions, words, and actions.


"It's not time to wear this yet."

Vikir put a name tag with 'Garm Nord' written on it into his mouth.

It was the moment when a low-level guard with no name or affiliation was created in the Nouvelle Vague.

Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk-

After putting on the guard uniform and rank insignia, everything was smooth sailing.

I was able to pass through doors and hallways that only guards could enter without raising any suspicion.

at that time. A guard called to Bikir as he walked down a hallway in the dead of night.

"hey. "There, so-called."

A guard with the rank of captain summoned Bikir and stopped him.

Bikir paused for a moment. Did he get suspicious because he didn't wear a name tag?

… … But no.

"Can't you see the trash on the floor there? "Pick it up and go."

The captain had Bikir pick up the trash that was closer to him and then went on his way.

'Thank goodness. 'Because it is a society that considers class before name.'

Humans are all similar everywhere.

Look at the other person's position or rank first, rather than their name, and decide whether to be interested or not and whether or not to remember their name.

In that respect, the so-called rank insignia was the perfect means of camouflage to avoid suspicion.

Since no one was interested in the name of the so-called low-level guard, Nabulaengi, there was no argument about whether he had a name tag or not, what his face looked like, whether he was tall or short, and what his facial expressions were like.

Bikir smoothly climbed the central stairs of the 9th floor and headed to the 8th, 7th, and 6th floors.

The final destination was the 5th floor.

When Vikir had just left the 6th floor and was about to open the door to the 5th floor.

"… … "Part?"

A voice came from behind, stopping Bikir in his tracks.

For the first time, someone recognized Bikir's identity based on his face and body shape rather than his rank.

As Bikir slowly turned his gaze, he saw a familiar face standing there.

A female prison guard standing on crutches with her legs and arms bandaged.

Lieutenant Kirko Grimm was standing there, tilting his head as if wondering.

"It's a gap, right? Why are you there at this hour? I didn't see you during the roll call earlier, so where have you been... … ."

I was suddenly met with excessive interest.

Bikir thought to himself for a moment.

'Should I remove it?'

But I didn't really feel like it.

Normally, I would have used my hands mercilessly... … Considering Garum's last will, in which he lent his name and identity, I thought it would be okay to overlook this.

'It's nothing compared to what will happen on the 5th floor anyway.'

Bikir's prison escape plan, which took a long time, was perfect.

And even if we don't know it now, she was definitely someone who would be helpful in the future.

"… … ."

Bikir simply entered the door without responding to Kirko's call.

"uh? Hey, let's go!"

Kirko widened his eyes in surprise at the unexpected situation.

He had an unusual attitude, always smiling like an idiot whenever he saw himself.

"what? Are you going to be on guard in another area?"

Kirko was also busy returning from the medical post, so he didn't have time to stand around for long.

She tilted her head once and headed back on her way.

"… … what. People called me at most. "I just wanted to say thank you for the Level 8 riot incident."

But the other side is different. That 'stupid division'.

Kirko soon lost his attention to Garm.

That timid guy won't go anywhere and cause an accident, so wherever he goes at this late hour, it won't be a big deal.

All I had to do was say thank you and say it properly the next time I met him.

Jeopuk- Jeopuk- Jeopuk-

Just like Bikir, Kirko gradually melted into the dark hallway.

Bikir goes up, Kirko goes down.

So, each of them took completely opposite paths.