Episode 400: Black Tongue (2)

"Help, what are they doing now?"

There is a thick and muddy bass sound.

Vikir narrowed his eyes and faced the man in front of him.

The entire skin visible under the uniform was black, and there was not a single hair on the smooth skin.

The tightly bulging muscles had a slightly different arrangement from those of humans.

The face had no eyelids, nose, or lips, so the white torn eyeballs and sharp teeth beneath the eye sockets were exposed.

Bubbly, bubbling... …

The muscle fibers that made up the body were moving individually and bubbling like boiling tar.

Colonel Black Tongue.

He is the lowest rank among the five wardens, but in terms of seniority, he is the highest ranking except for Brigadier General Flubber.

'… … Dordium and Soiret said that he had been a lieutenant colonel ever since he was a second lieutenant.'

Vikir scanned the entire body of the black tongue.

The experienced hunting dog came up with an estimate for his prey in an instant.

However, even if we can roughly figure out how much power he has, we still cannot know how evil he is or what kind of evil plan he is plotting.

Therefore, Bikir faced the black tongue with the most simple and common sense response.

"I'm sorry for carelessly hurting the leech. I'm so surprised... … "My heart is still pounding like it's going to burst."

Bikir made a fuss, wiping away cold sweat.

Like a hero from the Warring States Period who pretended to tremble at the sound of lightning and hid under his desk in order to hide his extraordinaryness from his enemies.

Bikir's strategy of humbling himself seems to have had some effect.

The unpleasant and ominous energy that the black tongue was emitting faded just a little.

"Help, are you Captain Garm, or Major? "It seems like he's not as gutsy as rumored."

"It's a burden because it seems like it's being overvalued due to the current situation."

"no. Judging by the rumors, you're a total monster. Rather, it's nice to see a humane side, but what~"

"… … ."

"ah! Sit down, wherever is comfortable. Don't worry about the leeches. These are things I threw away anyway because it became a hassle to raise them. "It doesn't have any advantages other than being soft, so I often use it as a cushion."

Black Tongue turned around with an unpleasant laugh.

Every time he moved, you could see his back muscles twitching, but if you looked closely, they were all leeches.

These small, tough leeches were tightly attached to the entire body of the black tongue, as if each were a single muscle fiber.

In other words, it had leeches all over its body. It's like a suit-type full-body armor!

'… … Colonel Black Tongue is a human, but I heard that even though he is a human, he is not treated as a human, and I understand why.'

Who would consider a human being with leeches attached to his entire body 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?

The assessment that they were similar humans was rather generous.

"okay. It arrived sooner than expected? "I guess that Bastille guy was in a bit of a hurry?"

Black Tongue naturally spoke down to Bastille, who was also a lieutenant colonel.

It's natural. If only for time, he would already have to have reached the rank of brigadier general or major general.

As Vikir nodded, Black Tongue smiled.

It was an unpleasant smile, one that was smiling but didn't seem to be laughing at all.

"okay. Bastille How is he doing? "Is he still acting like a pet dog that is helpless without its owner?"

"… … "This is a difficult question to answer."

"Help, I guess that's true from my subordinate's point of view. As for the Bastille guy, when Dordium or Sue and Les are around, he often protests against my orders, but now that those two bitches are gone, he immediately becomes obedient. What's the point? It's so funny that we often get into fights. The reactions are fun~"

Vikir looked at Black Tongue's face for a moment.

I heard that Black Tongue is not on good terms with all of the guards at Nouvelle Vague, but is especially at loggerheads with Dordium and Soiret.

Dordium hates the Black Tongue because it interferes at every turn when it comes to embezzling various items from the Nouvelle Vague, and Souire has a deep-rooted relationship with the Black Tongue from the ground up?

'I heard there's a rumor that it was the black tongue that blew off half of Suware's face.'

There was a record in Garum's diary that while they were both on land, they met as enemies and fought several times in famous naval battles.

… … Well, it wasn't any of Vikir's business to know.

Meanwhile, Black Tongue perched on the leech in front of Vikir.


When he sat on the leech, the leech spat out yellow and blue juice from its mouth.

A sound that sounded like someone moaning could also be heard inside.

"… … ."

"… … ."

Bikir and Kirko kept their mouths shut as if they had made a promise.

It wasn't because they were trying to hide some secret, it was just because the atmosphere was so dark and unpleasant.

'There must be people inside the leech that acts as a cushion, right?'

'I guess so. Let's sit down first. If you feel uncomfortable, sit on the floor.'

'… … no. It's not uncomfortable.'

Cirko looked determined and sat down on the leech ball in front of him.

It was a resolute attitude, as if he would not be overpowered.


The leech under her buttocks trembles again and spews out thick blood juice.

No human groans could be heard.

'thank god.'

Cirko thought it was a blessing in disguise.

If I heard a human moaning from underneath my butt, I probably wouldn't have been able to maintain my facial expression.

Meanwhile, Black Tongue, who saw Kirko close his eyes for a moment, opened his mouth in a laughing voice.

"It feels like I'm farting~"

"… … ."

"Joke. Joke. "I thought you were nervous, so I wanted to relieve you~"

Although his face still didn't show much of a smile, I could at least infer that he was smiling by looking at the leeches that replaced his facial muscles widening their bodies.

"Okay, I'll start interrogating you now. It's simple, so don't be too frozen. If your body is stiff, blood does not circulate properly, which is bad for blood circulation. "The taste is gone."

"… … ."

"Joke again this time. Joke. Young people these days are so serious. "I heard our jokes don't work~"

Black Tongue narrowed his eyes and spoke in a friendly tone.

"Hagiya. I might be a little reluctant~ Both my appearance and my personality! Ordinary guards would never meet me in the first place, right? "There are many people who have never seen me even though they have worked at Nouvelle Vague for decades."

"… … ."

"The guys I see are always similar. Corruption in military service, violation of military discipline, lax discipline, desertion from work, insults to superiors... … Are you saying they're all just bad guys? If you have lived a straight and upright life, you have absolutely no reason to be afraid of me. Rest assured."

After that, Black Tongue continued to preach for a long time, preaching that people should not be judged only by first impressions or appearances, and that people should not commit sins.

yet. He narrowed his eyes, holding in his hand a document containing the results of the investigation into Bikir, or rather Garm.

"Let's see." Separate… … Origin is from the earth... … I had an ordinary lower-class family... … Was your career a little below average? … But your grades have risen sharply recently? When will this be the starting point? … Umm, okay… … After the 'Night Hound' prison escape incident, your grades have improved significantly... … At this time, did you get caught up in some serious accident and as a result you became awakened? Hmm… … From then on, it was all success... … It's like I've become a different person... … After suppressing a level 8 prisoner's riot, it's a special promotion... … It seems like Lieutenant Colonel Bastille openly favored him and pushed him? "It's not like we're distant relatives or anything like that, right?"

The black tongue stuck out its purple-stained tongue and interrogated Vikir with a poisonous snake-like gaze.

If there was even the slightest gap, I could feel its intention to stick to it and suck out everything inside.

… … however.

"yes. I am from the earth. I recently received a telegram informing me that my parents and siblings all died at the same time. "I heard that everyone in my hometown suffered disaster."

"Ohh? That's a shame. "What happened?"

"They said a devil appeared on earth and turned my hometown into a sea of ​​fire. "I've only heard of it in a few short sentences, so I don't know the details."

"Well, isn't it a bit difficult to communicate with the outside world here in Nouvelle Vague? Yes, it must be very frustrating. Anyway, did you change into a different person because of that?"

"It was an opportunity."

Vikir is a warrior who came from the Age of Destruction, and his ability to hide mana and power is better than anyone else in the current era.

The black tongue could not see through what even Hugo, the owner of the Iron Blood Swordsman Baskerville, had not noticed in the first place.

"Hehehehe- really? Well, if something like that happens, I think I'll wake up too. "They said the world has been in turmoil for the past few months."

"Is that so?"

"huh. Well, demons or monsters suddenly appear, the dungeon opens, a gate appears, and what else? Anyway, I heard there was a lot of trouble. Because of that, Orca, Dordium, and Suware went up to the ground. To transport the increasing number of criminals here. Well, I'm the only one here so I don't really know."

Black Tongue muttered in a lively voice and checked various things on the document.

And closed the file.

"Then the interrogation is over. There's nothing wrong with you. "It's clean~ It's neat~ It's soft~"

"If you're done with your business, I'll just head back."

"uh? Eh~ Anyway, I never asked you to go, so how can you say that first? I'm a lieutenant colonel. "You're so bold, aren't you?"

"I have a lot of work to do. sorry."

The moment Bikir stood up, the black tongue opened its mouth with a smile on its face.

"sit down."

"… … ."

"No~ Why are you looking so scary? "Relax your face~ That's not what you said."

The black tongue waved at Vikir as if telling him to go out.

The place where his gaze is directed is behind Bikir.

"Hehehehehe. Ah, it feels like it's been a long time since I last saw you?"

It was Circo's face.