Episode 412 End game (4) 


A warrior tribe from the Red and Black Mountains.

Along with the iron-blooded swordsman Baskerville, they were beings who exercised great influence throughout the Dark Red Sea.

Iyen is the leader of the Balak tribe and a warrior who has no equal among his peers.

She is the daughter of Chief Aquila and the young blood following in her footsteps, and has the talent and qualifications to reach the level of a graduate at just 17 years old.

Originally, she was also destined to disappear when the Red Death swept over the sea, but the future changed due to the butterfly effect created by Vikir.

'… … But even so, I never thought I'd see you here again.'

Bikir's mouth was half-open at the completely unexpected result.

Then Iyen grinned and tapped Vikir's side with his elbow.

"I thought you would be here."

"… … ."

"I didn't know you were still wearing a leash."

She smiled brightly as she looked at the old choker hanging around Bikir's neck.

Meanwhile, Bikir looked back at Suware, who was tumbling down to the floor along with stone debris, and asked.

Clearly, it was Iyen who kicked Suware in the head just a moment ago.

"What happened?"

"what? Are you asking why I am here? Or are you asking how I was able to become so strong in such a short period of time?"

"… … both."

When Bikir asked, Iyen pointed back with his thumb.

"I'll tell you the details later. "Isn't it urgent now?"

"… … ."

Iyen was right.

Bikir quickly assessed the situation and left.

Iyen knocked down two guards who stood in his way and took their bow and arrows.

Then he followed Bikir and spoke briefly.

"I also went into the Maw Tree."

"… … !"

Vikir remembered the time he fought Amdusias a long time ago.

There were clearly arrow marks left on the tip of its horn.

And Ahyul, whom I met in the Naraksu tree, also said the same thing.

'I'm worried about what happened to the other tribe members. Especially my brother and the tribal leader... … We were able to survive at least by falling here. if… … If those who couldn't come here suffered even more misery... … '

Amdusias, the worldview absorber, attacked Balak's territory and trapped them in the Maw Tree.

So, does that mean Iyen was also in the same Maw Tree Tower that Vikir entered?

But Iyen shook her head.

"The tree I was in was a different entity. He called it a 'prototype.'"

Bikir knew immediately what that meant.

The Maw Tree that Bikir experienced is an improved version so that the challengers in the tower can survive more easily.

However, Iyen ended up entering the previous version of the abyss.

The survival rate of those who challenge the tower is so low that they go into the discarded objects, and that too alone!

"I survived by killing fairies and monsters and eating candy. Perhaps because it was an object with many errors, clearing it was impossible. They said I would just have to stay trapped in that tower forever. "That's what the dragon horse I defeated on the top floor said."

Bikir looked genuinely surprised.

No matter how different the Maw Tree is, the Dragon Demon is not usually a strong monster.

After challenging the tower several times, Iyen succeeded in hunting down such a dragon demon.

"There's a reason why I became a hero who turned the tables while I couldn't see him."

"Hehehe- But the reason we were able to get out of the tower was because the West finally defeated Amdusias."

Iyen was frustrated because no matter how much she cleared the tower, she could not go out. One day, she was suddenly able to go out of the tower.

I found out later that it was because Vikir cleared the Maw Tree in the Imperial Academy and killed the tower owner, Amdusias.

"After that, I left the West Continent and came to the Central Continent. "But the place has already become a wasteland?"

Iyen's testimony was surprising.

It is said that one day, numerous gates suddenly appeared in the night sky, pouring out fire and monsters.

Monsters ran rampant everywhere and fire fell.

Hell Gate has opened.

There were four ominous signs that the end of the world was approaching.

"… … for a moment. Four things? "Not 10?"

When Bikir asked, Iyen nodded.

"The world is filled with endless darkness, hail of fire falls, and swarms of flies and frogs swarm. "There are four correct?"

"… … Hmm. "By removing six of the ten disasters, the number of disasters has been reduced to four."

Vikir nodded.

Originally, six more plagues were to occur on earth.

Water turns to blood, swarms boil, livestock and animals die in droves, locust storms dry up all food, and the first born of the year die.

But none of this happened.

This is because Bikir has already eliminated the culprits that will cause this disaster.

'But the four remaining Sipsangshi are enough to destroy the world.'

In the end, it's just a matter of time. It would take a little longer for the world to be completely destroyed, but the four great devils were steadily bringing destruction to the earth.

Even at this moment.

'Perhaps soon the gates of destruction will be completely opened. Before that, we need to get rid of them completely as soon as possible... … .'

As if reading Vikir's thoughts, Iyen spoke in an angry voice.

"So, as soon as I went to the imperial capital, I went to see Xindi Wendy."

"… … !"

In Bikir's eyes, Ichae was young.

ThindiWendy is one of Vikir's confidants and someone you can trust no matter what happens.

Bikir had given her several instructions before entering Nouvelle Vague, and if Iyenne had met her, things would have gone smoothly.

"I could trust XindiWendy because he had traded with Balak for a long time. There he heard stories of the West. "He was falsely accused and imprisoned."

"It's not a false accusation. Well, keep going."

"So I tried to take care of the things that the West was unable to do."

A blue light emanated from Iyen's eyes.

"Pedro of the House of Don Quixote, Ithelred of the House of Usher, Thomas of the House of Leviathan. And their masters are Passamonte of the Don Quixote family, Madeline of the House of Usher, and Hobbes of the Leviathan family. "I tried to assassinate them all."

After listening to her, Bikir finally understood what had been written on the newspaper clippings he had previously obtained from a prisoner.

[inside… ] … Palace guard, attack... all 

-The Usher family… A mysterious attack... Great damage… Investigating authorities suspect... Specific to one person... Victim Madeline... slander… There is no danger to life...

[Exclusive] Changhae… A, the damage from the successive attacks... 

-Don Quixote… Another question… attack… Count of Passamonte... Gyeongsang… Investigating authorities suspect... Specific to one person... Presumed to be the same person...

[Exclusive] Suspect of murder, assassination suspect arrested... 

-Leviar or something… Gaju Hobbs attacked... Due to the recent surge in monsters... All over the Leviathan family territory... A series of unidentified gates and strange dungeons appear... An empire-wide thorough investigation begins...

The Usher family, Don Quixote family, and Leviathan family were attacked one after another, and there was only one criminal.

That was Iyen.

"You could have just waited and met me. "I was planning to leave here soon anyway."

"I believed that of course that would be the case. What better reunion gift could there be than an enemy's head or a raw liver? "I am also a woman with a mood."

"… … ."

Iyen looked truly depressed over not being able to cut off the heads of the remaining Ten Sangshi.

Bikir soothed her.

"Your courage to attack alone is amazing. "That alone is enough."

"what. It was nothing compared to the Dragon Demon that I fought in the Naraksu Tree. Or when I fought an entire colony of daylilies in a flowing river."

"So what happened?"

"hmm. As for the result, it failed. I stormed into Leviathan House and tried to cut off the head of the house... … This guy is a lot stronger than I thought. So he ended up being captured and brought down here to the Nouvelle Vague."

"I guess so. Its identity is Flauros this time. It's a devil with great power. You probably wouldn't have been able to do it alone. Didn't ThindiWendy stop you?"

"I didn't stop you. "I wasn't alone."

"… … ?"

Although many things were omitted, it was well conveyed how much Iyen had prepared and how much she had prepared for her quest for revenge.


"Hmm. You just need to know. "Be nice to me."

at that time.

"You guys!"

There was a large man blocking Vikir and Iyen's path.

Colonel Bastille. He was blocking the path down, brandishing a toothless greatsword.

"I don't know what the plan is, but I can't get past it!"

He knew well that he could not stop the duo that had sent Dordium and Suware away with his own strength.

So Colonel Bastille slammed his bayonet on the floor.

Quack! Blah blah blah-

The plan was to cause an earthquake and collapse the passage. Even if it means sacrificing one's life.

"… … this."

Vikir frowned at the unexpected obstacle.

It was difficult because rocks were falling from above and the floor was deeply cracked.



Iyen just smiles meaningfully and whistles.

Then something surprising happened.

Iyen's hair burned like flames, and then a huge wolf was summoned with a body made of flames.

Bikir, seeing the wolf's face, shouted with joy.


Wolf Bakira. A guy who once had trouble with Bikir in the flood waters.

Iyen laughed bitterly.

"He is a person I am grateful to who stayed by my side instead of going to the afterlife even after his life was over. "He signed a redemption contract within the Maw Tree."

The fire wolf summoned by Iyen struck Lieutenant Colonel Bastille with its front paws and sent him flying on the spot.


Colonel Bastille's body flew away with a loud shock wave.

[Kung!]Bakira carried Iyen and Vikir on her back and jumped over the crack in the floor that had just broken down.

"That's incredible speed."

Bikir was thrilled by Bakira's speed.

I had no idea that this guy, who lost his hind legs during Madam's attack, could run so fast.

At that time, Iyen asked as if something suddenly occurred to her.

"But isn't the 5th floor a balloon eel breeding farm? "Why are you heading to the 10th floor instead of the 5th floor?"

"… … that."

Vikir spoke in Iyen's ear about his future plans.

"… … That's amazing. Was it all planned from the beginning? "Even being imprisoned here?"

"Of course. "So far, things are going according to plan."

In response to Iyen's question, Vikir nodded.

Really, everything has been going well so far.

Dordium and Soiret fainted, and even Colonel Bastille, who was supposed to lead the guards, collapsed.

With a few unique prisoners from Level Nine leading the way, prisoners on all floors were running wild, and the guards seemed to be helplessly being pushed out.

… … But life is always unpredictable. Things don't always go as planned.


A loud noise comes from nowhere and knocks on the ceiling.

Blah blah blah-

The enormously large Gate of Good and Evil suddenly began to open.

Ting- Tong! Empty! Ttuduk! Tdu-duk! Bye!

The chains that supported the door broke with a loud noise, and the huge pulleys made of cast iron were crushed by an unprecedented force.

"W-Who are you! "Who opened the gate of good and evil!?"

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille escaped from the crack in the ground and screamed in horror, but there was no reply.

Shoot! Push sisishisic-

The cold water falling from above cools the hot battlefield.

All the prisoners and guards who were fighting desperately looked up in surprise.

And there was only one old man there.

He opened the door of good and evil with just the strength of his arms and slowly pushed himself into the Nouvelle Vague.

… thud!

The old man landed on the ground.

And when all the prisoners saw the old man's wrinkled face, tightly closed lips, white, stiff beard, and knife-like wrinkles, the complexions of all the prisoners began to turn blue.

The symbol and supremacy of Nouvelle Vague.

A being who reigns in fear over all prisoners and holds commanding authority over all guards.

The prison warden 'Orca Montreuil-sur-Mer Javert' fell into the middle of the battlefield.