Episode 415 End game (7)

Episode 415 End game (7)

Gurgling… …

Water leaks occurred throughout the Nouvelle Vague.

The guards who were suppressing the prisoners' rebellion in front of the Gate of Good and Evil on the first floor only then realized that the situation was going out of the ordinary.

"this! "The hole in the exterior wall is not being repaired!"

"Where is Brigadier General Flubber? Why does the water keep coming in!?"

"This is a big deal! The collapsed battlement area continues to flood!"

"Half of the inner wall is already submerged in water! Damn it!"

The more areas that Brigadier General Plover cannot cover, the more water flows into the castle.

"If we keep going like this, everyone will die!"

Both the prisoners and the guards were terrified.

Unlike when BDSM disappeared, if Flubber disappeared, the castle itself would be completely submerged 10,000 meters below the deep sea.

It went without saying that all living things would be exterminated.

"Now is not the time to fight among ourselves!"

"Uh, what should I do? Should we stop the water first?"

"Run! "You have to run away!"

"Where!? Anyway, this is 10,000 meters below the deep sea! "It's the same no matter where you jump!"

The prisoners and guards stopped fighting and hurriedly looked for a way to survive.

At that time, Colonel Bastille shouted.

"Director Orca! Director Orca must be there! Where is the prison warden!?"

"Mo, I don't know! From some point on, I couldn't see you... … ."

Orca, who had been running rampant on the front line just a moment ago, fighting Level Nine's prisoners, was nowhere to be found.

Colonel Bastille eventually had no choice but to give the final order.

"Can not help it. Everyone go to the 5th floor! "Go to the balloon eel breeding farm!"

Was it because the situation was so urgent? He had no idea what his orders would lead to in the future.

"Give up suppression! "Everyone retreat!"

Colonel Bastille's remarks just now are the beginning of a major incident that will receive so much attention that it will later be included in a small corner of human history.

It was humanity's first official declaration that it would give up the Nouvelle Vague.

* * *

Meanwhile, a completely new person appeared on the 10th floor of Nouvelle Vague.

Professor Sadi. She opened her mouth, looking completely different from when she was on earth.

"Hello friends~ It's been a while!"

She waved her hand at Dordium and Soiret, who were opening their mouths as if they were dumbfounded.

Bikir opened his mouth and expressed his bewilderment.

"… … "You managed to come this far."

"Oh my, Night Hound. "It's an honor~ ho ho ho."

She seemed to be walking lightly and shook hands with Iyen, who was standing next to Bikir.

"It's been a while, Mr. Night Fox~"

"Nice to meet you again. Miss Ouroboros. "You kept your promise."

"Then~ I told you I would follow you right away. "I also have business here."

In the past, as soon as Irene escaped from the Maw Tree, she visited Xindi Wendy and seemed to have been introduced to Professor Sadi by her.

Iyen, who worked as a sniper in the Imperial Capital and inherited the reputation of Aquila, the 'Fox of the Night', and Professor Sadi, who carried out terrorist activities under the nickname 'Miss Ouroboros', joined hands.

Iyen and Sadi seem to get along well with each other in that they both have antipathy toward the empire.

Bikir thought to himself.

'It's a good thing I gave orders to XindiWendy to find Sadi before she was trapped in the Nouvelle Vague.'

In the past, when the decision to go to Nouvelle Vague was made, Bikir handed a note to Thindi Wendy with future instructions written on it.

'… … First, find 'Professor Sadi.'

I thought she would help me someday.

Even though Psycho is very moody, I thought it would be helpful as the goals were somewhat similar, and this turned out to be the case.

Iyen deliberately chose to go to the Nouvelle Vague to follow Bikir's footsteps, and Professor Sadi used his status and connections as a former official of the imperial capture team to disguise himself as a jailer and sneakily join the ranks of the jailers who had just come to the ground from the Nouvelle Vague. That's why I came down here.

"Hohoho - Director Orca and you guys are on the ground right now? Perhaps because it was so crowded with residents, it was easy to infiltrate as there was a record-breaking number of convoys. Identity forgery is my specialty."

Sadi acted as if he knew Dordium and Suware well.

The more this happened, the more Dordium and Suware's expressions became crumpled as if they had chewed shit.

"Why did you, the person who once ate away at the imperial family and was even responsible for the torture of the arrest team, betray? "It disgusts me that you were once considered a candidate for warden along with us."

"joy! If you had made a mistake, wouldn't you have been called the 'sixth prison guard' along with a bitch like that? Well, in the end, it was dismissed on the grounds that I was born with traitorous blood."

Despite Dordium and Suware's harsh criticism, Sadi was still smiling.

"Do you think I'm crazy enough to be thrown into this stuffy, damp place with you pigs? Thou shalt not be graceful."

With that, Sadi dismissed the conversation with Dordium and Suware.

Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he looked back at Bikir and asked.

"Oh. Have you seen the load I put in advance in Nouvelle Vague? He's from Leviathan and his name is Sikkeut... … "He's a pretty good working pig."

"… … "I didn't see it."

"is it so? Well, the child's mental state was originally a bit anxious. "He said he could do really well, so I sent him in without any expectations, but it seems like it didn't work out well."

Sadi laughed and blocked Dordium, Suware, and Flubber.

"I'm going to stop them, so just do what you can."

At the same time, black mana began to gush out from Sadi's whole body.

Bikir immediately realized what Sadi was trying to do.

… Gurgling!

A devil-like ferocious energy was exploding from Sadi's left eye.


Bikir could feel a familiar energy in the sight of Sadi transforming into a demon.

'Belial! Is this a relic obtained when the Sixth City was captured?'

While wondering why no relics were dropped when Belial, who had infiltrated the Bourgeois family, was killed, the mystery was solved.

Sadi removed the blindfold covering his left eye.

Inside, a golden-colored prosthetic eye shines.

Tsutsutsutsutsutsu… …

An aura of mixed black and golden light burned, making Sadi's whip even longer and thicker.


Black and golden snakes lashed out at the ground.

It was a powerful attack that blew away Dordium, Suware, and even Flubber.

Vikir swallowed his voice when he saw the enormous fighting power unleashed by the demonized Sadi.

Underdog, a student who had an average level of combat power when he was in the Maw Tree, gained power comparable to that of a dangerous grade A+ monster after becoming a Mine.

It is hard to even guess how powerful Sadi, who was originally strong enough to surpass the realm of the Master, will have now that he has become a Majin.

[Hohohoho- Once you use it, you will have to lie down for half a year, so the effect is certain!]Unlike Underdog, Sadi did not become a complete demon, but walked a tightrope with half of his body remaining human.

This was possible thanks to his sense of balance that far surpassed human levels and his innate fighting sense.

"… … !"

Dordium and Suware were blocked by Sadi's onslaught and hesitated.

Flubber is also powerless in the face of a wide-range whip that burns everything it touches.

And the disorganized aura emanating from Sadi was spreading out in all directions and swirling wildly.

It was an ineffective attack, but it was actually a good thing for Bikir.

This is because Poseidon was absorbing an increasing amount of force due to the impact being transmitted towards the surface.

'done. almost… … Just a little more!'

The blue light emitted by Poseidon becomes increasingly stronger.


With the violent vibration, even cracks began to appear on the blue surface.

When Vikir and Iyen were using all their might to raise mana and infuse it into Poseidon.

… thud!

There was a being that cut off all these flows at once.


Shock waves falling onto the ground.

The earth is collapsing, Dordium and Soiret are falling backwards, and Flubber is restless.


Sadi also closed his left eye to block his magic.

The instinct unique to genius, the danger that instinct warns of.

Sadi, who once ignored the warning and lost his left eye, never made the same mistake twice.

… Jump up!

Sadi somersaulted three times and fell back.

Nevertheless, without letting down my guard, I lowered my posture and pressed my body close to the ground.


An entity that made even the demonized Sadi give up and retreat appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

A trench coat with black fur fluttering around. Stiff white hair and beard.

Orca Prison Warden.

He personally walked down to Level 10.

"… … Sadi?"

As soon as Orca saw Sadi's face, he frowned as if he saw something he couldn't see.

Sadi broke out in a cold sweat just hearing his deep, hoarse voice.

"… … "Don't say my name in your mouth, No-tan."

Her whip flew like a writhing viper, aiming for Orca's face.


Orca raised her gaiter-clad leg to block the whip.


The whip cannot overcome the force with which it was swung and becomes entangled in Orca's gaiters and military boots.

Orca stamped her foot as the whip was wrapped around her foot.

… thud!

With one stomp, Sadi almost missed the whip.

"… … !"

Barely able to support her body as she was about to be dragged away, she tightened her arms and pulled the whip.

Kkudeudeudeuk - Kkwagigeek!

However, the whip under Orca's military boots does not budge.

"… … ."

Orca. This seasoned veteran raised his hollow eyes and looked around.

Sadi in front slowly looked like he wasn't paying attention.


"… … !"

Orca's eyes narrowed.

His eyes were fixed on a boy standing vaguely on the side of a blue sphere emitting brilliant light, looking down at him.

Bikir van Baskerville. He may look young on the outside, but on the inside, he is a seasoned warrior who has gone through several lives.

And Orca Montreuil-sur-Mer Javert. A veteran who has already dominated several generations.

"… … ."

"… … ."

The two veterans who met in one place, transcending time and space, began to sharply confront each other