Episode 429: Those who walk the night (5)

Episode 429: Those who walk the night (5)

Gukgu Guk-

The heavy mace rose upward and fell down.

Dolores swung her mace and thought about the past.

After the Naraksu Incident, she became skeptical of her own power and went directly to Pope Nabokov I to ask for help.

At that time, Nabokov I said:

'Third-class healers heal their allies late when they are injured.'

'A second-rate healer heals an ally immediately when he or she is injured.'

'… … But he is a first-class healer.'

Nabokov I's teachings made Dolores what she is today.

"Eliminate the risk of injury before our allies get hurt!"

Dolores' mace fell like a lightning bolt.

And it crushed Pedro's face flat.

… Okay!

With a terrifying sound, Pedro's new model flew backwards and landed on the ground.

Bianca asked in a confused tone.

"… … "How do you carry that mace?"

"Yes. Originally, I would put a bag between my back muscles and tighten it with force, but I don't have the muscles or strength to do that yet, so I just secretly tie it on my back with a string! "Cover the lower part of the mace with a skirt!"

After finishing her explanation, she picked up the mace once again and began to rule out factors that could cause injury to her allies.


The mace fell again on the head of Pedro, who was lying on the floor in confusion.


Only then did Pedro realize the reality.

It was a shock that made my eyeballs pop out, no, they actually popped out.

I was confused as to whether the blackening of my vision was due to exposure to divine power or the pain of physical shock.

"W-what do cavalry do!?"

Pedro sent a rescue request, but the cavalry could not get close.

This is because the golden wall created by Sinclair, the falling rocks dropped by Bianca's arrows, and the sacred shield spewed by Dolores are blocking the cavalry's charge.

Moreover, now that Pedro's mental magic was weakening, knights who had been brainwashed were coming out one by one from within the cavalry.

Pedro gritted his teeth.

It was a mistake to be overly greedy to catch Tudor and Bianca.

It was a bad decision in the first place to use a steep mountainous area, which was not a good place to utilize cavalry, as the battlefield.

"Do you think everything will work out if we just catch this guy?"

Tudor's judgment of the situation was also quick.

While mercenaries hired by ThindiWendy and reinforcements from each family came down from behind to block the cavalry, Dolores, Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, Bianca, and Sinclair focused on Pedro.

"How dare you brazen kids!"

Pedro fought back, spewing out magical energy with the aura of the highest grade of a graduate.

Mine painting. The moment when Pedro's appearance changes into something terrifying.

… Flash!

Dolores' now even stronger sacred shield weighs down Pedro's entire body.

Above him, Sinclair summoned countless golden hands and crushed the demon's body.

Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, and Bianca also did their best to cut off Pedro's limbs.

[Woo Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Pedro, who had turned into a demon, wriggled violently, but there was nothing he could do as the mercenaries sent by ThindiWendy arrived and started shooting arrows at him.

In the end, only after the twenty-four stakes that Dolores had given divine power were driven into his body did Pedro become quiet.

When he was captured, Don Quixote's cavalry also stopped.

They woke up from their daze and slowly began to realize reality.

"Where am I?"

"omg! "Why am I in a place like this?"

"Tudor, Master Tudor!?"

Tudor quietly looked at the knights of his family who were slowly coming to their senses.

There are very few members of the Invincible Cavalry gathered here, and most of them are probably dispatched to civil war areas far away.

"The proud knights of La Mancha were brainwashed by a mere devil and died in vain. "Where else can you find such a tragedy?"

Tudor's hateful gaze was directed at Pedro, who was lying on the floor and whimpering.

"You should have died when you sent my friend to prison. "Please accept the postponed death."

[Now, wait a minute! help me! At least save my life! I'll do anything! I'll tell you everything, so at least my life... … !] 

Pedro had experienced something similar once in the past when he was escorting Bikir to the Nouvelle Vague.

Since the guy had a history of surviving by selling information and begging for his life, everyone except Tudor decided to interrogate Pedro a little more.

Tudor, who had been advocating for Pedro's execution, agreed with everyone's opinions.

"From now on, you will have to be honest and reveal everything you know. "Otherwise, I can't guarantee your life."

[Hi-]"But if you answer honestly, I will spare your life. "I'm putting the honor of the Don Quixote family on the line."

Behind Tudor, who spoke calmly, the knights of the Don Quixote family, who had been brainwashed so far, were looking at him with eyes burning with anger.

Although Pedro groaned in pain, he answered every question consistently.

As a result, those who walk the night were able to find out many things.

First of all, the true name of the city they are targeting is Chimeries. And for Cimmeries, the great harvest was that he had the power to make humans reckless and brave.

In addition, most of the Don Quixote family's invincible cavalry is dispatched to conflict areas, the invincible fleet is anchored far away from the family due to the lowering of the sea level due to drought, and Cimmeries, who is wearing the shell of Passamonte, is There was also information such as that securing Tudor's safety is currently the top priority.

"Why are you trying to capture me and Tudor alive? If the goal is to eliminate static, it would be okay to just carry the head, right? "Isn't it much easier that way?"

[No, I don't know! Really! You didn't tell me!]In response to Bianca's question, Pedro shook his head and said he didn't know.

Then, Tudor asked.

"What about your father? "Is your father okay?"

[…] … .]Pedro was silent for a moment.

Then he continued speaking in a stuttering tone.

[Woah, of course you're safe. Your health isn't very good... … ]"Really!? "Are you sure your father is safe?"

[I, too, am a demon, but I was once a knight of the Don Quixote family. I won't lie!]"Thank you, God. For protecting my father... … ."

Tudor closed his eyes and said a prayer of gratitude.

Pedro looked at me and opened his mouth.

[Now I've told you everything I know. Really. release me My magic power is empty and I have no strength to resist. So, I'm sure the knight of the Don Quixote family won't break the promise he made with his honor, right?]In an instant, Tudor's eyes narrowed.

"okay. I made a promise on my honor. "As a knight of the Don Quixote family."

[okay. Aren't the knights of La Mancha more honorable and dignified than anything else? I don't even have the right to say anything like that... … .]Pedro spoke gloomily in a self-deprecating tone.

But Tudor shook his head.

"that's right. You have no right to speak of the honor of the Don Quixote family. But so do I."

[…] … ?]Pedro raises his head with a puzzled expression.

In front of him, Tudor slowly lifted the broken spear blade.

"The name is Tudor."

The spear blade shines blue.

"There is no castle."

It fell straight down towards Pedro's neck.

Pedro's head was cut off without any time to shout.

Black blood is sprinkled on the ground.

Tudor continued speaking in a low voice.

"So Don Quixote's honor has nothing to do with me."

* * *

Deep inside Tochka Fortress. The meeting hall of those who walk the night.

"Let's retreat."

Tudor said.

The way a general from the Warring States period who appears in the historical tale usurped the country is to withdraw the army and take the throne.

"Pretending to return without any income, we entered the Don Quixote family's territory bloodlessly, then infiltrated the castle and assassinated Passamonte."

Everyone nodded, saying it was a good strategy.

Thindi Wendy, who is skeptical and strict about everything, also agreed this time.

"Already, Don Quixote's army was blocking the supply route, so there were many disruptions in distribution. If we don't recover Don Quixote's house, we will no longer be able to get food and water to feed the refugees. "Then there's a problem with Bikir's plan."

Moreover, since they know that night walkers are gathered at Tochka Fortress, they need to move as quickly as possible.

A sure win for the player. If a fight is going to happen anyway, it is a hundred times better for this side to strike first.

Tudor's body seemed to be already strained at the thought of saving his father and restoring his family.

Dolores said to everyone.

"Among them, Sinclair and I are probably the only ones who have directly experienced the power of the Ten Sages."

Dolores experienced Dantalian, Belial, and Amdusias, and Sinclair experienced Belial.

The power of the Tensangshi that Dolores and Sinclair talk about is so enormous that it cannot even be compared to someone like Pedro.

"Even now that so much time has passed, I'm sure I've become even stronger. "You have to prepare well and go."

Even the Bikir of the world was always fully prepared when dealing with the Tensangsi, and even risked his life.

Everyone's expressions became determined at the thought of finally going to deal with the culprit.

"I know very well about the deployment of troops and geographical features within the family."

Tudor briefly drew a map of the family's internal affairs.

Everyone was watching Tudor giving a detailed briefing on where the traps were and where the hidden secret passages were.

At that time, Piggy suddenly muttered in a low voice.

"… … "How reassuring it would have been if Bikir had been there at a time like this."

At that moment, everyone's eyes turned to Piggy.

Piggy waved his hands in embarrassment.

"oh! I'm sorry. I sound weak... … ."

Then Dolores smiled and touched Piggy's shoulder.

"Don't worry Piggy. Because we all think that way."

"Well, still… … sorry. "It feels like cold water was poured on me."

Piggy lowers his head in a whispering voice.

Tudor also comforted Piggy.

"I think like that sometimes too. I wonder how happy we would be if he miraculously appeared before us. But the guy who is currently stuck in the Nouvelle Vague can't come here."

"… … that's right."

"What we need to do now is not vaguely dream about having him next to us. "It's about doing the homework he left us, and furthermore, rescuing him from the Nouvelle Vague."

Tudor's words echoed in everyone's hearts.

"Bikir is definitely alive. And he will definitely meet again someday. "We have to achieve results before that so we can stand up to him."

Dolores also agreed with Tudor's words.

"We also have to grow. So that Vikir doesn't have to handle everything on his own. "I want to let them know that they can rely on us more."

Sancho, Bianca, and Sinclair also nodded silently.

Even if you don't open your mouth and make a sound, the meaning you have is the same.

Only ThindiWendy was fiddling under the table with a letter she had received relatively recently containing an announcement from Nouvelle Vague.

[ Dead ]

Report officially released by Nouvelle Vague.

It contained the story that the Night Hound died in a failed attempt to escape from prison in the Nouvelle Vague.

'There's no need to tell you this.'

ThindiWendy crumpled it up with a small sigh.

For those who walk at night, Bikir is like a form of faith.

It was impossible to break that trust.

'… … 'Do you really want a miracle to happen?'

Everyone is desperately hoping and waiting for Vikir's return, to the extent that even Thindy Wendy, who never believed in luck or miracles, had this thought.