Episode 432: The Lion King (3)

Episode 432: The Lion King (3)

Es la misión del verdadero caballero. Su deber his. ¡No! Su deber his no. Su privilegio his.

-It is the duty and duty of a true knight. no! It's not an obligation, it's a privilege.

Soñar lo impossible soñar.

-Dream the impossible dream.

Vencer al invicto rival,

-Defeating an invincible opponent,

Sufrir el dolor insufrible,

-Enduring unbearable pain,

Morir por un noble ideal.

-Dying for noble ideals.

Saber enmendar el error,

-Knows how to correct mistakes,

Amar con pureza y bondad.

-To love with purity and good intentions.

Querer, en un sueño impossible,

-Falling in love in an impossible dream,

Con fe, una estrella alcanzar.

-Have faith and reach for the stars.

A romantic poem that would only appear in chivalric literature.

The person who recited it was a nobleman with beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes.

Don Quixote La Mancha Passamonte.

He raised his white face and looked at his nephew Tudor in front of him.

"Who taught you this favorite poem?"

"… … ."

Tudor kept his mouth shut.

Dolores, Sancho, Piggy, Bianca, and Sinclair knew.

From the time they first met Tudor as a freshman at the Colosseo Academy, he loved chivalric literature and heroic epics and enjoyed reciting them.

Among them, I particularly liked that passage.

Passamonte opened his mouth with a slightly sad expression.

"Hasn't half of your chivalry been learned from this uncle? But what kind of tragedy is this? You're trying to stab your uncle, who gave you all his love, in the back. "What kind of immoral act is this?"

"… … ."

Tudor did not open his mouth this time either.

Passamonte continued.

"Give me that Gungnir. It is too dangerous for you, who are still young, to handle. As your guardian and uncle, I will take care of it and keep it for you until you grow up and become a full-fledged knight. ruler-"

White palms spread out before your eyes.

Then Tudor finally opened his mouth.

"You were never able to remove Gungnir from your father's body."

"… … ."

"Because this is a family item that only responds to those who are qualified to become the head of the Don Quixote family."

Tudor lifted his spear, Gungnir, and lightly struck the floor.

It's heavy, but it's so reliable.

Gungnir's spear blade was as sharp as Tudor's resolve.

Soon, Gungnir was aimed at Passamonte, flashing blue lightning.

"Were you planning on capturing me alive and making me pick out Gungnir?"

Gungnir would not have responded to anyone unless Tudor directly touched it.

So, did Passamonte need Tudor in order to obtain this divine spear, which can be said to be a symbol and token of the family head?

Hearing Tudor's harsh words, Passamonte narrowed one eye at Tudor.

"It's similar to my intention. Just about half. Well, there was that purpose as well."

Then he continued speaking in a tone full of laughter.

"To be honest… … "I haven't been feeling very well these past few months, nephew."

"Don't call me nephew. "You disgusting devil."

"Oh, have you ever seen such an immoral person who doesn't let you call your nephew 'nephew'? Okay, so what do we call it? Umm~ Tudor?"

Passamonte withdrew his outstretched hand toward Gungnir and continued to smile.

However, unlike the smile on his lips, the voice coming out of his lips was filled with deep regret.

"Why wasn't I in a good mood? … "It's because I finally lost the body that I had prepared for over a dozen years to replace."

"… … !"

Everyone's eyes widened.

It was clear what Passamonte was talking about.

King of Spear Don Quixote Cervantes.

The devil was planning to abandon Passamonte's weak body and replace it with the strong body of Cervantes.

However, Cervantes demonstrated superhuman mental power and destroyed his own body before it was taken over by the devil.

The Danjeon, which was completely destroyed, and the Divine Spear, Gungnir, which penetrated it and were tightly sealed.

Cervantes' last resistance was to prevent the devil from taking anything.

"I even borrowed the dock from Leviathan. I never thought I would take advantage of a moment of distraction at the end and commit suicide. "It was a moment for which the expression "one thousand losses, one loss" is perfect."

Passamonte spoke with a somewhat sad expression and gesture.

"Cervantes, in the end, I was unable to obtain either his soul or his body. This is such a tragedy. … … but!"

Soon, his blue eyes turn black.

The excessively enlarged pupils were like holes leading into a deep abyss.

Just looking into your eyes makes you feel like you are being dragged into a mindless abyss.

The dizziness and nausea caused the bodies of all those walking at night to stumble.

All the sparkling light from starlight, moonlight, and human emotions are sucked into that black darkness.

nothing. No, into that terrible void where you don't know what lurks.

Passamonte looked at Tudor with those eyes and smiled so widely that the corners of his mouth touched his earlobes.

"… … But it's okay! Younger, fresher and even more talented than Cervantes! However, here is a body that is not yet complete and has a high potential for future development!"

Only then did the night walkers learn what Passamonte was truly aiming for.

A body with top-level qualities comparable to that of Cervantes, but he is much younger, has a bright future, and has endless development potential.

Even their mentality is relatively much more immature and weak, making them perfect for being swallowed up.


Having failed to take over Cervantes' body, Passamonte was now aiming for Tudor's body.

'Why are you trying to capture me and Tudor alive? If the goal is to eliminate static, it would be okay to just carry the head, right? 'Isn't it much easier that way?'

[No, I don't know! Really! You didn't tell me!]There was a reason why Pedro avoided answering Bianca's question.

I don't know if he knew or not.

'… … 'It was a trap!'

Dolores bit her lip.

The cavalry of the Don Quixote family that only attacked a few people. The brainwashing was somehow sloppy. loose boundaries. A darkness that reveals itself so easily.

All of this was Passamonte's bait to lure Tudor into the castle.

'If it were Vikir, you wouldn't have gotten caught up in this trick.'

Dolores blamed herself, but that didn't change the situation.

In any case, you must do the best you can. It was an unfavorable fight from the beginning, so there was nothing to change.

'For now, let's get out to a spacious place. There are knights outside the main castle who have been brainwashed, so there is a good chance of victory if they join forces... … .'

However, Dolores' thoughts were interrupted midway.


Tudor suddenly rushed towards Passamonte with Gungnir in hand.


Speed ​​like lightning, heaviness like a tsunami.

Tudor's blow was aimed at Passamonte's heart.

"Oh. Is it beyond your imagination? The strength of the bones, the elasticity of the muscles, and the freshness of the intestines. "What a nice body."

Passamonte turned his waist to the side to avoid Tudor's spear.

Right then.

Puff poop!

Bianca's arrows flew and stuck in the wall.


Bianca, like Tudor, was also launching attacks.

The strange thing is that the same goes for not only Tudor and Bianca, but also Sancho, Piggy, and Sinclair.

"Ugh, ugh! "My body does what it wants!"

"Something! I feel like I can do something! Although there is no basis... … !"

"I feel an inexplicable sense of elation. "There's something wrong with this."

After hearing what her colleagues said, Dolores realized that she too had been thinking wrong.

'Now that I think about it, I've been thinking that it might be worth sticking around. no way!?'

Dolores hurriedly raised her head and looked at Passamonte.

Then, I see Passamonte smiling brightly.

"Have you noticed now? "I have the ability to make others reckless."

Reckless, like a frog trying to match the size of an ox.

Passamonte took control of the Don Quixote family with this brainwashing ability that made him behave cruelly towards his opponents.

From the very beginning, when Pedro discovered the fortress of the night walkers, the devil's cunning abilities were revealed.

Those who walk in the night, as if possessed by something, have found Don Quixote's castle on their own, and now they are forced to give up everything to the terrifying devil.

'Ah, Vikir's warning was correct!'

Dolores deeply blamed herself.

Before leaving for Nouvelle Vague, Vikir explained brief information about the abilities of the Ten Sages.

However, the devil's ability is so mysterious and strange that many people do not realize that it is a supernatural ability even if they experience it directly.

Those who walked at night were confused, not knowing where they had been drawn into Passamonte's scheme.

Perhaps coming here itself wasn't a trick of the devil? As soon as I start thinking about it, I become uncontrollably confused.

And the devil never misses the moment when humans lose insight and fall into confusion.

"Okay, now that you're reasonably confused, shall we try to break your spirit in earnest?"

In order to take over the body, the mind must first be shaken. It is the basic of basics.

Tsutsutsutsutsu… …

Passamonte spread his arms wide.

Then, it seemed like the floor was cracking, but soon a thick and deep crack appeared and the floor collapsed.

Ujijik! Rumbling!

Something began to rise through the thick darkness beneath the floor.

Its true identity is extreme malice that rises to destroy human hearts and minds.

"… … !?"

The faces of Dolores, Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, Bianca, and Sinclair turned blue for an instant as they saw what was lurking below.

The abyss beneath the floor.

Below was a scene that would inevitably traumatize any student who had ever worked at Colosseo Academy.