Episode 446: The Fall of the House of Usher (6)

-The devil dies under this tree-

Bikir was standing on a bank at a distance.

[How dare these bastards make such a cheap provocation... … !]The moment the demon's cry was heard from the center of the lake, Vikir immediately gave an order.

"Open the floodgates."

Then the members of the Night Walkers and the knights of the Don Quixote family each raised their spears, cut the rope, and stabbed the earthen wall.

Tudor and Bianca also faced each other and powerfully spurted out mana.

… Pow!

Embankments made of mud and wood collapsed, and the trapped water of Lake Dog Lake burst out.

Even though the water level has dropped significantly due to drought and forest fires, Lake Dog basically stores a huge amount of water.


The water that poured out when the dam burst created numerous vortices and rushed toward the bottom of the lake.

I see the devil floundering below.

Madeline broke through the birth gate, the spiritual gate, and the opening gate according to the rules of the Paljindo (八陣圖), but even so, there was no way out.

I went out through the Sangmun, Gyeongmun, and Hyumun, but the result was the same.

However, seeing that the route of death does not go through the Dumun (杜門) and the Four Gates (Death Gate), it seems that there is some information about the Paljindo.

"… … surely. "This is a strategy that Belial and Dantalian inflicted great damage on the human alliance during the Age of Destruction, so you must already be familiar with it."

Vikir is giving back to the devils what the Human Coalition suffered from the devils in the past.

… … step.

The Labyrinth of the Eight Paths written by Vikir was a slightly improved version of the one written by Belial and Dantalian.

The reason it was possible... … .

"Pussssss – look at that. "It's better if you do as I say?"

It was thanks to the Marquis de Sade smiling next to Bikir.

He is a being who cannot be here according to his original destiny.

He was a person who failed to escape from the Nouvelle Vague and should have become food for deep-sea monsters at the bottom of the sea 10,000 meters below.

But Bikir changed fate and saved him from the deep sea.

As a result. The Marquis de Sade was able to fully display his skills as a tactician and military strategist, which the Human Alliance did not have during the Age of Destruction.

'It's an interesting lineup, though. There are a few gaps visible. If I combine the Bagua (八卦) that I used when I caused the 47-person riot, I can create an even more vicious Jin. Footpusss-'

The Marquis de Sade has a devilish, or worse, talent for tormenting others and putting them in trouble.

'Add the elements Jin (震), Son (巽), Yi (離), Gon (坤), Tae (兌), Geon (乾), Gam (坎), and Gan (艮). If the energies of thunder, wind, fire, earth, pond, sky, water, and mountains are added, no matter how devilish he is, he will never be able to escape as long as he has both feet on the ground. I can't wait to see how much pain the person who falls inside will struggle in...

The formation he created was much more cunning and evil than the formation created by the devils together.

"Pusssss! Even the devil can't escape. "They run away like insects!"

"It's still a bad taste."

The Marquis de Sade, who was delighted, and Director Orca, who was scolding him next to him, looked as if they were relieved as they collapsed the dam they had built so far.

Bikir also had experience in large-scale flood control work to prevent the Red Death when he was in Balak's village, so building a dam was not difficult.

Once the stream burst out, it rushed with uncontrollable force and went over the mountain ridge.

The ground, which had become unstable due to the drought, collapsed, creating a huge amount of sediment, and the resulting earthquake collapsed the entire mountain ridge.

Soon, large amounts of water overflowing from Lake Dog began to wash down the mountainside and into the swamp where the Usher family's mansion was located.

"Ah!? "The mansion!"

Bianca exclaimed in surprise.

The current was already swirling around the swampy area surrounding Usher Street.

A vortex that rotates and erodes the ground beneath the castle.

The island in the middle of the swamp where the Usher family's mansion was was gradually sinking.


Bianca ran forward and screamed, but Tudor stopped her.

"Bianca! Wake! "You saw the state of the mansion!"

"… … Ahhh!"

Bianca collapsed as if her legs had lost strength.

If Tudor hadn't held on tightly, he might have fallen down the cliff and been caught in the rapids.

It was only then that Dolores, Sinclair, Sancho, and Piggy realized why Bikir had bothered to differentiate the colors of the firecrackers.

'Check whether Rodrick, the head of the House of Usher, is alive or dead, and if he is alive and can escape together, set off red fireworks. If he is already dead or unable to move even if he is alive, set off black fireworks.'

'Why are the colors of firecrackers differentiated? What does it mean... … ?'

'It would be better not to listen.'

It was as he said.

If red fireworks had exploded, other plans could have been considered, but once black fireworks had exploded, the options were clear.

The moment Bikir saw the black firecracker, he made a decision.

We decided to wipe out the entire Usher family mansion, which was completely eroded by the Red Death.

"… … dad."

Bianca looked down at the rushing water below the cliff.

The Fall of the House of Usher.

The mansion collapsing into the middle of the swamp is captured in Bianca's tears.

The beloved home and proud family where I had lived all my life were disappearing in real time, buried in the rapidly changing soil of history.

Right then.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!A tearing scream was heard amidst the collapsing ground and swirling muddy water.

When everyone, including Bikir, looked up, they saw several shadows breaking through the rapids and jumping onto the land.

The hand disappeared and a huge wing took its place.

Sharp teeth exposed inside a snout that sticks out like a beak.

Claws that look like a mixture of a blade and a hook, and grotesquely bulging chest muscles.

Giant face birds break through the water current and crawl out onto the ground.

Among them, Bianca immediately recognized the monster bird that was the largest and had the widest wings.


How could I forget? Joo-gu, who betrayed the head of the family and joined the devil's side.

The pursuer who not only poisoned the swamp and drove Roderick into ruin, but also relentlessly chased Bianca and scratched her body and mind.

Isolred, who had transformed into a demon, raised his bloodshot eyes and looked at Bianca.

[You planned this well. I almost drowned during the chase.]"die!"

Bianca immediately pulled out an arrow.

A sniper that falls like a thunderbolt!


However, Iseolred, who had turned into a demon, stretched out his huge wings and struck away the arrow.

[Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk… … Are you going to deal with a demon with the insignificant power of a human being? I still have no sense of reality at all.]Wounds heal quickly.

Iseolred showed off his even bigger size and muscles.

Right then.

"… … "It's been a while."

Bikir took a step forward.

In the past, when Bikir was being transferred to the Nouvelle Vague, he had met Iseolred, who was an escort officer.

[…] … !]Iseolred, who did not even blink at Bianca's anger, appeared to flinch at Bikir's call.

This is because there was a past experience of causing a mutiny on board a ship and being punished for it.

But soon, a hearty smile appeared on Iseolred's lips.

[I was alone then, but not now! If the demons who follow me are with me, I have no reason to be afraid of you guys!]As Iseolred said, the demons that had crawled out of the vortex were gathering behind him one after another.

"Pussssss- what is it? Why are there so many birds? "He doesn't seem that serious, but it strangely bothers me."

"Don't let your guard down, prison escapee. "When they are cornered, they self-destruct."

The spirit of the demons was so ferocious that the Marquis de Sade and Major General Orca were on guard.

Camus, who was demolishing the steel frame inside the embankment, clicked his tongue as if it was a waste.

"Ah, it's a shame the water level has dropped due to the drought. "If it weren't for that, we could have completely wiped it all out."

The variable was the decrease in water in Lake Dog Lake due to a long drought and forest fire.

Despite strong mudslides, water currents, and landslides, a significant number of demons were able to survive, and the site of the Usher family's mansion was also partially eroded, but the rate of collapse was greatly reduced.

Ithelred chuckled.

[This is Madeline. You are different from a fool like Passamonte. While Passamonte was obsessed with the Maw tree he had accidentally picked up, Madeline trained an army of demons as usual. Look! The result!]Among the knights of the House of Usher, those who had become the devil's servants through their own will rather than through brainwashing shook off the water from their feathers and roared fiercely.

[Since we are alive, of course Madeline will be safe too! Now you guys are finished!]Even at this moment, the number of horsemen crawling onto land was continuing to increase.

Ithelred's confidence had reasonable grounds.


"well. "In terms of page count, I think this would be on top, right?"

Iseolred's eyes widen at Bikir's calm words.

[W-what nonsense… … ?]No matter how much I look around, I don't see any other troops around.

There are only those who walk the night and a few knights from the Don Quixote family.

[Stop bragging! attack!]As Iseolred shouted, the demons behind him spread their wings all at once.

Bats, eagles, owls, hawks, etc... … Demons in the form of birds of prey soared into the air all at once.

… … however.

They soon realized what Bikir meant.


It suddenly jumped out of the water and grabbed the demons' ankles.

No, it was hanging on my ankle from the moment I got out of the water.

Vines. Long and tough.

The moment the demons flew into the air, they had to feel a strong force pulling their ankles.

[W-what is this?]Iseolred also looked at the vine wrapped around her ankle.

A vine with terrifying power. The source of that power was obsession, or rather, appetite.

[…] … ?]I followed the end of the vine out of curiosity and soon saw a stream of water at the end of my gaze.

The vines extended all the way into the water.

And soon, what looked like a giant face connected to vines appeared from beneath the water.


A huge circular face emerges through the swirling water current.


Its gaunt face, without eyes, nose, or ears, is filled with nothing but a huge gaping maw and teeth filling the inside.

Daylily of blood water.

Countless demonic beast seeds were germinating beneath the water.