Episode 448: The Fall of the House of Usher (8)

The Demon King, who had the appearance of a gigantic bird, spread out four wings.

The peacock had a gorgeous appearance and its body was covered in snow, ice, and frost, making it look like it was wearing armor.

In one large eye socket, red-hot eyeballs were filled, each emitting a strange light, and the long, sharp beak like a blade was filled with teeth.

Third time. 'Ice Duke' Andrealphus.

The protagonist who led the era of destruction in the past, the vanguard of the demon army that caused enormous damage to the Human Alliance, has finally revealed his true colors.

[It's handmade. I used my brain quite well, but... … ]Andrealphus waved his huge wings and flew into the air in the blink of an eye.

Long tail feathers made of ice and frost were drawing white trails in the air.

[It is of no use to me.]It was just as Andrealphus said.

Attacks using water do not work on birds flying in the sky.

I don't know if the amount of water would have been a little more, but the water level in Lake Dog Lake had dropped significantly due to the severe drought, so Madeline could not be completed completely.

[What can you people who live with your feet on the ground do? Hohohoho-]Andrealphus climbed high into the sky and laughed at everything under the earth.

Hand attacks, formations, and sieges are all meaningless before the power of Andrealphus, who dominates the sky.

The daylilies of the blood tree tried to spread out their vines, but they could not reach them, and the eight trigrams improved by the Marquis de Sade also lost their effectiveness.

"You can't believe you're making a campaign out of flying birds. "Ugh-"

"I don't know if I can reach it."

The Marquis de Sade and Major General Orca stepped forward.


The whip and club stretched out with terrifying force, creating a storm of aura.

[It's absurd. Hohohoho-]Andrealphus easily avoided the joint attack of Sade and Orca.

A flying demon that flies freely in the sky.

Attacks on the ground were largely meaningless for Andrealphus, who could easily ascend to great heights and descend in the blink of an eye to land on the ground.


"Are you okay!"

"How on earth is this going on…?" … ."

Several newly brainwashed knights of the New Assassin Sniper Team gathered around Bianca.

Bianca quickly took control of the situation.

"New assassin sniper team! "Quickly pull yourself together and catch that monster first!"

After speaking, Bianca lifted her bow and arrow and aimed it at Andrealphus.

The knights of the Shinsal Sniper Team also prepare to sniper with bewildered expressions.

However, even if each of the Knights of the New Sniper Team was an expert marksman, it was a long shot to hit Andrealphus, who was moving at incredible speeds in the sky.

[Hohohoho- If I move with determination, no one can catch me... … !?]But Andrealphus' self-praise did not last long.


Bikir jumped after stepping on a dead tree that had fallen diagonally to the ground.

Bikir jumped a truly ridiculous height.

A jumping power that seems to defy gravity!

'It's been worth living in the academy's gravity room for so long.'

In the blink of an eye, Vikir jumped up to Andrealphus' feet and immediately unleashed the 8th Type of Baskerville.

… Flash!

A black solar storm raged fiercely.

Don't fall in!

Frightened, Andrealphus quickly stopped flying, then turned and fled in a nearly vertical orbit.

Vikir had to be content with tearing off one of the devil's wings and one leg.

[Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! How dare this little creature... … !]Andrealphus's eyes became even more red.

Eventually, the Demon King began to exercise the power granted to him without hesitation.

Damn it!

Dark blue magic circles were drawn around Andrealphus.

Soon, the portal was torn apart and huge chunks of ice began to appear.

hail. But they were too big to be hail.

Huge chunks of ice that are almost like drift ice.

Ice sheets and ice rocks over 10 meters in diameter began to fall in countless numbers like raindrops.


The ground becomes devastated in an instant.

The people below wouldn't even dare to attack Andrealphus.


Vikir quickly raised his head as he cut down the huge chunks of hail falling towards him.

Andrealphus was snickering with the corners of his mouth torn as if he would never come down to earth.

[From now on, I will never give you a chance! Be crushed to death in a shower of hail! Hohohohoho-]Andrealphus summoned hailstones as if he had made a plan.

Ice chunks the size of houses continue to fall.

Camus, who was crushing hailstones with red-hot iron skewers, opened his mouth as if he were annoyed.

"Is this going to be bothersome? You just have to get hit unilaterally. "If you run out of magic over there, you can just fly away and run away."

"I agree."

Dolores nodded and agreed with Camus.

She seemed annoyed that the sacred shield had no effect on physical impacts such as hail.

Sinclair, who was making a shield by extracting gold from veins under the ground, also seemed to be slowly getting tired.

"Brother. I don't think I'll be able to last much longer if this continues. "I can tolerate even 5 minutes."

It was as he said.

As the hail rain continued, the night walkers became increasingly tired.

In such a situation, Andrealpus drove a wedge.

[…] … At this point, will we even open the 'Doors of Destruction'?]At those words, everyone's expressions were colored with puzzlement.

Andrealphus burst out laughing.

[If you let the remaining magical power run wild, it is possible to open the door of destruction, albeit imperfectly. In return, I will lose my life.]"… … ."

Bikir looks up at the sky in silence.

Andrealphus, seeing Vikir's gaze, spoke in a mocking tone.

[Perhaps you are the only one among these people who understood what I said. I don't know how a mere human knows about the Gate of Destruction... … Don't worry too much. Because I have no intention of opening that door yet.]After finishing speaking, Andromalius opened his mouth wide.

[Why would I go out of my way to open the door when it is this advantageous!? Hohohohohoho!]Again, hail began to fall in countless numbers.

[If you guys are gone, I will join hands with my two remaining colleagues and open the gate safely! And in the end, the whole world will be covered with demons! How easy is this in a world overflowing with scum who want power!]Andrealphus spread his remaining wings wide.

And in the midst of a hail storm that seemed to cover the whole world, he despised and mocked his enemies until the very end.

[Die, you scum! Everything you have done is worthless and in vain! I myself will make it so... … !]Right then.

"Are you that confident?"

Bikir's mouth opened.

Even in this unfavorable situation, he was staring at Andrealphus with a straight, unwavering gaze.

Andrealphus looked down at Vikir with the gaze of a cat looking at a completely caught mouse.

[What nonsense?]"I asked him if he was really that confident. "I learned that the flip side of excessive overconfidence is anxiety."

[Hohohohoho- Anxious? This body?]Andrealphus laughed as if it was absurd and continued.

[Are you saying that there are elements in this situation that could make me feel anxious? You are crawling on the ground like insects, and I am raining hail from the sky so high. Although it lost a wing and a leg due to a sudden carelessness, it can easily recover if it eats hundreds of human children.]"is it? But there's still a hint of anxiety in you. "If you are really that confident, prove it."

[How dare something like a bug make such a trivial provocation... … ]Vickir shouted at Andrealphus, who tried to turn his head as if it wasn't worth hearing.

"'Where is the one who can kill me?'."

[…] … !]The words that came out of Bikir's mouth were the lines Andrealphus had said to Bianca.

'Where is the person who can kill me?' If you can say these words out loud three times, I will recognize your courage. I will also open the mansion door wide open. Surely you won't be scared?'

Vikir continued speaking while facing Andrealphus, who was looking down at him intently.

"If you can say this out loud three times, I will recognize your confidence. I will gladly accept defeat and death. Surely you won't be scared?"

[joy! What are you going to do if you guys don't accept it? … … But hey, it's fun. If the goal was to grab my interest and save time, it was successful.]Andrealphus looked back at Bianca with a wry smile.

But Andrealphus and Bianca are in different situations. The powers they have and the situations they face are so different that they cannot even be compared.

So Andrealpus was able to shout as his last entertainment.

[Where is the person who can kill me? Where is the person who can kill me? Where is the person who can kill me?]The arrogance and self-confidence characteristic of someone who has absolute superiority.

Andrealphus shouted proudly, standing firmly in the center of the sky.

Right at that moment.

[…] … uh?]As soon as the last sentence was finished, Andrealphus experienced a strange phenomenon.


Suddenly, the vision in my left eye blinked black.

Countless eyes lost their roles all at once.

The moment Andrealphus tilts his head to know something.

… Cough!

Andrealphus' head turned forward along with a belated burst of drinking.


The face was shattered, the pupils were blown out, and the left side of the skull was completely torn off.

A sniper shot with tremendous destructive power flew in and exploded the back of his head.

[Aaaah! W-what is this!?]At the same time that Andrealphus screamed in horror, Vikir's mouth opened.

"The reason I did my best wasn't just to catch you."

It was as he said.

The bursting water swept over the swamp and swept away all the water fog and the red death energy that had been rising around the Usher family mansion.


On the roof of the collapsed mansion, there was a person standing vaguely at the tip of the sharp spire.

A thin body, a complexion as pale as a corpse.

However, from his sunken eyes, he is emitting the same firearm as before.

Roderick. Usher for Roderick.

The original owner of Shingungbi Usher was holding a bow and arrow and aiming it at the sky.