Episode 450: Declaration of war (1)

Some dark underground space.

It is extremely quiet, except for the occasional sound of water drops falling from the ceiling hitting the stone floor and breaking.

at that time. The sound of loud footsteps broke the silence.

"Huh! omg! "Wow!"

A young man was running down the hallway with a very distorted expression.

Large handcuffs and shackles were worn here and there on his naked, parched limbs.

Süskind de Leviathan. The eldest son of the extremely poisonous Leviathan family.

He hid himself close to the bottom corner of the basement stairs.

Soon, several soldiers with spears were seen patrolling the stairs.

"… … "How did this happen?"

Süskind scratched his head and blamed himself.

He was the head of a small family of the Leviathan family. One day, he was suddenly captured without knowing why and was imprisoned in an underground facility within the family.

Since Suskind was the next head of the Geukdok Hermitage, he knew very well what the facility was like.

It was a prison for imprisoning the most dangerous elements to be excluded from the family, political enemies, and those who could not be controlled among those who inherited the blood of Leviathan, and at the same time, it was also a laboratory where all kinds of terrible human experiments were conducted.

"Thomas, I was looking into the connection between his involvement in the Mine Incident and Principal Winston's runaway incident that occurred at the academy, and it ended up like this… … . "It definitely has something to do with our family."

Principal Winston went on a rampage, causing a demonic plant called Naraksu to grow at Colosseo Academy, and Thomas, who attended as an escort for the Night Hound, was transformed into a demon.

And Süskind, who saw this series of events being secretly buried by the first prince, consistently pointed out the absurdity of reality.

Common sense dictated that Leviathan should not take the first prince's side in this situation.

… … But the price of that common sense was heavy.

Suskind, who was subdued by force before he could even open his eyes in bed, was thrown into this dungeon. He was able to meet many family figures there.

They were all people who opposed the civil war.

Only then was Süskind able to understand exactly what was going on.

Something unknown and terrifying has completely engulfed Leviathan and it can no longer go back to the old days.

… Tatak!

Suskind ran through the darkness, taking advantage of the disappearance of the patrolling sentries.

The reason he was able to withstand all the cruel experiments in prison during that time was because he had a strong mind and body.

Although Süskind was an arrogant person steeped in the sense of being the chosen one and privileged, he was still an elite who did not neglect discipline.

Eventually, Suskind ran up the underground stairs and discovered a secret door hidden in a secret place.

The only people who know this place are Gaju and Sogaju.

Süskind pushed the door open with a glimmer of hope.


The heavy bricks moved, opening a passage deeper below.

Süskind sensed the presence of a guard approaching from behind, so he hurriedly closed the door and went down into the underground space, which was filled with only darkness.

'There is no separate road leading outside from inside... … At least you have space to rest your body for a while. I need to receive treatment here and recover the body damaged by the human experiment, and then escape from prison.'

Süskind went down the secret staircase, thinking about this and that.

But soon he witnessed a shocking sight.

A dark underground alcove.

There were countless jars spread on the floor there.

And the jars emit an eerie energy that is enough to give you goosebumps just by looking at them.

A jar that exudes energy as if a red evil spirit is dancing.

Süskind knew immediately what it was.

"… … Red Death!"

How could I not know?

Until a few years ago, it was a terrible plague that everyone in the family was busy developing.

At first, it simply caused a fever and was contagious, but later it caused people to go berserk and even attack others indiscriminately.

"Unbelievable! "Wasn't the Red Death abolished due to the incident caused by that bastard?"

Süskind looked at the jars in disbelief.

Each of the large jars contained a person.

The sight of a man and woman soaked in red medicine, curled like fetuses, looking up from inside the jar with their eyes closed was truly eerie.

The gazes they sent towards Süskind were all the same.

'porridge… … female… … Give it… … .'

The maid who cleaned the room every day, the old man who took care of the garden trees, the chef who made delicious desserts, the butler who was always strict and strict, the instructor who taught me martial arts when I was young, the younger brother of a relative who I used to see only on holidays, and the person I often greeted. A distant adult from a maternal family… …

These are the faces everyone knows in the jar.

Süskind passed between the jars on shaky legs.

Then, a huge jar was visible inside.

Hiss- hiss-

Two breathing sounds can be heard from inside the jar, which is half buried in the ground.

In the jar that Suskind looked down at, there were two large snakes tangled together.

Every time they exhale, dancing red demons rise into the air.

"… … Are these the source of the red death?"

Süskind broke into a cold sweat.

at that time.


The two snakes looked up at Suskind and began breathing heavily.

Just when Suskind was startled and was about to step back.

[Is it a good smell to smell anytime?]A gloomy voice came from behind me.

When Suskind turned his head in surprise, there was a man wearing a black robe standing there.

Süskind immediately recognized his identity.

"… … Ah, father."

Hobbes of Leviathan. The head of a very poisonous cancer family.

He was smiling softly as he looked at his eldest son, Suskind.

[I am not your father, Süskind. It's just a devil who ate your father and took his shell.]Suskind's complexion turned pale at this rare honest answer.

I had some guesses, but I never thought he would reveal his identity so openly.

Suskind asked through gritted teeth.

"What did you do with the youngest?"

[If he were to be that guy, he would already be like Thomas, the second son.]"Stop talking nonsense! There's nothing we can do about Thomas because he has a terrible personality, but he's not the youngest! That guy is so kind and naive by nature that we wouldn't even think of him as our brother, so he would never become a demon... … !?"

However, Süskind's words did not last until the end.


Two snakes jumped out of the jar behind, bit Suskind's neck and waist, and dragged him into the jar.

Suskind couldn't even scream and fell under the jar.

[Ah, ah - I kept that guy alive because I was going to replace him.]Hobbes. He sighed when he noticed that Suskind's body, which had fallen into the jar, was bent in strange directions.

[It's a waste to make him a poisonous person, but there's nothing we can do about it. There is still one more body left to replace... … ] 

The red evil spirits that were wandering around in the jar dance and crawl into Süskind's body.

Suskind's eyes, which were turning in different directions, began to turn red, and red spots began to appear all over his body.

Right then.

[Is it going well this time?]There was another voice coming from up the basement stairs.

A man with his entire body covered in a black robe was looking down at Hobbes.

Hobbes answered with a grin.

[This is just one time. What's going on?] [I came because I have something to discuss about the civil war. Now is the time to discuss the issue of succession to the throne.] [There are still many eyes watching. If you have anything to discuss, send an owl.] [It's okay sometimes. I don't know how long it's been since my colleagues have had a conversation like this face to face.] [Even now, it's just you and me.] [That's right. Because of the damn demon hunter.]Hobbes, or rather, Ilban and Ilban, whose faces were covered with black robes, began to talk about various things.

[It seems like it happened three times. Before my life ended, there was a faint trace of my attempt to forcefully open the 'Door of Destruction' left in my magical power path.] [Hehehe - If I were to die, I would open it and die. He seems like a pathetic bastard.] [It's not something to laugh at. Even if we are single people with no sense of camaraderie, this is a big problem.] [Well. The purpose of opening the door is the same.] [Yes. All ten of my colleagues have died, and now only you and I are left. Now is the time to make a deal.]Hobbes nodded.

[If it's a civil war issue, don't worry. Soon large-scale German manufacturing would end. As long as these guys are completed, the war will be a piece of cake.] [In the past, the guy who said something was the first German, right?] [Hmph! That guy was a failure. Although it was somewhat successful in strengthening the body and making the personality wilder, the most important contagious effect was missing. The ones currently maturing in jars are improved versions. These are the real deal.]After speaking, Hobbes turned his head.

It was in the direction of the two snakes that had just poisoned Suskind.

[The essence of my magical power is embodied in the form of a demonic beast. 'Ouroboros', the poisonous pollinator, is an artifact that produces poison endlessly by biting each other's tails. As long as we have this, the Germans can make as much as they want.] [That's reassuring. It will be a great help in the war.] [Of course. They are a madman stormtrooper who spreads infectious diseases all over his body. It has tremendous tactical value.]Then the man who had been quietly listening to Hobbes opened his mouth and asked.

[Then why don't we first wipe out the 'night walkers' who will be in Fortress Tochka by now as a test?] [Huh? What are they?] [I heard that a demon hunter who recently killed number three and number four in a row is making a nest there. And for some reason, it seems like a lot of refugees are heading there.] [Hmm… … It's a high and sturdy place, but it doesn't have drinking water, so it wouldn't be suitable as a hideout, right? Especially if you want to accept refugees as well.] [But they are doing that. It seemed like they were preparing for a sit-in protest by purchasing large amounts of food and water.] [Hahahaha! This is stupid! There is no water source there. If I release the poisoners, they will just protest and die.]Hobbes smiled, showing his teeth.

He made a gesture in the air, and an army of Germans with red spots all over their bodies lined up behind them.

[Other colleagues waited patiently for the demon hunters to attack, but not me. As long as you know their location, wouldn't it be okay to attack them first?] [Be careful. There are a lot of refugees there. Demon hunters are heartless men, so you might use them as a shield.] [For me, the human shield strategy doesn't work. The more mischievous people there are, the better. All you have to do is infect them all and make them poisonous.]Then, the black-robed man also smiled in satisfaction.

[Indeed, for a demon hunter with a lot to protect, a type like you would be like a natural enemy.] [No problem.]Hobbes smiled gently and continued speaking.

[Conscript all Germans. And I will leave at this time in a month. Go and cut off the head of the night hound or something. … … No, wouldn't it be better to just make him a German? Even all of his limbs.] [It's reliable. by the way. Can I ask you a favor?] [Please? you to me what?] [… … It's about killing a man.]The man put down a piece of paper with a face drawn in front of Hobbes.

[If he were alive, he would look like this by now.] […] … ? What is this? He seems like an insignificant guy?] [I think so too. I'm asking just in case.]Although Hobbes tilted his head, he had no choice but to nod.

Ilbeonsi (一番尸). Also known as the 'Marquis of Discord'.

This was because it was the first time in my life that the high and arrogant being in front of me asked me a favor in such a low manner.