Episode 453: Declaration of war (4)

… Crack!

A battlefield where thick gun smoke rises.

The night hound was examining the prey it had just killed with a cold gaze.

Except for the broken neck, he has the appearance of an ordinary human.

However, seeing that his eyes were bright red and red spots were visible on his skin, it was clearly not normal.

Poisonous person.

An unintelligent, extremely ferocious monster that glows and rushes at the sight of humans.

Also, if a person is bitten by this poisonous person or exposed to the red energy emitted from the skin for a long time, even a normal person will turn into a poisonous person.

Overall, they are similar to zombies, a low-level undead, but their physical abilities and the level of poison they emit are so dangerous that they cannot even be compared.

"It's clean. "He must be much more dangerous than that guy."

Bikir recalled 'Sikk de Leviathan', who was a fellow prisoner when he was imprisoned in the Nouvelle Vague.

Originally famous as the scoundrel of the Leviathan family, he was permanently expelled from the family, taking sole responsibility for the 'First Red Death Incident'.


'How did you know? There is actually no plague poison in my blood.'

The Sikyot I met at the Nouvelle Vague was strong and ferocious, but he maintained his sanity even if it was unstable, and he did not carry infectious diseases.

No one caught the plague until he was eaten by Brigadier General Flubber.

However, the Germans I just faced were not only strong and ferocious, but also seemed to faithfully follow the orders of a specific being.

Also, since they are spreading the 'Red Death', which has been modified to be more contagious, the risk is much more serious.

"I wonder how they created so many Germans. There must be a limit to the quantity of poison that can be mass-produced... … ."

These poisonous people were the ones that appeared even before Vikir returned.

However, even at that time, the mystery of how the Leviathan family produced so many Germans was never solved.

"I can't help but say that I'm glad that Dolores is here… … ."

Even if you are bitten by a poisonous person or exposed to poison for a long time, there is no problem as long as you receive the priest's protection at the right time.

Also, it was fortunate that the Red Death could not penetrate the space where the saintess stayed while radiating divine power.

Bikir thought again.

It was a good thing that he recruited Dolores in advance and helped her improve her skills.

… puck! … puck! … puck! … puck! … Pow!

Bikir turned his head only after he had finished confirming and killing the corpses of Germans that covered the ground.

Huge craters had formed on the floor, which was densely covered with Germans.

Traces of fierce scratching on the ground.

It was as many as eight tooth marks.

Bikir thought for a moment.

'Proficiency in Type 8 has definitely increased significantly since Nouvelle Vague.'

What Vikir also didn't know was that there was still room for further development in the 8th formula, which he thought he had already mastered perfectly after Naraksu.

Bikir reorganized his swordsmanship with a more humble attitude.

As the Cane Corso said, there is a Type 9 wall up there that cannot be overcome alive.

[You probably won't be able to reach this level in your lifetime. This is because the realm of Type 9 is beyond the threshold of death.] [To reach Type 10, you must die and wake up. I also don't understand what that means, so I'm still stuck in type 9. How can I wake up when I'm already dead? I may never reach level 10.]Like a legendary island that appears only on stormy nights, or like a rainbow after rain.

The state of the 9th Consciousness, which can be seen with the eyes but can never be reached, but is definitely there.

'Is it really possible to cross that threshold only after death?'

Even at the highest level, there are different levels.

Also, in the deep world, there clearly exists something called 'ultimate intention.'

Bikir has been struggling to find the clue ever since he was imprisoned in the Nouvelle Vague.

Right then.

[Kyaaaaaak-]A roar was heard that broke Bikir out of his thoughts.

A girl crawling out from a pile of corpses.

A youthful face that looks less than ten years old.

When I turn my head, I see a poisonous person with red spots all over his body, spewing out plague water mist all over his body.

"… … ."

Vikir, seeing the girl rushing at her with teeth and claws, kept his mouth shut for a moment.

It's a face that looks quite similar to the person in my memory.

'Nymphet'. Bikir, who recalled a small relationship she had met while volunteering at an orphanage a long time ago, stretched out her hand and placed it on the girl's neck.

… Pop!

The limbs, which had been struggling roughly like a demon, began to droop helplessly.

The girl who had to struggle in pain even after death finally found rest.

In this way, Bikir has continued to move from battlefield to battlefield and eliminated numerous Germans.

The girl from before was the final target of this assassination trip.

Bikir nodded, looking at the wheel tracks, half-wrecked carriages, and broken drinking water bottles near the Germans.

"… … also. "Were they targeting the supply route to Tochka?"

Germans were lined up on every road where wagons carrying drinking water traveled.

It seems that Leviathan has started to put pressure on Tochka in earnest.

There is already something suspicious about Germans disappearing from various parts of the civil war zone these days.

"Maybe an all-out war will break out soon."

The scale and level of the battle that will take place in Tochka may be small compared to the large-scale wars taking place throughout the empire's vast territory.

However, that was just the general public's view, and the devils probably quickly realized that Tochka was a gathering place for dangerous elements.

A trivial periphery where no one is interested or supports anything.

But who could guess that the final battle that will determine the survival of humanity will begin here?

Vikir closed his eyes and remembered what happened before he returned.

In the past, the Leviathan family led an army made up of countless Germans and surrounded Tochka.

Claiming that it is the duty and right of the great family to manage the estate on behalf of a family that has lost the ability to manage the original territory.

After that, a territorial war broke out.

It was so massive that it was thought to be a war between nations rather than a territorial war.

At the beginning of the war, the Allies clearly had the upper hand.

This is because at the forefront of the battlefield, the swordsmen of the Baskervilles and the wizards of the Morgue crushed the Germans with terrifying force.

When the Seven Counts of the Baskervilles, who were said to spend their lives solely in battle, and the Seven Knights, as well as the old and seasoned beasts of the Senate, who were thought to be old men in the backroom, came forward, the Germans went out like candles before the wind.

When the magicians of the Morg, the core power of the Morg, and the magicians of the dark place, the secret power that is not revealed, joined hands, the synergy effect was also enormous.

The Leviathan family, which had completely absorbed the Don Quixote family and the Usher family, also seemed to falter under their onslaught.

It was the moment when victory was tilted in this direction.

'… … And then it happened.'

The rainy season of evil fire.

A shower of fire and a flood of flames fell without stopping for a whopping 150 days.

The long rainy season that wiped out 98% of humanity. Season of disaster.

The final weapon of the demons that caused the greatest and most terrible damage to the human allied forces.

Cold sweat broke out on Bikir's forehead as he recalled the scene of that day when countless dead bodies formed a dark red horizon and the entire sky was ablaze.

… Gurgling!

The distant sky was turning dark.

Even the eerie red-colored clouds and the thunderstorms gave off a gloomy feeling.

The place where the original home of Leviathan, a poisonous hermit, is located.

There must be Germans gathering under those ominous dark clouds. German troops who had been deployed to various parts of the civil war zone are returning one after another.

"… … ."

Vikir looked around the Leviathan family's main home, but was unable to find a way to infiltrate the tight perimeter, so he had no choice but to turn back.

We tried to find out what they had done to produce so many Germans, but it was ultimately a failure.

"Still, it is a great harvest to find out that Germans are gathering in one place."

Now we had to return to our base and prepare for the upcoming major air raid.

"Because we have Dolores, we can put off worrying about the Red Death itself… … "The mere combat force itself is the problem."

There is no choice but to believe in the defense power of Tochka Fortress, where one soldier can defend against a hundred men.

Outside the strong fortress of Tochka, the evil spirits of the Red Death will be performing a mad masquerade.

In a land where infectious diseases are rampant, the inside and outside of the fortress have now become a completely different world.

Now everyone, centered around Saint Dolores, is locked inside the castle and must never go out.

Bikir also planned to close the gates and stage a sit-in once he returned to Tochka after completing this stealth.

"… … ."

Before taking a step, Vikir looked down at the cold body of the girl who had stopped moving for a long time.

How many more innocent lives will die in the future?

If the era of destruction comes, it will be faster to count the number of those who survive than the number of those who die.

Many more innocent, ignorant, innocent and innocent people will die.

no. Rather, the absolute majority of small citizens who are moderately calculating, moderately mean, moderately good, and moderately conscientious will all perish.


Bikir threw a lit match over the corpses of the Germans, including the girl who had just died.

Soon, an acrid smell spreads.

A small flame that bloomed on a land marred by drought and famine soon spread into a rage that seemed to burn the whole world down.

After seeing the corpses of countless Germans being burned, Vikir completely turned his back.

The night hound turns back.

A natural fortress specializing in defense and mercury.

Tochikaro, where his colleagues are waiting.

And to what will be the final battlefield.