Episode 458: Suwon area infiltration operation (5)

The ground is shaking.

A cloud of dust rose up along with the sound of horses' hooves.

Late at night, it was Viscount Baldini who rode his horse to the rear guard post.

[Where are you? Where have you gone? Find it quickly!]He gave orders to his subordinates in an urgent tone.

No matter how much he thought about it, Viscount Baldini must have been offended that he had given a pass to someone who did not have an ID card, so he quickly rode his horse and chased after him.

But he found nothing all the way to the rear post.

In the German archives in the back, no records of visits by high-ranking Germans could be found.

All that is visible is corpses, like by-products of war.

[damn. Nothing should have happened... … ]In the end, Viscount Baldini had no choice but to turn his horse around and return to his original guard post.

… … .

And soon, a presence appeared in the wasteland where Viscount Baldini had driven his horse back.

A few shadows stirred over the wasteland where only a few corpses of Germans were strewn about.

"Whoa… … "It was the most unpleasant blanket in the world."

Tudor lifted himself up, moving the corpse of the poisoner he was carrying aside.

"My whole body is damp from cold sweat. "If I had been caught, I would have been in big trouble."

"Si, I feel like my heart has become as big as a bean."

"Ugh… … "It's heavy and unpleasant."

Beside them, Sancho, Piggy, and Bianca also got up after removing the Germans' bodies.

The moment the pursuit party approached, all the night walkers who had received instructions from Bikir fell to the ground, each placing several corpses on top of their bodies, and avoided their gaze.

"… … "It was dangerous."

Bikir also cleared away the poison covering his body and stood up.

Then there were three people who followed Bikir and got up.

The first person to stick his head out from under Bikir's armpit was Camus.

She narrowed her eyes at Vikir's waistband on the other side.

"You're usually slow, but you're fast like this?"

"W-what am I?"

The person who looked up from Vikir's side was Dolores.

I couldn't have guessed that this was the place I quickly rushed to in a moment of crisis.

Camus said, glaring at Dolores.

"They say a well-behaved cat enters the kitchen first... … "There is nothing wrong with the old saying."

"Well, it's not like that, is it? Unfortunately, there were only German corpses here, and something similar had happened in the past when I was playing a drinking game in the dormitory, so I did it unconsciously... … ."

"what? dormitory? Drinking games? "How did this happen, boyfriend?"

"Who is your boyfriend!?"

Camus and Dolores widen their eyes at each other in Bikir.

And there was a voice stopping the two women.

"We're in front of enemy lines, so let's be careful~ Do you want to do that under a pile of corpses?"

Sinclair raises his head with a gentle expression.

However, her head is sticking out between Bikir's legs.

"hey! Why are you sticking out there? "This is so innocent that it's even better!"

"… … "I don't think that's what you want to say, Sinclair."

Camus, Dolores, and Sinclair began to engage in a subtle war of nerves over Bikir.

"… … ."

However, Bikir was watching ahead, not even paying attention to their argument.

Soon, the Germans began to appear beyond the red fog.

The Germans inside the fence did nothing and just stood blankly or walked around in circles.

"From now on, we will infiltrate the barracks."

"Are you breaking through to the center?"

"Yes. "You can just pass by, but the scale of Germans is unusual."

Bikir nodded his head in response to Tudor's question.

"These are probably the troops that will be mobilized for the siege tomorrow. "If we reduce it even a little, it will ease the burden of those who remain in the castle."

At Bikir's words, everyone's expressions changed again to determination.

Now, if we can escape this siege, we can go to the water source area.

Bikir and the members of the death squad went to the pile of earth that was sticking out, hid themselves, and peeked through the gap.

'Madame, it would have been nice if that guy was there… … .'

Bikir recalled his days as a night hound.

If I had had a partner at that time, Madam Baby, I would have been able to move much more freely, but unfortunately, I cannot imitate the movements of that time now.

at that time.

"How about digging a hole?"

Camus stepped forward.

Before Bikir could even open his mouth to say something, she took out an object from her pocket and put it on her face.

That is the picaresque mask, a mask that turns a person into a dog.

It was Dantalian's relic that Bikir handed over to Camus before going to the Nouvelle Vague.

Nucleus Nucleus -

Camus instantly turned into a dog with red fur.

"Ears, cute… … ."

Dolores stretched out her hand with sparkling eyes, but Camus waved it away.

Eventually, Camus, transformed into a dog, began to dig a burrow in a place where the soil rose high.

Papa papapak-

In an instant, a pile of dirt was piled up high, and an underground passage just as deep was created.

Camus, who had dug a tunnel all the way inside the fence, was wagging his tail and barking at Bikir.

In response to Camus' body writhing overtly asking to be stroked, Bikir quietly stroked her hair.

"You put the mask to good use."

"of course."

Camus, who has suddenly returned to his human body, narrows his eyes at Bikir.

Soon, the eight-member death squad came inside through a tunnel under the fence.

Thanks to the thick red fog, it is difficult to see ahead.

However, I could only feel the presence of dark red shadows moving around here and there.


The night hound bared its teeth.

The heads of several Germans wandering around the tunnel rolled on the floor without a sound.

Vikir nodded as he saw the sticky venom flowing from the cut side of the neck.

"… … It certainly has a huge amount of poison inside. "How on earth did they create this much poison?"

The number of poisons is enormous, and the amount of poison each one of them accumulates in the body is enormous.

To create this number of poisonous people, ordinary efforts would not even work.

'Compared to the Germans I saw before returning, they are not that weak. At this level, it would have only appeared in the latter half of the Battle of Demon Extermination.'

Vikir had no choice but to ponder once again the questions he had before the Tochka annihilation war began.

'I wonder how they created so many Germans. There must be a limit to the quantity of poison that can be mass-produced... … .'

Even before Vikir's return, the mystery of how Leviathan was able to produce so many Germans was never solved.

… … however.

Something was different in this life.

"Brother. excuse me-"

Sinclair, who had a good sense of humor, poked Vikir on the shoulder.

What Sinclair managed to discover was a black barracks beyond the red fog.

Vikir strained his eyes and stared at the fog for a long time.

Then, the scenery beyond the fog slowly revealed itself.

Tsutsutsutsutsu… …

The sight of Germans sparsely visible through the fog-like fog is like charcoal left in a burned-out forest.

They were lined up in a row and entering the black barracks one by one.

And on the other side of the barracks, the Germans who had just entered were coming out one by one, and their bodies were getting bigger, their limbs were getting longer, and they were twisting themselves into even more grotesque shapes.

'… … Are you going to recharge the poison inside there and then come out? It even seems like his strength is getting stronger.'

Bikir noticed a large German who was just entering the barracks.

[Greya-Garl … ]A poisonous man with knife marks and burn marks all over his body, perhaps an individual who returned alive from today's Tochika annihilation battle.

After entering the barracks, it disappeared for a long time, but after a few minutes it crawled out through an exit on the other side of the barracks.

The long limbs were twisted and bent like those of an insect, and the originally hideous face was distorted into something horrifying.

[Geeeeeeek-]The knife marks that had left his entire body in tatters had completely disappeared.

As if boasting overflowing miasma and vitality, it twisted its body and disappeared beyond the red fog.

"Judging by my 'rich hat' being nervous, it looks like there's some kind of artifact or something. It's also very strong. "It seems like you're using that to poison the Germans?"

After hearing Sinclair's words, Vikir nodded.

Sinclair is a new character who was not present in the original history, and what Sinclair discovered and guessed may be the key to changing the original fate.

"There isn't much left to reach the water source, but… … "We will have to destroy this facility to some extent in preparation for tomorrow's defensive battle."

It was necessary to put the brakes on the Leviathan so that it could no longer charge the Germans.

Even for the sake of my comrades who will face them inside Fortress Tochka tomorrow.

Since paralyzing the facilities here did not conflict with heading toward the water source, all members of the death-defying team nodded.

"But how do we destroy the German manufacturing plant? It seems difficult to simply break through."

Tudor asked.

From the looks of it, it looks like a high-ranking member of the Leviathan family is located in that black barracks located high up on the dirt mountain.

Moreover, since it is a place where a huge number of Germans are gathered, the only way to act hastily is to die.

They would go so far as to destroy a place that seemed difficult to simply pass by.

However, Bikir opened his mouth with a confident voice.

"There is a secret weapon prepared for this moment."



Vikir brought out what had been hidden deep within the thick hem of the blood.

"Bikir!? When did you get so big... … !?"

It was something that made everyone in the death squad's eyes widen.