Episode 470: The beginning of a counterattack (6)

The nature of Leviathan.

… Flash!

The entire basement became brightly lit.

The space movement magic circle that occupied a huge area completely lost its effectiveness.

This magic circle, which allows you to travel extremely long distances in just one go, requires a huge amount of money and manpower to install, but its effect is certain.

Flauros stood up in a state of complete disrepair.

As he walked out of the halo of light, his left arm and chest were completely torn off.

[Damn you demon hunter. I was persistent until the end... … ]It would have been truly dangerous if the heart had not been moved to the right at the moment of crisis.

One thousand losses. The moment you feel relieved at the end, you may have lost your life.

'The devil kills.'

The demon hunter's last growl was still vivid in my ears.

Flauros trembled once.

And then he was surprised at how his body reacted.

'… … 'Am I shaking?'

A fear deeply imprinted in the unconscious.

Flauros shook his head and tried to shake off his thoughts.

'That can't be possible. It's just a result of consuming too much magical power. 'I'm tired.'

But I couldn't help but feel sick inside.

In any case, it is true that in the end, he was chased away by a mere human.

Flauros sat down on a chair in a corner of the stone chamber.

Then, with his bloodshot eyes shining, he opened his mouth.

[Once again, all German soldiers are sent to Tochka. This time there will be no comparison with the Battle of Suwon.]Even if water was drawn from the water source, life would only be extended by three days at most.

Tochka, which lacked drinking water, was not a suitable place for a sit-in protest.

[The poison here is infinite. It's a fight you can't lose.]In other words, the demon hunters stuck in Tochka are still just flies.

All you have to do is bring in more troops and completely isolate them.

This was also a battle of pride.

It is a fight to restore the pride that was torn away during the Battle of Suwon.

'I will not leave a single human in Tochka alive.'

Flauros looked at the Ouroboros spear in his hand.

The two snakes that crawled out of the sack made of hell trees entered the jar again, biting each other's tails, spinning around and starting to create poisonous fog.

Infinite poison. Infinite poison. There is no family or force that can stop the current Leviathan family.

The same was true even if it was a union of the remaining families.

'Soon the first prince will become emperor. Even in a civil war or a racial war, I become the victor. And that will be the right time to achieve a great cause.'

When Flauros was hesitating about his future plans.

The black-robed man who had collapsed in the magic circle got up and seemed to have come to his senses.

Harvester. Flauros, looking at him, smiled with Hobbes' face.

[Well done, my successor. Thanks to this, I was able to grant the crown prince's request. It was the most appropriate decision to sow the seeds of the Maw Tree in the end.]"… … ."

The harvester stands still and does not respond.

Flauros waved his hand, probably thinking it was because of fatigue.

[okay. It must be very difficult. Go and rest. We will be busy mass-producing poisonous bottles for a while, so return to the production site as soon as your stamina recovers.]"… … ."

[And as soon as the poison army is completed, it heads straight to Tochka. This is the time to end it once and for all. Soon our family will rule the world.]At Flauros' words, the harvester simply bowed his head deeply.

* * *

The harvester took off the black hood that covered his face.

There was pale skin, deep dark circles, and the face of a young man whose youthful appearance had not gone away despite the passage of time.


He sighed deeply and sank into the sofa.

He entered the Colosseo Academy, the best university in the empire, as the third son of Leviathan, a highly poisonous hermit, and returned to his family after earning the honor of graduating early as the valedictorian. He became a member of 'Comprachicos', a core force of Leviathan's original family and one of the strongest poison mutants. His life was clearly solid as he rose to the rank of captain of 'Comprachicos'.

… … but.

Although he succeeded in obtaining the high position he had longed for, a position where he received recognition and respect from everyone in his family, and a much more successful life than his arrogant older brothers, he could not help but feel somewhat empty.

Since when did it start?

… … What did you do when you saw that your uncle, whom you had been close to since childhood, who was eccentric but always kind to you, was slowly becoming mentally unstable after participating in a drug experiment?

… … Or when you watched your classmates die in the abyss?

… … What if you were put in a position where you had to silently look down on the process of countless people turning into Germans?

In the midst of this chain of thoughts, a voice suddenly resonated in Grenouille's head.

'I don't think you're a bad person. Because we were friends... … '

Piggy. A classmate whose face was blurry and had nothing special, but for some reason I remembered.

The moment I remembered his end, my hands, which had never trembled during the entire time I had killed so many people, began to tremble.

One day, the voice of a friend I heard a long time ago also lingers in my ears.

'Why are you so nice to me?'

'… … Well, we're friends.'

Grenouille bit his lip.


Grenouille himself could not define exactly how to express the emotions he felt upon reuniting with him.

However, what clearly comes to mind is that those eyes that did not break down until the end were indeed the same as before.

A guy who always had a reason for everything he did.

Even though he was a classmate of the same age, he was someone I couldn't help but follow and respect, and although I always tried to chase after him and surpass him, I couldn't even reach him in the end.

That guy has crossed the unimaginably harsh lines of fire and is now standing here, blocking him.

Just as there has always been belief and reason behind one's actions, it will be the same this time as well.

Grenouille groaned in a low voice.

As my thoughts reached this point, a question that I had been putting off for a long time arose.

'Am I living properly right now?'

Mass produce poisonous soldiers to wipe out hostile forces and make the 1st Crown Prince emperor.

The true unification of the empire, uniting the seven divided powers into one.


At that moment, Grenouille felt a foreign body sensation in his left chest.

necklace. With a small brooch in the shape of lips.

It's an item I've been wearing around my neck for a while, but have never really paid much attention to.

But today, this caught Grenouille's attention especially.

"… … 'Putting lips'."

An artifact I received as a prize from the college league when I was a freshman.

In fact, the ranking at that time would have been impossible if not for Bikir.

"Everyone else got good artifacts, but I was sullen because I got something useless."

It is an artifact that tells the truth by answering 'yes' or 'no' only once, no matter what the question is.

This artifact, which is said to have been made from the cut lips of a real wise man a long time ago, allowed each person to ask only one question.

Cool time is about 100 years. In fact, it can be seen as an artifact just for Grenouille.

"… … ."

Grenouille quietly looked at his dry lips.

Now that I think about it, I remember. The conversation I had with my classmate when I first got this artifact.

'What is this to me?'

'Why does it look like a very good artifact? Sometimes I have a lot of doubts about whether I am living well. I think it would be a good idea to ask at that time.'

'… … Tsk, why do I have such skepticism? I'm always living well! People should be confident!'

Sinclair. The words that the woman he had once admired, smiling brightly, suddenly popped out of Grenouille's old memories.

"… … "It's the right lips."

Grenouille recalled the series of events that had occurred so far.

A life full of inferiority complex where he was ignored by his older brothers, the pressure of having to live up to his family's expectations, the tragedy of Uncle Sikkeok, who was his only refuge, geniuses from other families he met at the academy, a small friendship that bloomed in the underworld, rapid success at his home, Sue. The appointment as a commander who commands countless German soldiers, the task of transforming countless people into Germans, and war... … Another war... … .

Grenouille raised his head.

A black cloak hanging on a hanger, and a huge scythe leaning at an angle.

Grenouille reached out, wrapped himself in a cloak, and picked up a scythe.

Life harvester. Grenouille turned his head and looked at the scene unfolding beyond the darkness.

Among the numerous iron bars, Germans were seen scratching the bars with their teeth and fingernails.

Beings that were once people. Designed to cause people to lose their senses due to drugs and abuse and hate everything in this world.

Grenouille turned his head.

Then he lifted his hand and placed it on his left chest.

"… … My father said. They are evil, we are good, and we, Leviathan, will become the best family and furthermore, we will become prophets who will revive mankind. "They are small sacrifices for that day, and after death, they will be saved by God and enjoy glory and power forever as heroes who stood at the forefront of the temple."

Thought after thought bites my tail.

My father's words, my uncle's last appearance, classmates who reunited on the battlefield after graduation... … .

yet. Grenouille opened his eyes as if he had made a decision.

After thinking about it three times, he finally put his hand on his left chest and asked.

"Is the judgment I'm about to make right?"

And soon, a small light erupted from Grenouille's left chest.

… Dalssak!

The right lips were trying to give a proper answer.