Episode 480: Urban sea battle (2)


Don Quixote's Invincible Armada.

When it comes to naval warfare, it is a military unit that boasts the strongest military power of the empire.

There was thick darkness ahead of the numerous ships moving through the blue waters of the Changhae.

Vikir, the bow of the boat running at the forefront, was lost in thought as he faced the strong sea breeze.

'Infinite darkness covers the world. This was definitely one of Ilbeonsi's abilities.'

The ecliptic sky, which is always clear, now shows neither moonlight nor starlight.


… Quack! slam-

There are only tsunami waves of enormous height that keep coming.

"Is this going to cause the boat to capsize?"

Bianca said as if she was worried.

But Tudor, standing next to her, just snorted.

"Don Quixote's ship capsized by just this much of a tsunami? "No way!"

It was literally like that.

True to its name, the Invincible Armada advanced through the tsunami without a single ship running aground.

The huge ships were connected to each other with thick chains, so the whole was like one, and each was like the whole.

Yeonhwangye (連環計). A tactic of connecting ships with chains.

Thanks to this strategy suggested by Bikir, the Invincible Armada's breakthrough power was greatly doubled.

Camus, who saw it, nodded and admired it.

"It's a good method as long as you watch out for fire attacks."

"There is no need to worry about being attacked by fire even though the rain is pouring down like this."

"that's right. It's the best method available at this point. "He's my boyfriend after all!"

Camus grinned at Vikir's answer and tapped Vikir's arm.

Right then.

"… … !"

As soon as Camus got closer, Bikir's expression changed.


"… … ?"

Camus was greatly embarrassed by Bikir's unexpected remark.

She hurriedly smelled the scent coming from her body.

"W-what is it? what? Do I smell? Do you wash every day? Hey, I just finished brushing my teeth! I'm meeting my boyfriend, but I don't know... … Oh, or should I have at least sprayed some perfume? I was already worried because I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to carry perfume into the battlefield... … Hey, maybe I was sweating when I did gymnastics in the morning... … ?"

"Not that smell."

Bikir dismissed Camus' words, his face turning red as if it were about to explode.

"The smell of the devil."

"… … !"

"Half a unique, faint smell."

Then Camus' expression hardened.

"That's strange. Right now, Seere only accounts for a very small amount of my body, so it shouldn't smell that much, right?"

"It doesn't come from you."

Bikir answered in a low voice.

In the past, when Camus was working as the 'Corpse Queen', she shared half of her body with Seere the Eighth.

At that time, Bikir had already smelled the half-demon scent of Camus once and imprinted it on his nose.

And right now. A smell similar to that time was being carried by the sea breeze.

Right in front, in the direction of the Imperial Palace, which is considered a key area in the imperial capital, the center of the empire.

"… … !"

Camus too could soon smell what Bikir was talking about.

Indeed, this smell, clearly felt even from afar, was thick and strong.

"It's a strange smell. "It's not your typical devil's thing."

Iyen, who was on top of the watchtower, jumped down and said.

She had spent an intense time in the abyss, and in the process of killing countless demons, demons, and fairies, she was able to smell this kind of scent.

"surely… … I feel a slightly different energy than before. It's a lot more ominous, but it feels just as unstable. "Different from the level of strength."

Dolores, who came out of the cabin below deck, also had a serious expression on her face.

"It feels similar to when I was with Camus, but it's also a little different. When I was with Camus, I felt like I was half human and half demon... … "I guess this feeling is just like half of the devil remaining."

Sinclair, who was organizing the anchor rope, also agreed with everyone's opinion.

After being covered in the blood of the Dragon Demon in the Maw Tree, she too seemed to have gained some sense of her own.

Buzz buzz-

Bikir heard the cries of Beelzebub, who was sleeping inside his wrist.

And the exact same cries were coming from behind deck.


As she was staring at Vikir in silence, the demonic sword Asmodeus was emitting a Beelzebub-like cry from around her waist.

Bikir asked Decarabia, who was hanging on his chest.

"Do you know anything about Ilbeonsi?"

[…] … Am I a knowledge vending machine? Don't treat me like that saint over there.]

Dolores, who was next to him, became angry at Decarabia's words, but was stopped by Camus and Iyen's dissuasion.

"calm down. "It's not wrong."

"Haha - During the Battle of Tochika, it was actually a holy water vending machine."

"You, that's too much! You worked hard to protect yourself from behind! This is why healers lose money! If you do well, it won't be noticeable, but if you don't, it will be noticeable... … ."

"calm down. "If it weren't for you, Tochika would have fallen a long time ago."

"right. Holy power was a miraculous power. "It's my first time seeing this."

Dolores, Sinclair, and Circo also said something.

But in the meantime, Bikir was only focused on Decarabia's answer.

[Wow! It's the first hour. The body structure is heterogeneous. Ordinary living creatures tend to divide individuals based on their bodies, but that concept does not apply to him.]

"… … "What does that mean?"

[therefore. Aren't you going to divide and determine human beings based on yourself? There is only one person called you. And if there is a human that satisfies the same criteria, two. Another three. four. five… … . But it is not the first hour. Two can be one, and one can be two. According to common sense, foundation is impossible because the standard for dividing self from non-self is outside the human concept.]

"I have no idea what you're talking about. So, I guess it means he has a unique body structure like you?"

Decarabia is a thing-type demon that falls into a fairly unique category among demons.

In that case, Ilbeonsi could also be difficult to deal with.

[anyway. I don't know much either. Ilbunsi is a person with a lot of secrets. but… … .]

Decarabia lowered his voice as if he was revealing a very important secret.

[I only heard that the roles of 'those who close the door' and 'those who open the door' are separate. This is all I know.]

Bikir frowned at the Zen question that became more confusing the more he heard it.

Having lived an upright and upright life his whole life, he doesn't really like this kind of round-the-clock conversation.

Just when Bikir was about to ask another question.

"emergency! "There's a tsunami ahead!"

I heard ThindiWendy shouting from the watchtower of the ship next to me.

Everyone quickly grabbed hold of the railing and fixed their gaze towards the front.


A wave of water rising with tremendous force.

It seemed like a black hill was rising, and then waves rose so high that I thought they might reach the sky.

It felt like watching the entire skin of the sea surface peel off.

"… … "Mmm!"

Tudor also looked quite nervous.

Even the strongest fleet could be in danger in the face of a tsunami of that magnitude.


"Pusssssssssssssss, what are you so worried about?"

The Marquis de Sade, who was sitting in front of the bow and holding a fishing rod, looked completely carefree.

He tilted his head crookedly and asked Don Quixote's knights, including Tudor.

"Have you forgotten who you are with now?"

… … ?

Everyone tilted their heads.

Right at that moment.


There seemed to be a tremendous roar coming from the front, and the tsunami in front of me was torn apart in an instant.

A tsunami that collapses helplessly, leaving a gaping hole.

And everyone on board saw.

The moment the tsunami rises to attack the fleet, a hand grabs the back of the tsunami with tremendous force and pulls it down.

… Puff!

Soon, the hand holding the line of the fishing rod that the Marquis de Sade was holding popped out of the water.

The person who landed on the deck of the ship was a killer whale with white spots on its black skin.

"Sometimes you have to relieve yourself like this."

Orca, who took the form of a killer whale-type beastman, said as he put a damp cigarette on the cigarette that Lieutenant Colonel Bastille had given him.

Puff puff puff!

The heads of each family were in charge of disposing of the fragments of the tsunami that Orca destroyed in the water.

Even though they were fragments, each and every piece of water was of considerable size and was flying in all directions.

… chin!

The person perched on the railing in front of Vikir, with his black hair flowing, is the strange bird Osiris.

He, who had just destroyed a huge tsunami, suddenly felt Bikir's gaze and turned his head.

If he is an older brother, is it because he is an older brother? Osiris immediately read the emotions in Vikir's eyes.

"Are you worried about your father's business?"

Bikir didn't bother to answer.

And Osiris didn't bother to ask either.

However, Osiris turned around and added.

"I also couldn't understand my father's actions."

"… … ."

"But I sympathized."

"… … !"

I can't understand it, but I can sympathize with it. Although there are cases of the opposite, these cases are extremely rare.

Osiris turned his head.

His gaze was focused on ThindiWendy on the lookout of the next ship.

"Maybe someday you'll understand."

Osiris left a muttering, 'It's not necessary to understand,' and disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared.

"… … ."

Bikir was lost in thought.

The women who are following him, the father who has turned white, the cold gate of destruction, and the final negotiation with the last Sipsanshi.

My stomach is shaking violently and my heart is also pounding.

Vikir took a deep breath.

The boat may be rocked, but the mind must not be rocked.

This is especially true at important moments like now.

Bikir shook his head to shake off any random thoughts.

There is no need to think too far about the future.

only one.

"The devil kills."

All we need to do is go all in on the head-to-head match against No. 1 City, which is just around the corner.


There was something visible in the center of the world, which at first glance seemed to be a vast chaos, with the blackened sky and water.

I saw a pointed building rising into the horizon.

Cirko shouted while standing on the railing.

"Is that the central clock tower? "I've seen it in books!"

The symbol of the ecliptic, which overshadowed the passage of time, was seen standing tall, showing off its unchanging majesty.

The center of a big city where everything, including the Colosseo Academy, was submerged in water.

A fleet advancing over a city that was once a symbol of prosperity and fashion.

It was a full-fledged yet somewhat bitter entry into the Imperial Capital.