Episode 486: The Marquis of Discord (4)


[The realm of Type 9 is beyond the threshold of death... … ]

A voice breaking into a distant place.

The supreme realm that I looked into for an extremely brief moment left a mark on my retina.

As a result of drawing the scenery there in the air like a hand-drawn ink painting, nine teeth were created, which was said to be absolutely impossible in life.

The trajectory of a cluster of living stars.

… Flash!

The state of Baskerville Type 9 was shown.


Blood spurts from Andras' mouth.

The nine teeth that tore through the boundary between life and death instantly tore Andras' body into tatters.

Bikir stood still with a blank expression.

At first glance, the posture is just standing there in a state of fascination.

But Andras's eyes were showing something completely different.


A dark red aura rising with terrifying force.

A dog of death with a black body, bright red eyes and an open mouth.

[…] … is it. Well, since Jjambap has experienced death several times, it might be possible to go through the stages of life and death alive. But I never thought I would really reach it.]

Andras muttered in surprise.

However, there was still a strange composure in the way he pulled out the sword from his waist.


A red-hot flame burns on the hilt of a sword that appears to have been made by kneading volcanic ash in water.

Kazanbai, one of the seven guitas, fell on Bikir's head.

The magic sword Beelzebub blocks the fire that falls vertically, deflects it, and immediately counterattacks.

… Cough! earth! Kang! Kwagigigigeek-

Fragments of the aura are scattered in all directions along with countless sparks.

'I'm glad I only have one sword.'

Vikir thought as he struck Andras' sword away.

Before returning, Andras, who originally carried two swords, Kazanbai and Asmodeus, was now using only one sword.

It was much easier to deal with the dual swordsman since he was only using one sword.

[Tch. Is it still difficult with a divided body? We have to become one properly... … ]

Andras adjusted his posture, his eyes shining.

Vikir radiated a dark red aura and gathered all nine teeth into one place.

… Rumbling!

black sun. A more massive and gigantic star appeared.

A huge, black, slashing sphere that sucks everything in front of it into its center and crushes it from the inside.

Andras, who saw that, laughed as if he was dumbfounded.

[In the final match, after awakening at the end, fight 1:1 with the final boss. Isn't it such an obvious cliché?]

"There's a reason why stories sell well."

[…] … That is correct.]

At the same time, a dull noise erupted.

Andras' face was split horizontally and blown away, leaving only the mouth.


Vikir's sword comes back bent at a strange angle in the air.

Andras instantly regenerated his face and then spread his wings and stepped back.


In the blink of an eye, dozens of battles took place.

… Flash!

The thousand fire flames emitted by Andras melted the surrounding golden pillars.

Vikir slashed through the flowing ceiling and pillars.

Andras also struck down his flaming sword and confronted Vikir.

At the moment when the final clash was expected, Bikir felt as if someone was standing behind him.

The warmth on my back that I felt on the battlefield of Tochka.

A reassurance that I didn't want to admit.

Soon, a small voice echoed in Bikir's ears.

'You've grown up well.'

A voice that is heard clearly as if speaking right next to you.

The moment he remembered that memory, Bikir felt an unprecedented emotion welling up in his heart.

These intense emotions, like congestion, are directed towards Hugo, his father.

It was something that I had ignored, suppressed, and destroyed throughout my two lives.

And it burst out like an explosion, carrying the aura of the tip of the sword.

… Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak!

A straight line formed by the movement of a huge, swirling black sun.

Black lightning.

It soon splits into nine trajectories and extends towards the front.

Nine teeth that drive, hold, tear, cut, dismember, sever, crush, mince, and crush each.

The perfect form of Baskerville swordsmanship that tears the whole world apart.

The 'ultimate level of murderous intent' shown by the Cane Corso unfolds in the tomb of the stabbing.

It is a level of swordsmanship that was not even in the era of destruction.

Even for Andras, the pinnacle of predators, this was his first time experiencing it.

[What nonsense… … !?]

A slash that goes beyond eight directions and tears through all nine directions.

Andras struggled in the midst of a torrent that crushed his entire body.

But the outcome was already decided.

The swirling wind and the fragments of aura fluttering everywhere are oxidized with intense flames.

… Quick!

The blade broke.

Kazanbai, one of the seven ghosts, was turning red and breaking down, shedding red flames.

The same was true for Andras' body.

Red lava boils from cracks all over the body.

The wings were crumbling and the eyelids were turning black and dry.

Bikir felt that everything was over.

Even though I used up all my body's strength, I got what I wanted as a result.

First o'clock. It was the life of Andras, the 'Marquis of Discord'.

… thud!

Finally, Andras, the final enemy, knelt.

Bikir stretched out the magic sword Beelzebub for the final negotiation.

"The devil kills."

Absolutely immutable logic that does not change even if you die or wake up.

The ideology of demon hunters can be said to be dogma itself.

… … However, there was one more absolute thing that did not change.

[I can't help it.]

That is the devil's malice toward humans.

It is the same smile that is forming on Andras' face even though all his strength has been used up.

[Did you say there is a reason for stories that sell well?]

Black darkness once again emanated from Andras' dying eyes.

[…] … I also agree.]

Even Vikir could not help but pause at the strange composure of Andras, who was showing signs of extinction.

[In the final match, after awakening at the end, fight 1:1 with the final boss. In the end, the main character overcomes through the power of love and friendship. In that case, the villain's final struggle must also be present, right? True despair.]

"The concept of emptiness does not work."

[Hehehe - I don't use such shallow tricks.]

The ominous darkness emanating from Andras' eyes was becoming increasingly darker.

Suddenly, Vikir overlapped Andras' current appearance with his past memories.

It was the last of the third poem, Andrealphus, and this poem, Flauros.

Both of the demons I had killed previously tried to open the 'Door of Destruction' by risking their lives in the end.

Of course, the price was heavy.

Sure enough, Andras said.

[I too have no choice but to open the gates of destruction by putting my own magic and life as collateral.]

"Stop with this nonsense. "I know that the gates of destruction can only be opened once."

There is information already obtained from Seere and Decaravia.

The Gate of Destruction can only be opened once in this life, no matter how powerful the devil is.

Since Flauros has already failed to open and maintain the Gate of Destruction this time, the Gate of Destruction will no longer be opened in this world.

"I'm sorry, but Flauros has already opened the door to destruction. And he failed to keep it open. "Because of this heavy rain and great flooding that is happening right now."

[Oh, was that your doing? It's just that at that moment, the world's 'last remaining dragon' awakens... … I thought it was just bad luck, but it wasn't.]

"Once a door is opened, once closed, it's over. Now that door can never be opened again. "No matter what sacrifices you make."

Andras chuckled at Bikir's assertion.

[…] … Well, is that really the case?]

Andras laughed bitterly. And he continued speaking in a relaxed tone.

[I am truly sorry. There is one more door of destruction. Moreover, it is already wide open.]

"… … !"

Bikir's eyes widened.

Then Decarabia, who was hanging on Vikir's chest, shouted.

[It's ugly, Andras. You're trying to survive his life with lies like that. There is only one door to destruction. In the first place, it takes so much mana that it takes ten devil-level demons to join forces to make one, so how can you make two of them!]

[Hahahaha- What is it, Decaravia? You look funny. But what I said is not a lie. Another door to destruction is already open.]

After finishing speaking, Andras burst into laughter.

[No, what is one?! You can open more than a hundred!]

at the same time.

Andras gathered his last remaining mana and summoned black magic circles around him one after another.


Dozens of black portals drawn in the air.

They are all magic circles that do not require a lot of mana.


"… … !"

At that moment, Bikir's expression became even more rigid.

[you. I called.]

A fragment of the conversation they had with Andras when they first met ran through Vikir's mind.

[It means I was the one who brought you back.]

What Andras summoned was not a portal to polar hell.

'Oh no!'

A world line where the door to Polar Hell is already open.

It was a portal to the world where Vikir originally lived before returning.