Stay Out of My Head.

"Wow~ You've really done it now~"

Fiona could only say this as she watched the look of intense anger spread across Mark's face. Fiona knew that Grey was already saying too much and it would not end well for him! She was not surprised by the anger that Mark was showing now.

Mark has been listening to Grey right from the beginning. At first, Mark only thought that Grey was a little annoying. He didn't care that Grey didn't believe him about his patron god, and he wasn't going to bother trying to explain himself! But the more Grey spoke, the more the anger inside him kept growing until Grey finally said something about Arit! Mark slammed his fist on the table, and it came crashing down to the floor like it was made of Styrofoam! Even Tyler could feel the great amount of anger radiating off Mark!

When Mark spoke, it sent a shiver through Grey's body from how intense it was!

"Hey, you fucking cockroach, are you threatening me right now? Are you threatening me with my friend's life? Do you think that I won't tear your mouth apart just because you're a member of the NSA? I fucking dare you to say her name one more time."

Grey's throat felt extremely dry and he had to swallow nervously as he saw Mark's gaze becoming murderous! Maybe he went too far in trying to recruit Mark.

"Sorry. Perhaps I went too far right now. I shouldn't have tried to use that as a recruiting strategy. If you'll let me start over again."

"No. Get out."

Mark said this in a final tone and Grey's mouth snapped shut as he ran a hand through his hair! He would have tried to argue, but he knew that he was not in a position to try and stand his ground! Grey knew that if Mark hit him here, then he would definitely be visiting the ER! Even if Grey was superhuman, he was nothing compared to Mark! Grey looked from Fiona to Tyler, and he noticed how both of them were just ignoring him and allowing Mark to do whatever he wanted!

Why would Fiona try to help him? 

Fiona was interested in Mark and she wanted to try and recruit him into her Artemis guild later so why should she help the NSA to recruit him!? Fiona was not going to stop Grey from trying to recruit Mark since she still wanted a good relationship with the NSA, but that doesn't mean she needed to bail him out when he does something as stupid as this!

Grey was on his own and he could only swallow his pride and pack up his books! Grey knew he was going to get a serious warning from his boss later because of how he handled this situation!

"I apologize once more. Another representative will come to speak to you and show you the information that you wanted to see. I never intended to sour your relationship with the NSA."

Immediately after saying this, Grey left the room, and Mark leaned back and sighed silently as he let go of his anger. Fiona only chuckled slightly as she appreciated how Mark handled the situation. Mark might be a teenager, but he was definitely not a pushover! Most superhumans would either agree to what Grey said or they would get so angry that they would immediately attack Grey, but Mark was able to control his anger and only told Grey to get out! That showed a lot of restraint from Mark and now Fiona wanted him in her guild even more than before!

But Fiona still held back from saying anything about recruiting him as she spoke.

"Very impressive. That was quite a lot of restraint from you to not attack that man~ it will not be so bad having someone like you on my side~ A little brother that I could dote over as much as he wanted~"

[[Potential Danger] has been neutralized]

Mark glanced at his system as another prompt came up, telling him that Fiona was once again trying to use her blessing on him, and he eyed her with an irritated look on his face! Why was she so adamant to get inside his head and make him into her little brother!? Was it some sort of fetish that she had? Or was it something related to her blessing that gave her more control over people? She has become more and more subtle with the way she tried to use her blessing on him, and it was starting to piss Mark off!

Fiona blinked as she saw the irritated look on Mark's face, and she immediately figured that Mark was not under her influence this time either! But this time, there was something different! At first, Fiona thought that Mark could just repel her blessing and she assumed that she only needed to be more subtle about how she used her blessing so that he would not notice at all, but she was wrong! It wasn't that Mark could only repel her blessing, it was like Mark knew exactly when she used her blessing and he was able to tell when she tried to put him under her influence even if it was barely noticeable!

How irritating! 

Fiona's pride took a big hit as she realized this and she huffed internally! She has never seen anyone that could withstand her blessing when it was that subtle! Fiona could put subtle suggestions into people's heads and make them do whatever she wanted! If she was subtle enough, then they would never even know that they were under her control! They would just think that they were doing what they always wanted to do! But Fiona couldn't do that to Mark and it pissed her off!

"Stop trying to get inside my head. It's starting to piss me off. Next time you try something like that, we will settle it the old fashioned way. And I will not hold back just because you are a woman."

Mark said this to Fiona while turning towards the door as another person entered and Fiona immediately understood what Mark meant by 'the old-fashioned way'! Was Mark really thinking of fighting her!? She had no intention of doing that and she huffed like a child and crossed her legs before folding her hands under her large breasts and making it bounce slightly as she turned away from Mark in annoyance!

"You're not cute at all, little brother. Who wouldn't be happy being one of my underlings and serving my every whim? I'll take care of you so much you'll think you're in heaven."

Fiona could only say this as she turned away, but she didn't try to get into Mark's head anymore. Fiona knew that trying to get into his head again was only going to antagonize him, and she didn't want him to be too angry with her so that when she tried to get him to join her guild, he would at least think about it. And also, Fiona knew already tell that in a straight fight between her and Mark, he would fuck her up! 

Fiona wasn't a physically established superhuman. She was strong, but she couldn't compare to the likes of Tyler or Mark in physical abilities! She depended more on her ability to make her enemy let down their guard when she got inside their head!

It would be a disaster to fight Mark when she couldn't even use her blessing on him.