Took You Long Enough.

Arit wondered if she should say something about the voice to Mark. She knew that he had already gone through a lot to help her, so he would want to know about the voice, but Arit shook her head internally as she decided not to say anything. Mark already did a lot for her and she didn't want to burden him with something that might not be a big deal. Arit could shut the voice up if it got too annoying, so she was sure that she could handle it.

Arit fell in line beside Mark and spoke up animatedly as she smiled up at him.

"I still can't believe you are a superhuman!"

"After all this? You still can't believe it?"

"It's not even been ten hours since I found out! It's still shocking! And I can't believe you told Pat but you didn't tell me!"

Mark grinned.